Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1070: I have a lot of time anyway

With a wave of the giant's arm controlled by Liu Renjun, the mushroom cloud that had been standing over Qin Mountain for a long time immediately began to collapse, quickly retracting into the pits and cracks that had been filled with flesh and blood mud when it appeared.

Zhao Zheng tried several times with the source crystal cannon, and found that the mushroom cloud could still absorb the energy of the source crystal cannon, so he had to give up.

After several rounds of birdwing ballista and Yuanjing Cannon bombing, Qin Shan has completely turned into a "Qin Keng".

The entire bottom of the plowed Qinshan pit was filled with space crevices made by Liu Renjun, and the top was filled with the flesh and bones of living corpses, forming a sea of ​​blood covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

After the mushroom cloud retracted, the sea of ​​blood seemed to be activated.

Among them, countless huge vines twisted and squirmed and set off stormy waves, like maggots in a dung pit.

The smell of the sea of ​​blood is vomiting, and even many ordinary people within nearly ten kilometers of the sea of ​​blood have already developed symptoms of poisoning.

Under the eyes of everyone, Shi Shiran, the giant blood corpse, stepped into the sea of ​​blood and lay down.

The face of the blood corpse giant changed, and finally fixed on Liu Renjun's face——

Although it is still distorted and ugly, it is humanitarian enough compared to other faces.

Liu Renjun churned the "water" of the sea of ​​blood with his hands, giving the impression that it was not a thick, foul-smelling fleshy mud but clear hot spring water. The pale or gray bone fragments in the fleshy mud were like fragrant petals. .

The sea of ​​blood and the three-hundred-meter giant representing Liu Renjun formed a kind of resonance that can be seen with the naked eye. The blood-red mist evaporates from the surface of the blood sea, turning into strands of crystal clear blood-colored threads that circulate around Liu Renjun. There is a very strange and strange beauty.

Liu Renjun said in a tone-shifting voice without any haste,

"Well, have the skills of the descendants of the Qin family been cooled down yet? In fact, Liu is also very curious about the results of his analysis of me."

Zhao Zheng, the young leader of the Zhao family, stood on the heights of the house near Qinshan with a loudspeaker in his hand, and opened his mouth to spray.

"Does your **** surname Liu still have the dignity of being a strong man? Every day, he cleans up these disgusting things that are sneaky, even if he is rebellious against the party and has a real sword with Mingguang, my grandfather will not be enough. When it comes to you guys, it's so boring.

"Oh?" Liu Renjun didn't mean to be angry at all. "Real swords and guns? Mingguang has millions of people. My Liu family only holds half-dead corpses in his hands. Why should I use you? Hey, my Liu family, After all, it also needs to be developed~"

Zhao Zheng: "You develop your paralysis, develop, get off! Don't come to this set with Xiaoye, and say, what the **** do you want to do today?"

The face of Zhao Zheng's scumbag was almost the same as Zhao Qingcang and Zhao Er. A handsome face that was still upright was in a mess at this moment, and I don't know how many girls' spring dreams have been ruined.

Liu Renjun really answered.

"Well, it's not that I can't tell you, but I'm a person who always speaks more verbosely, ha ha ha..."

Zhao Zheng squinted somewhere in the corner of his eyes. The evolutionary’s superb eyesight allowed him to see several back figures that were leaving fast in different directions.

"Oh? I'm the least afraid of trouble. I'm tired from fighting. Let's take a break and tell stories and talk about the mountains. It's also a very good choice!"

Liu Renjun propped up a body of three hundred meters and sat cross-legged in a sea of ​​blood, seeming to be serious about telling a story.

He pointed to his face,

"Zhao Zheng, right, look at my face, is it a bit familiar?"

Zhao Zheng rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me a close-up, it's not easy. If you are unfamiliar with this one, the young master will still be able to beat the muddy chrysanthemum in a while."

Liu Ren said with a smile,

"Oh, so it means that bare people want to repay their debts?"

Zhao Zheng raised his eyebrows, and felt that for no reason, it seemed that it was not a good option to delay time by talking about Dashan.

(Don’t be a story that the little master doesn’t know!)

Liu Renjun shook his head.

"Forget it, it's boring."

"Then say something else, you know, I, Liu Renjun, is the only pure human being in the Liu family with flesh and blood entities!"

Zhao Zheng shook his head repeatedly.

"A pure scum is about the same."

Liu Renjun said lightly,

"Let's get things done, go back to each house and find each mother to live and die? Anyway, your support is not far from here. Mingguang people will definitely be there before they die."

Zhao Zheng coughed,

"Then what, you say you say, I will definitely not interrupt, or the young master will make you a cup of tea to drink?"

The giant eyes of the three-hundred-meter giant swept over, his eyes full of love,

"This is good~"

The corner of Zhao Zheng's eyes jumped wildly.

(Your mother sells batches, who's special, let Lao Tzu do this job in the future, and the young master just twists his head off as a chamber pot!)

Liu Renjun asked politely.

"Then I will continue talking?"

Zhao Zheng is also very polite,


So, two guys who were pregnant with each other started a dirty py deal.

Liu Renjun said,

"In the Liu family, oh, that is, in your so-called rebellion against the party, it is very enviable and jealous to be able to keep a flesh and blood body. The Liu family has long gone astray in the exploration of power, and it shouldn't happen once. The wrong calculation turned the whole clan into this kind of alternative existence. We could not continue to practice, but it was more cost-effective than ordinary people's fragile flesh and blood body. Moreover, this kind of mistake gave the Liu clan a long life, ha ha, In fact, this is not a good thing. The old guys are always worried about the day when the energy of the'soul' is exhausted and disappears into the invisible."

"It's ridiculous that the old guys know...they don't even have souls...their souls have long been ignited to maintain the Liu family's beloved ability to'control the soul'-huh! Control the soul? "

"Desperate people's hearts? Deceptive words deceive the people? The old guys of the Liu clan regard these as controlling their souls? Are they worthy too?"

Zhao Zheng scratched his head for a while,

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but I feel that you are very dissatisfied with betraying the party!"

Liu Renjun's huge head turned to the direction of the black Shenhai,

"Dissatisfaction? I was forced by them to abandon my body and become such an ugly posture. There are more than a hundred old guys in my mind all the time screaming and screaming at me. I am more than dissatisfied!"

"Strength, is this worthy of being called strength?"

"Mad dogs always bite people, and destroy what they don't get. They are true losers and bereaved dogs."

Zhao Zheng narrowed his eyes.


Liu Renjun said,

"Yes, it's destruction. The old guys unanimously decide that it is better to destroy the hopeless light,"

Liu Renjun pointed to his head, his tone was ironic.

"There are more than a hundred old guys''collective wisdom' here. It's just a pity that they haven't formed the grand wisdom integration of their **** theories, so that this big guy with tons of brains in it finally watts. "

"Otherwise, it won't be my turn to pick this bargain."

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