Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1112: Cut fishy mutton

(About the first two chapters: It was written that it was Valentine's Day suddenly, which is really owed!)

Lin Chou frowned and thought.

"I remember that there were a few mutant sika deer legs lost in the cold storage. The level was too low. When the beasts rushed to Mingguang, they were crushed on the periphery. I left them in which corner. I think... "

Shan Ye, who has touched the cold storage under Lin Chou, and even paid off better than Lin himself, took the opportunity to show his power to eat.

"In the thirteenth grid of gate A2 in the northwest corner, I put the pile of various legs in a mess."

Lin Chou's eyes were faint.

Shan Ye said very calmly,

"What are you looking at, I didn't steal it, I tell you, your Lord Shan is not that kind of person!"

It’s a ghost if I believe you, you forgot that you secretly roasted this handsome bird...

Uh... it's a bird...

Lin Chou waved his hand,

"Most of the exotic animals in the underground cold storage are of no value. They are the feed of Nepenthes Xiaoqing and Si Gouzi. If you like it, please feel free to be too polite."

Master Shan choked suddenly.

"What am I..."

Will the food of normal people be labeled with the insulting name of feed-except for dog food!

Linzi, you are too much,

"I want to break with you until I eat meat!"

After saying this, Shan Ye went to the cold storage to move deer legs like a rampant crab.

Wu Ke was stunned.

"Isn't he proud of what he was doing there? Is this?"

Sikong solemnly said,

"Perhaps I think it is a difficult decision to insist on breaking up until the start of the meal. After all, the aroma of wood cooking is sometimes unstoppable even with these natual red beans..."

Huang Dashan came back with a lot of deer legs with his hands on his shoulders, almost covering his whole person, "Come and let us let all let!"

Lin Chou called him,

"Go ahead, there is a hot pot, and a few more charcoal stoves, shabu-shabu-shabu-roasted, game meat must be eaten so lively to be delicious."

Huang Dashan muttered: "In fact, you just found such a reason because you are lazy and don't want to move..."

Sikong's eyes lit up, and the little God of Wealth, who had a dream of sword immortality for many years, said in a loud voice.

"Yes, yes, yes, I read a lot of martial arts novels that are written like this, what is roasted chicken with grilled goose, grilled lamb face and roasted deer leg — hey, by the way, leave me a complete deer leg! I'll be my own grilled!"

Look, just this face, what did you say just now that you don’t dare to eat it...

The atmosphere was instantly heated up,

"Oh, yes, yes, I just watched those old movies in the alley when I was a child, and I didn’t get tired of watching it over and over again, just thinking about when I could eat the roast chicken there, called the chicken, or the big elbow. It feels like people just bake it like that, it's incredibly fragrant!"

"Let's pull it down, stay in the wilderness for a few days, roast and stew roasted meat every day, is it fragrant? Where is it? I want to vomit when I eat!"

"Hey, don't tell me, the gluttonous saliva of the Maotou boy ran for a few catties and a few ounces. When he grows up, he knows that there is something called acting. Niang Xipi is a liar, and the chickens are all bad!"

This group of guys don't look mean, but anybody's eyes are full of aftertaste and greedy, and they want to go back to the old movie and **** all those roast chickens and elbows over and eat Hasai.

Everyone had a good time tossing, and moved a few bright red charcoal stoves to the eyes of the big and small springs.

The beer with ice scum and the happy water from the fat house are already available, and some deer legs have long been piled up into mountains beside Lin Chou.

Lin Chou smiled bitterly,

"I still haven't avoided it..."

Leng Han pushed Lin Chou lightly.


Yes, Cold Tyrannosaurus was called Chenqie, and Chen had to cut it, or the cut would not be replaced by himself.

When the venison is placed in the underground cold storage, it is a meat storage environment of about sub-zero. The freezing is not transparent and firm. The dry surface of the deer skin is slightly iced, and it looks like a well-preserved ham clapper.

Lin Chou used a knife to hit a cross knife behind the toes of the deer’s leg, lifted it upwards and tore it forcefully.


The slightly yellowish fat and the deerskin are reluctant to leave the lotus root.

"Huh!" Huang Dashan said, "this color and texture feel similar to the mature beef that Lin Chou made."

The boiling spring under your feet slowly bursts with bubbles, and the spring is a red charcoal stove.

The slices of meat cut out by Lin Chou's deer legs were thin and large. The bright red slices of meat were almost invisible, with only a little jade in the delicate flesh, which became soft lines like sardonyx with Lin Chou's knives.

Huang Dashan was doglegged and got a huge square plate underneath. Then, the spindle-shaped venison was neatly placed on the plate, like stacked pancakes.

Lin Chou said,

"These are all picked up after the animal tide. Most of the mutated sika deer are no more than Tier 2, and they have been trampled to death and crushed countless. I can hardly find a relatively complete one. These deer legs are the ones I looked at but unfortunately brought them back together. At that time, I didn’t think anyone really likes to eat this bite. I had forgotten it a long time ago."

Halfway through, the meat of the deer legs began to become extremely moist, as if it could produce bright red blood at any time.

"Oh, it's still bleeding!"

Lin Chou shook his head and explained.

"Even though I didn't hang up, the blood in my veins has already flowed almost, which can barely be regarded as ‘gravy’, oh yes, maybe there may be some emulsified oil like this."

Sikong said,

"It's the first time I heard the saying that the gravy of raw meat is so-what are you looking at, roast it yourself, and wait until the woods are fed into your mouth one by one or what?"

Lin Chou pointed at the plate he brought over.

"There are barbecue ingredients in there, which are ground into powder such as basil, cumin, chili, tangerine peel, sesame, pepper, Chinese pepper, bay leaf, papaya seeds, etc., and dipped in oil with a brush to bake it. I can eat it."

Everyone grinned,

"You still want to be thoughtful."

"This is left over from the last barbecue. I don't bother to grind it. Just weigh it and I have to weigh it for a while," Lin Chou suddenly pointed at someone and said sharply, "Hey, whoever, take that piece of meat quickly. When I come down, I’m all burnt, haven’t you seen it? The venison itself is very tender and it’s easier to grow old. Cutting it so thin is to pay attention to the'one-touch harvest' and not stay longer. Isn't it that you want to light my oven or something?

(Just touch it and take it here, only the taste and texture are discussed here. The physical fitness in the article shall prevail. Please consider the reality by yourself. Even Wu Qiong's venison does not support this way of eating!)

The situation was embarrassingly peeling off the venison from the roasting pan, and Tuan Chengyi dipped a little soy sauce into his mouth.


and many more...

Why is this stuff different from the venison I have eaten? ?

The slightly burnt oil residue on the edge reveals a crispness, and the time to take it down is quite timely. There is no bitterness, but it is full of fat aroma.

When chewing, the fat accumulates in the inside of the ball of venison slices, intertwining with the little bit of gravy left in the fruit to create a magical sweetness.

"Why... how can it feel sweet..."

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