Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1043: That's really silly

It may be due to the fact that today's talk has been accumulated enough, and even the name of the dish in the Lengtou Qingbao of Men Kuang is "Sai Nian Gao" and no one notices it.

Well, as everyone knows, the boss of Dao Lin insisted on calling it "Pepper Sprout Baked Ziyun Snail" but he refused to change the menu brand on the room beam. The dishes were very evil.

There were two appearances in total. One time almost confessed that the All-Star Tier 5 squad carefully selected by the base city and Niu Dana from the dark sea in the wilderness, and the other time it was even more powerful, the snow ball is big. The guy still hangs on his head to make sacrifices to the sky.

That's the case anyway.

This has to be left in the ordinary, there will definitely be people who are not too busy to come out to savory those who dare to order this dish, and Wall Crack recommends a good partner that is like a thunder and smash in the sky-the fairy meat.

If these two dishes are in the stomach of a person at the same time, then this person is really... one less glance...

In the afternoon, people from the four walls and underground workers came to officially "hand in" with the people in the small hall.

The two parties greeted with joy,

"Why, there is nothing delicious on the construction site today?"

"Don't mention it, the low-end stuff doesn't matter if you are full, it's not cheap, you have to go to Boss Lin to order the scales."

"Eh, brother Meng, I heard that the people from the Yishanfang are building sheds next to the Four Walls construction site?"

"Hey... Seeing that Qian's eyes are open to the flat-headed people in Xiacheng District, he is clever and ran to throttle."

"It's not a good thing."

"I can't hold back people who are rich and powerful~"

While talking, the old man Meng patted his thigh.

"Lin Zi, why don't you go?"

Lin Chou was stunned, who thought you were?

But he still put a certain big steak and Maitake mushroom stew he ordered on the table,

"If you don't have enough manpower, we won't join in this excitement."


"It's okay if you don't go. Look at the base city, but the people from Yishanfang rushed past, just like no one knew they were a fast food chain. People didn’t even take a look at the Octagon building. The woods are natural. I look down on it too!"

Think about the difference between going there and not going there according to the pricing method of the lord in front of you? Some people say that the price of food is expensive or expensive, and people who say that it is cheap can be so cheap that laymen will find it unbelievable.

For example, the Buryat steamed buns, such as the beef offal soup that is often used in the third and fourth-order bullocks... the more you sell, the more miserable you will lose, right...

Brother Meng waved a knife to cut the butter on the "Salt of the Salt" and skillfully spread the butter on the salt bricks.

"Wait, there must be smoke before the beef can be put."

He introduced to the people around him eagerly,

"I see, this is the hind leg of the third-tier bull, cross-cut! Look at this pattern to see the texture... Tsk Tsk, let me tell you, there is no more real place in the entire base city than Boss Lin here. Is it sold by film?"

The table full of people is a little bit of a circle: one, a cross-cut beef thigh with a diameter of more than one meter and a thickness of seven centimeters? How many circulation points does this special code get!

Brother Meng rubbed his fingers to change the numbers.

"Everyone who wanders in the wilderness knows that a catty of bullying is definitely out of this number. Do you know how much Boss Lin sells?"


"Two thousand! Two thousand pieces!"


After seeing the expressions on the faces of these people, Brother Meng was finally satisfied.

have to say.

Brother Meng is really good at ordering. Maitake stew and the same steak as the childhood dream Tom Jerry can be regarded as one of the most cost-effective dishes under Lin Chou.

Large quantity, full control, high enough to have face!

When Lin Chou finished the dishes, Huang Dashan came over again.

"That self-familiar one, who is it?"

Lin Chou really had a slight impression of this guy. He had been there a few times, but he was still not a frequent visitor.

"The last name is Meng... I don't know."

Huang Dashan smiled,

"Hey chicken thief, this grandson specially borrowed your place to pull the flag, right?"

Lin Sorrow doesn't matter,

"He has already checked out."

When Lord Shan was gearing up to do something, Brother Men Kuang suddenly rushed over in a panic.

"Lin... Boss Lin... I can't see things clearly with my eyes. I'm not blind, right?"

His eyes seemed to be covered with a haze, and there was no image inside.

Lin Chou calmly said,

"Suddenly increasing the field of view must be a little uncomfortable. Maybe the parts of the eyes need to be updated, just wait."

The door asked blankly, "Isn't it the six-meter field of view, my eyes... also need to replace parts?"


"This—you don't understand, right,"


Huang Dashan's speech!

It was rushed to answer!

What makes you so good!

Is it Lafang or Pantene? !

Brother Meng took the stubborn words loudly, "Six meters of field of view is really nothing for the evolvers, and there is no need to adjust and upgrade the eyes, but Linzi's dish seems to cover all situations, for example, as far as I know. , The six-meter line of sight in the haze..."

Lin Chou: "???"

You can still be able to speak even this far apart...

The situation gave way to Lin Chou and Meng.

"Thanks for the answer..."

"Boss Lin is really, amazing! When developing these new dishes, he must have tried many times, right? I have heard Master Xue from Bafanglou before. Treating alien beasts and magic plants as ingredients is not only as simple as getting rid of toxins and impurities. , But to connect the original circuits in the ingredients as much as possible and purposefully to produce a certain effect that can give the evolver’s “attributes”, “skills”, and “status”, but this one Tuan Ma was groping to connect and sort out the other chaos. The waste materials were all light. Maybe it was a boom. The chef of Bafang Building has experienced thousands of failures... ahem. cough..."

"Sorry Boss Lin, I was the one who made a mistake."

Everyone knows that Lin Chou and the Xue family of Bafanglou had more than one dispute.

The situation said,

"Master Xue and some of the food chefs I know-Boss Lin may not have met them, but they admire Boss Lin's talent very much. They have said more than once that it is difficult to imagine how Boss Lin does what you do. Arrived, is your brain in a quantum state?"

Some people have studied for a lifetime and may not have developed a medicated diet with additional effects. Looking at Lin Chou, his special effects are basically calculated according to the stack...

Lin Chou pointed to his head, a lonely master gesture,

"Well, maybe there is a very awkward talent in this world~"

The situation was so thunderous that the struggle was relieved for a long time.

(If you don't say it, don't say it, we are not the counterparty of our peers to inquire about your trade secrets, can you commit it!)

He said dumbfounded,

"That's really silly..."

A certain system: "Fuck?!"

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