Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1117: Face (two in one)

Mingguang base city, scientific research institute (to be precise, the decoration site of the scientific research institute).

The old dean, Lao Hu, Bai Xiaomao, the inventor of the recorder Xiao Ai, and other intellectual figures from the scientific research institute gathered in a spacious and bright conference room. The curtain wall made up of 64 screens is filled with various weird The tricky angle simultaneously played Qin Shan's movements.

Bai Xiaomao hardly endured the all-pervasive construction noise from all directions, and said very sadly.

"I said long ago that the soundproofing of underground buildings should be improved. Now it's all right. The decoration on the ground and the underground suffer."

Xiao Ai fiddled with the recorder in his hand, with a faint expression.

"No money! Mingguang doesn't provide us with funds. It relies on its own management. The research project of the research institute was put on hold indefinitely or even three-quarters of it was directly destroyed. It is very reluctant to maintain the current situation. The soundproofing facility update is not on the agenda. The sorting of the table has an advantage."

Bai Xiaoxiao immediately yelled,

"Lao Hu! My project of specific repulsion of alien animal genes and human genes in saturated source crystal solution lacks ordinary human samples. Can I cut off the 3 grams of Comrade Xiao Ai's liver for scientific research?"

Her scalpel is ready, and the cold light is very sharp.

Lao Hu ignored Comrade Xiao Ai’s horrified eyes, pinched his beard and asked with a smile.

"Why the liver?"

Bai Xiaoxiao thought for a while,

"I recently read a new novel. I want to try the hand-breaking method described in it. It looks very emotional. I’ll break 3 grams, no more, no less!"

The old dean was holding his waist with a headache,

"Kitten, don't read those miscellaneous books before the cataclysm. You are a good seed and gifted, but even a genius needs 99% of the sweat..."

"I know, I know, I also know that there is a more important sentence after this sentence!"


So the old dean's head hurts even more.

Bai Xiaomao cracked his fingers, seeming to simulate the operation of breaking the liver,

"Look, read more and raise your posture, or you might be fooled by the castrated famous aphorism sometime, I don't know yet~"

Bai Xiaomao is a genius, especially in the area of ​​biological research (such as basic slices).

Especially in the later experiments on Nepenthes, Bai Xiaoxiao almost doubled the maneuverability of Nepenthes by his own efforts!

Of course, the probability of obedient or not of the Nepenthes belonging to the research institute is still 50-50. This makes Bai Xiaomao very upset. More than once, he said that he would take Lin Moumou on the Yanhui Mountain to slice it, so that it is convenient to study whether he is. How to control so many monsters and magic plants.

Bai Xiaomao flushed with a cat-like cunning face,

"Lin Sorry is so handsome. It will be very eye-catching after being dissected and cut into slices. Well, what parts should be cut? Oh, just thinking about it makes people happy and excited~"

Lao Zhou didn't care, but the old dean and Comrade Xiao Ai immediately felt a tingling scalp when they saw the kitten in this state.

Bai Xiaomao has a private warehouse belonging to her in the research institute. The old dean once had the honor to enter once. It contained about her slices and the biological specimens sliced ​​by her. Nine spotlights were used to bless special effects. The most prominent place is Wei Tianxing's fat appendix...

Well, the old dean has never seen an appendix that is so hard, so swollen, that it is so fresh that it does not require protective measures to escape from the body.

At that time, when the old dean staggered to escape, he couldn't help but still wondering--Will Bai Xiaoxiao use this appendix to clone a Weitian line? ?

Xiao Ai suddenly pointed to the screen and said,

"Look! There is another movement..."

The sea of ​​blood on the Qin Mountain on the screen is still the appearance of magnificent flowers everywhere, the tree of life and several demonized plants of different shapes are twisted and entangled, and the small-scale destruction of the origin and the glory of the origin are spread like money without money. For more than ten kilometers, no evolutionary dared to approach it.

Those entangled demonized plants have to beat each other from time to time-the one that is beaten is usually the weakest. If it is beaten more often, the rest of the demonized plants will be torn away mercilessly. Swallowed by pieces.

"Oh Xiete, our Xiaowan has been torn to pieces again!"

"Niang Xipi, it's Lin Chou's **** tribulus again, why is this little thing so domineering?"

"Send a radio to that boy Lin Chou! Now is the time for my family to tear up..."

The old dean and old Hu are a lot of age, but they are more excited than anyone else when they see the battle scenes on the screen. They look like they can't wait to get in and help others, their beards are upset with anger.

Bai Xiaoxiao interrupted indifferently,

"In the end, I am afraid that there will be only one left, but as long as the tree of life can be killed, Xiaowan will be gone if it is gone. We still make money..."

Bai Xiaomao is not optimistic about his own Nepenthes. The **** tribulus is only Tier 4. It is not the ecstasy who still tunes the other demonized plants. As long as the blind is not blind, he can see who has the advantage. maximum.

It's just that the **** tribulus is the main force fighting the tree of life, and it feels that it is unwilling to take time to deal with the miscellaneous fish around it.

The corners of the old dean’s mouth twitched,

"Little cat, your mentality is undesirable. Use Xiao Wan and the tree of life for children? Mingguang won't be generous enough to compensate us for our losses!"

Comrade Xiao Ai picked up the recorder and flipped through it.

"Instead of no compensation, the occurrence committee just sent a document to let us take full responsibility for the reconstruction of the damaged buildings that Xiaowan ran from Shangcheng District to Xiacheng District."

The old dean’s beard was not only warped, but almost flew out of his body.

