Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1027: Eat jujube pills

I have to say that Lin Chou's humorous cells are really as straightforward as his EQ. They may all be dumbbell-shaped.

Everyone: worship the bald boss.jpg

Huang Dashan licked his snow-white teeth and looked rascal and fierce, and his rough palm rustled his shiny forehead.

"Gan! Nun Niang!"

"If your grandpa has flowers on his face, you can just look at the ball."

The crowd booed and whistled.

Then those who should play billiards continue to play billiards, those who should pour happiness water continue to pour happiness water, not to disturb Lin Sorrow, who has returned with a few tons of wilderness products.

None of them will be so persistent that they have to taste Lin Chou's craftsmanship today-after all, being able to be sure that someone will stay at home tomorrow is actually a kind of happiness.


The sky is blue~

The water is clear~

Lin Chou's teeth and claws are directing a few familiar guys,

"Five or seven to eight meters a tree, don't dig in a line, don't be too neat, make it deep, look natural, just natural."

"Big-breasted sister threw the half-crocodile dragon into the cold storage...what's not dead...oh, it's not dead, then throw the animal pen!"

"Where's Shan Ye? Don't patronize and play with your croissant braids, this chicken wing...cough cough...This bone should be cleaned of the dirt on it, and hang it in a conspicuous place~"

Suddenly, Lin Chou looked sadly at the big snow dumpling who was still in mid-air offering to the sky and acting as the central air conditioner.

As long as the big snow dumpling is hanging on it, the snow in Yanhuishan will not stop.

The single-digit temperature can be said to be quite friendly and comfortable for the evolvers. The key is that the newly carried coconut trees can withstand the cold wind and the snow fluttering climate?

The few glutinous rice golden coconuts in the small restaurant are not enough for these guys to harm, so these dozens of coconut trees were specially brought back by Lin Chou from far away. They have oversized leaves, overwhelming coconut juice, and taste. It was surprisingly good. Even if it couldn't compare with the rare glutinous rice golden coconut, it was one of the best coconut juice Lin Chou had ever drunk.

Especially with so many coconut trees, many of the dishes in Lin Chou's mind became feasible.

After getting on the Yanhui Mountain's unique Yuanjing Fertilizer and watering it again, there was a small piece of jagged coconut grove next to Big Breast Sister's coconut tree hut.

Although it seems that it is still lingering and has dropped a lot of immature coconuts, it should be able to "rejuvenate" soon under the action of this piece of land that has been urinated and fattened by the dog beep system.

Several evolutionaries who helped dig pits finally solved the little doubts in their hearts. Originally, they all wondered why the flowers, trees, fruits, and vegetables on this mountain could grow in a completely unsuitable soil and climate. It's so lush, now Quante understands it.

——It is estimated that there is no second trench like Lin Chou who is willing to use the source crystal solution and alien animal bone powder as the base fertilizer to grow vegetables and flowers.

Lin Chou pried apart a dozen green coconuts that had fallen on the ground, poured out the coconut milk and scraped the tenderest coconut meat, mixed with crushed ice water, etc., to make a bucket full of coconut milk drinks for everyone.

"There is mint next to the door. Picking some leaves and adding it will taste better."

A large glass of cold coconut milk is really cool.

Lin Chou chewed the crushed ice in his mouth with a creaking sound, raised his head and put his hands on the pergola to look at the big snow dumplings.

"Sure enough, it goes well with a smoothie drink on a snowy day~"

Snow dumplings: yingyingying

Lin Chou understood, snapped his fingers,

"Sister with big breasts, don't forget to send a cup of coconut milk to the snow dumpling boss."

"Good boss."

Lin Chou went to the animal pen to condolences to the new members who just settled in--

"I said, is it so sturdy?"

There were a total of six feed troughs in the largest animal pen, and it was completely empty now, and sticky saliva rolled all over the floor.

The feed troughs on the animal pens are all made of materials that the system has boasted that it can harden Tier 10 creatures, and even a white mark is not left under the bite of the half-crocodile dragon's blood basin.

Looking at the half-crocodile dragon, it took only an hour before and after that, the spine that was twisted and staggered by Lin Chou abruptly and oriented in different directions had recovered.

——You are a spine dragon, no matter how strong your recovery ability is, not any other random bones!

Boss Lin pinched his chin and looked up and down carefully at the behemoth in front of him.

"It's a half crocodile dragon, it's just different. The catastrophe version of the disabled Elder Tang, eating its meat can directly increase the heterogeneity of longevity, tusk tusk~"

Across the animal pen tens of meters away, the golden eyes of the half crocodile dragon immediately revealed a humane panic.

——The eyes of this human being are really terrifying.

Once upon a time, it still vaguely remembered its shining freedom in the wilderness and the unbridled swaying of its head and tail...

Ah no, that memory should have been right a few hours ago!

and then?

Then... uh...

Comrade Half Crocodile Dragon thought of this, and the whole spine suddenly felt painful.

Counting the ball, the past can't bear to look back.

I'm probably the most aggrieved half-crocodile dragon in the world, right? I don't even use the life-saving hole cards-what use do I want this fifth rank? ?

The pill... the human came in...

Lin Chou's gaze stayed on the strong hind limbs of the half crocodile dragon for a long, long time, so that Comrade Half crocodile dragon had his noble buttocks, and his feet were burnt with this beam of eyes.

Lin Chou suddenly became excited,

"Ahhhhhhhh, if you say that, one half crocodile is enough..."

He was moved by his wit.

What half-crocodile dragons are still catching everywhere, don’t you see this one is in the prime of life, a strong recovery ability, this guy only needs to feed more concentrate, chop a leg or something, and give it to you in minutes. come out?

"How bold and productive people are, and they did a beautiful job!"

Lin Chou felt happily that the daydreams she had dreamed of when she was a child could almost be regarded as a reality--it was the daydreams that reproduced after a bite of fragrant things such as roast chicken, goose, and suckling pig. Unfinished Yongdong (roasted) chicken.

He is continuing with his childhood memories, his eyes are dull and the corners of his mouth are gleaming. In short, he can't extricate himself from being immersed in YY.

And a certain poor half crocodile dragon was about to collapse.

This line of sight is no longer as simple as picking up clothes and skin, it is simply cramping, peeling bones, knocking bones and sucking the marrow.

The scales on Comrade Half Crocodile stood up crackling, like the sense of sight of human hair standing upside down.

Lin Chou returned to his senses and stroked the thighs of the half crocodile dragon with both hands unconsciously.

Although the scales on the thighs of the half crocodile dragon were hard enough to make Shan Ye smash his head to death on it, Lin Chou's eyes were particularly gentle, "Hey, you are already a mature half crocodile dragon. You should learn to cook it yourself. Up."

Half crocodile dragon: (⊙﹏⊙)b

No, stop talking nonsense!

I don't understand what you are saying at all!

Ah ah ah, don't come over!

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