Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1005: I—have come to my aunt?

Uncle Warlock is very classical and oriental. His skills in sleeves are actually his thorough use of void technology. This so-called space is actually the privatized industry of Uncle Warlock. Whether he is used as a potato cellar or built into a different-dimensional cemetery, it is 20% off rental The sale is completely legal and completely free-although in actual operation, due to some indescribable and strange attributes that have to be dealt with, even a completely privatized plane space will often leak some items into the world.

Well, this is completely acceptable to the warlock, after all, habit is natural.

As a warlock bloodline, throwing things when performing Apparition is already a basic exercise. Is this common sense?


Master Warlock has never lost such a huge object! And he did not apparate at all! This is a double insult to personality and technique!

You said it’s not uncommon for you to lose a key chain and a wallet, even if you lose yourself—what's the difference? Have you ever seen anyone lose a mountain? This warlock is not someone Lin Moumou can turn his head around and lose himself!

Such a big wooden mountain, what about the big wooden mountain that this warlock placed in his back garden?

There are ten thousand warlocks who can't figure it out.


It's rare to be so happy today.

Hey, there are people who are willing to accompany this warlock to drink and chat, bragging, I...

"Huh? Where are the people!"


"What kind of operation is this? How did you roll yourself so flat? That's an exaggeration, the fat on this stomach is almost compressed into abdominal muscles!"


On the bed in the hut, Lin Chou stretched a big lazy waist, refreshed.

Yesterday, the gift headache of the dog beep system has completely disappeared, and Boss Lin is alive and kicking again.


Lin Chou almost didn't roll off the bed.

"What's the **** situation? This handsome...has come to my aunt?"

Lin Chou's soft and comfortable bed was almost completely stained red, bright red.

The keen intuition of the chef told him that this is genuine human blood, not a joke or prank like ketchup red ink.

Furthermore, Lin Chou said that it might even be his own blood, and the taste might even be a bit ripe.

——Also, why are my heart and hands aching?

Lin Chou looked at his hands, they were white, slender, and clean.

This is a pair of hands of destiny who practice the Five Dragons Holding Pillar Technique all the year round. If you are qualified, you may be able to see that these hands are covered with the true meaning of life, wrapped in the roar of angry souls...

Keke, in short, there is nothing on the hand, no trace of bleeding.

Look at my heart again...


The clothes are torn.

"Could it be that I was conspired last night?"

"It is normal to have no wounds. With my physique, even if I have a wound as big as Huang Dashan's head, it is estimated that it will heal completely within an hour, right?"

"But it's weird that there are no traces of bleeding..."

Well, I definitely didn't come to my aunt.

He has not been injured either.

So Lin Moumou's first thought was to destroy this set of sheets and even the bed-it would be too much fun if others saw it.

After spending half an hour destroying all traces, Lin Chou struggled.

"Oops... what about my bed..."

After patronizing the violent law enforcement, Lin Chou didn't realize that the bed was not in the scope of the system's reimbursement.

In other words...

At your own expense!

However, this is undoubtedly tantamount to letting boss Lin abolish himself.

Boss Lin's refreshment suddenly became quite bad. When the guests for breakfast began to line up, he was still wondering whether there was any salt in the pig blood soup and tripe soup.

Wu Ke said carefully,

"Brother Chou, are you okay... You have been staring at the two pots of soup for half an hour..."

Everyone knows that Boss Lin has a rather weird personality-but what does this expression of running away from home and traveling with a soul full of soul mean?

I knock...

Isn’t it because Boss Lin is going to run away again...

The people in the line behind became more and more scared as they thought about it. For a long time, no one dared to speak, and stood there in panic at a loss.

These guys are shrewd.

What if Lin Chou really ran away if he said something wrong?

This has only been open for a few days...

Don't even think about knowing that if Lin Chou ran away, even if there was nothing to do with him, he would have to carry the pot-how dare you to carry so many high-level evolutionists and ferocious wilderness hunters?

For about three minutes, Lin Sui asked distressedly.

"Ke, you said to buy a particularly comfortable bed in Mingguang, how many circulation points do you need?"

Lin Chou was dazed at the time.

"Hey, Brother Chou, is your bed uncomfortable to sleep in?"

The people behind Wu Ke looked at Lin Chou's face and mental state, and then at the exhaustion and perplexity in his eyes, and suddenly realized.

(Oh, yes, this must be a good rhythm for not sleeping.)

(How bad is Boss Lin’s bed to make an evolutionary with a superhuman physique look like this. To be honest, even if two young ladies on the bed are not so haggard...)

(Really picky, picky, he is not even willing to buy a bed!)

(How can this be done! This is absolutely unbearable!)

So everyone—in fact, there are only a dozen people who have come together, and they all said,

"Boss Lin wants to change the bed?"

"Because of this?!"

"Brother Chou, don't panic. When I come back from cutting a few red sandalwood trees in Zushan, I will give you a bed in minutes."

The evolvers are a group of guys who can squeeze out a turbo engine.

Usually such dangerous cars in the wilderness will be photographed by ferocious animals into large pieces. If they even go to the research institute for such simple things as car repairs, they may really starve to death...


Lin Chou: "Really?"

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, the expression that the girlfriend had been dead for more than half a year was really just thinking about how to save the circulation point of buying a bed, right?

A group of people wanted to scold their mother but didn't dare to sweat.

"Yeah, yeah, what's this? You can catch a person and drop it into the wilderness for a month before you go and watch it. As long as you are not eaten by the alien beasts, you are guaranteed to build a thief and authentic castle base for you. Come out, live a good life, except for my girlfriend, we can’t squeeze it.

"Hehe, the old man upstairs gave you some calculations. In your life, you are destined to have more than one inflatable girlfriend with your hands."


Lin Chou easily sprinkled a handful of salt into the soup.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Half a minute later, the evolvers screamed again and again,

"Wow, boss Lin, you killed the salt seller, don't you need money for salt?"


There is no doubt that Lin added salt to Tong more than once, maybe twice or three times.

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