Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1065: "Grandma Zuo Aunt!!"

A certain mountain in the front heard the noise from the back, and while using a big axe to blast the air waves to obstruct the return to the market, he cursed at the same time.

"Fuck you! How did you know that Lao Tzu will explode? Maybe I will be turned into a masterpiece by Guixu Shui! Pooh!"

The people behind were silent for a moment.

Huang Dashan is upset,

"Yes, Nun Niang!"

Suddenly a voice came in my mind,

"You will not."

Huang Dashan Pooh Road,

"What do you want to do with the surname Hong? Take advantage of the vacancy?"

Hong Dashan was silent, and quickly communicated with Huang Dashan with his mind.

"How about we make a deal."

"tell me the story."

"You and I merge to achieve a unique personality, with my abilities as the main and you as a supplement, and it is only in the water of the ruins. My power does not belong to the source, and the water of the ruins cannot be swallowed.

Huang Dashan grinned,

"Does your personality also depend on you?"


"Fuck you!"

Hong Dashan was silent for a long while,

"You will disappear, your existence depends on the origin, and my existence depends on another power that is outside the origin. The best result of swallowing and transforming your ability is that as the origin power dissipates, your personality is annihilated. ——Of course, the greater possibility is that you will explode in place."

Huang Dashan sneered,

"Isn't that just what you want? Turning over the serf to sing, you really are in charge of the house~"

Hong Dashan said,

"You and I are one, if you dissipate, I will no longer be complete, how can there be a cost-effective combination?"

Huang Dashan yelled,

"Fuck you fucking! The big princes fit woolen body? You are **** mentally perverted!"

Hong Dashan groaned,

"Don't forget, I am one of your personality."

Huang Dashan was speechless.

It took a long time to suffocate a sentence,

"Niang Nun, you wait, I will do harm to the people today! Don't both of us want to live ah~"

Shan Ye regarded his death as home, and attacked the waves of Guixu Shui.

The fiery origin storm rolled the waves up to the sky, but within a few minutes of a second, the origin power was swallowed up by the Guixu Water, and the blue waves bite towards Huang Dashan like a huge mouth.

A few drops of sweat came out of Huang Dashan's forehead, and he smiled bitterly as he watched the living corpses in the Guixu water squeezed like a can with their teeth and claws.

"After the birds, the birds... I knew I had stewed the three yellows and brought them here..."

Squeak~ Ding!

The falling momentum of water waves as high as 100 meters is getting slower and slower, and it freezes into ice in an instant.

The splashed water droplets turned into ice crystals and clanged in front of Huangda Mountain.

Looking around, all the sights became glaciers.

Huang Dashan was stunned, and a particularly familiar female voice heard in his ear.

"who are you talking to?"

Huang Dashan opened his mouth wide, always surprised.

"I... you... don't... I wipe Lenghan and you can freeze even the return water? You also said that this is a simple water and ice ability?!"

"Otherwise, why should I take the Second Bandit Brigade around the coastline all the year round? Did you see that anyone in the Second Bandit Brigade was not allowed to land?" Leng Han frowned and looked at Huang Dashan, then looked towards the back mountain, "If so Seeing someone over there is busy labeling the Guixu water cans and preparing them to make snow crystal **** for sale, will you vomit three liters of blood in fright?"

The corner of Shan Ye's mouth twitched,

"Niang Xipi, it's the green head again... I was ready to die for Mingguang just now... Said!!!"

Huang Dashan is really worthless for himself.

The taste has changed, the whole **** taste has changed.

Leng Han's mouth twitched slightly, which is considered to be a smile.

"Where is Lin Chou?"

Huang Dashan shrank his neck and stepped back uncontrollably.


Leng Han's complexion suddenly changed, and the blue glacier made a cracking sound, and the tens of thousands of living corpses inside it were turned into powder.


The tiny ice crystals were wrapped in a heavy layer of frost before they could drift with the airflow, and even if they were not reconciled, they could only fall to the ground honestly.

Huang Dashan proudly sighed with stubble and both eyebrows were frozen, looking like a bald Santa Claus.

He trembled and his teeth trembled,

"Go, Goku, I'm still playing in the mud over there, Lin, Lin must be fine, he and he are very good!"

Suddenly, Huang Dashan finally realized what was wrong.

"Fuck, wait a minute! Fuck you dead fat big white-eyed wolf, where's your gravity field? Why don't you save people? Why don't you save Laozi? You spit out all the candy that ate me!!!"

"Where is he?"

The intention to divert attention did not go as expected, Shan Ye is weak,

"Uh... 80%... Maybe... over there..."

Huang Dashan pointed to the collapsed area covered by ice crystals and said,

"When the sea water poured in and I was washed away, I seemed to see him being pushed by the sea into a space crack or something like a teleportation array, and then Guixu water came out of the crack."

Leng Han Liu's eyebrows were erected, and a icy face suddenly became gloomy.

She whispered,

"Over there... over there... no wonder I took Mimi Mi Mi..."

Leng Han jumped, and several rising and falling figures completely disappeared from everyone's sight.


Huang Dashan opened his mouth, powerless,

"I'll drop a cold tyrannosaurus... you just left... but let us freeze a few more honestly..."



The extremely high pressure of the Guixu Water broke the ice surface into the first crack, one after another, and the blue water waves that frightened the evolutionary roared again.

The many evolvers present were extremely sad, and couldn't laugh or cry.

"I...go here..."

"What to do?"

"Master Shan, you are familiar with Admiral Leng, would you call her old man back?"

Shan Ye: ヽ(`Д′)?︵┻━┻┻━┻

A certain aunt only wore a thin vest, and a large pile of loose things on her chest drooped, making the old faces of the uncles around her flush, and she wanted to stop talking.

Auntie shouted at Huang Dashan,

"Bald-headed baby, how can you get mad at someone's female doll!"

Huang Dashan: (?д?)?┬─┬?ノ┻━┻?┻━┻?┻━┻

A group of aunts whispered that Huang Dashan was not, and Shan Ye looked at the sky speechlessly.

(It’s not that you should give Lao Tzu the most handsome and melancholic temperament, powerful and powerful evolutionary adults, shouldn’t you lose the respect they deserve?)

Shan Ye, who had been scolded for a long time, couldn't bear it.

With a face of free-mindedness, he roared with a blushing face and eyeballs,

"Wu's cactus-like thing, the opportunity to make money is here!!"

Everyone is inexplicable.

Qin Shan’s back soon came back, his voice was crisp and the sugar content far exceeded the diabetes standard.

"Huh? What do you call me?!"

A strong threat.

Huang Dashan gritted his teeth and showed a ferocious, unwilling, twisted smile.

"Grandma Zuo Aunt!!"

"Hey, boy, Dashan is so bald! What about calling grandma?"

"Hey, hey, what? I heard from Lieutenant General Leng that you are very slow to fill the cans by yourself. How about we big guys helping you? It's free!"

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