"Mo Hongniang is so courageous, I..."

Full of momentum, looking for someone desperately at any time.

Comrade Xiao Ai couldn't help saying,

"Dean, you think too much. The one who sent the file is actually God of Wealth Qin. It is not our turn for Director Mo to take the initiative."


The old dean is like a discouraged ball-Mo Hongniang can only prove one thing without showing up, that he and his research institute have not made enough money.

Ah, despised, poverty makes Lao Tzu factor it! !

Old Hu Ze chuckled and said nonchalantly,

"We agree!"

Lao Hu spread his hands, comforted the old dean who was about to explode on the spot, and said to Comrade Xiao Ai,

"The unit price of all types of source crystal weapons of the garrison is increased by 15%. Also, send that document to the outbreak committee and the garrison."

Xiao Ai trembles,

"Which one?"

Old Hu smiled,

"That's what you think."

Xiao Ai's eyes straightened.

"Yes, do you want to issue the "Application Form for Selling Source Crystal Weapons to Evolved Standards and Some Ordinary People"... The occurrence committee and the garrison will devour us alive..."

Old Hu raised his brows.

"Also, let Ellis' fuel-series power armor and reconnaissance armor that shields the perception of living corpses on the market."

Before the rebellion against the party was eliminated, the research institute’s big plan never went online, but now, the situation is completely different.

The old dean pushed the dazed Xiao Ai aside,

"Old Hu, are you serious?"

"if not."

"You are going to shake the sky. If you get this kind of thing down, ordinary people are afraid that they will really go to the wilderness."

"No, no, no, I think this behavior should be called the basic safety guarantee for ordinary people who are willing to contribute to the base city by our scientific research institute."

"Oh Huo, Lao Hu, I think you can write these words directly on the slogan."

"Yeah, hahaha..."

The hypocritical business talk between the two old guys gave Xiao Ai a kind of goose bumps sprouting like mushrooms after the rain, so he quickly raised a topic.

"Well, what is the name of the small town lord in Northwest Wolf City, Zhu Ge Dandan? Someone saw him contacting Queen of Night's men, and he didn't know if he was running away or making other ideas. Would you like to warn him? "

The old dean disdainfully said,

"I have a wool relationship with us. This kind of diplomacy still has to worry about what happens. Moreover, Wolf City has a feathered diplomacy. What does that kid like to do!"

A Northwest Wolf City full of lunatics does not need any diplomacy at all, and it is reluctant to rebel against the party and is reluctant to use them twice.

In this era, I still beat all the surrounding human kingdoms all day long with swords, guns, swords, swords, swords, axes, and forks. It is probably thinking about "dominance of the world", "reckless and catastrophic era", "I Wolf City is to bring you people and Luan Shanren’s skull is used as a bowler. "Why is it not a lunatic?"

For this kind of guy whose collective IQ is offline due to the distortion of the power system, dozens of tons of fists are better than anything else. They can be convinced to solve all diplomatic problems. If they are dissatisfied, they are waiting to suffer. .

Because of its natural geographical location, Luan Mountain has hardly been harassed by Wolf City...

Uh, wait a minute.

Maybe Luanshan would prefer to see the hundreds of thousands of troops oppressing the Northwest Wolf City, right?

After all--

They can use avi equal to the number of captives to reward the three armies, and there may even be dissatisfied hegemonic female fighters jumping to their feet to apply to their lord Queen to eat the fat from the mouth of Wolf City. Not left.

The old dean couldn't help muttering when he thought of this.

"Look, Lao Hu, it is reasonable to say that Luan Mountain and Wolf City are closer. Why has Luan Mountain never attacked Wolf City?"

It has become common sense for Mingguang to throw away a batch of two batches of lords from time to time. How rich is your population in Wolf City? Shouldn't Luan Mountain have a team of people for a day trip to Wolf City?

Old Hu smacked his mouth,

"Probably think that the people of Wolf City are too low in IQ... After all, it is not easy for Luan Shan to give birth to a few babies... The genes of the parents must be selected..."

The old dean looked at Lao Hu fixedly,

"Your mouth is so poisonous..."

"To each other."

"Old Hu," the old dean looked like I valued you very much, "That's it, this dean has a difficult and arduous task to hand over to you, don't you see that your clever teeth are not a waste of resources? I wondered if I could exchange it from the a part of Liu Renjun, cut a piece for the kitten, right, the kitten, the child, has a good talent, but it is a pity that our research institute is not comparable. Once upon a time, resources were very scarce. No matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor, and you can’t suffer from education and nothing.

Lao Hu's face cast a large and large eyes,

"Hurry up and stop you, you were the one who drove people away. Now let me go and make this favor? I still want this old face!"

"I wonder if your relationship is not the friendliest in our research institute. You were the only one who supported him at the beginning!"

"Ah, what's the matter, guarding the source crystal cannon to see that the source crystal Gatling finally can't hold it? Hey..."

The old dean’s face was twitching,

"Can we not mention this, old man, I have no eyes, can't I, look at the slicing..."

"There is no door! Why don't you go and walk around the relationship between Leng's family? That old ancestor might be able to sell your face and spit out the meat in two pieces..."

The old dean suddenly shrank back and persuaded.

Old Hu smiled and touched his stomach,

"I'm hungry, Xiao Ai sent today's menu to Yishan Fang. That smashed bamboo leaf green snake core is quite chewy, and it's good for drinking. Old fellow, what do you eat?"

The old dean thought for a while,

"The old man who has been anxious for the past two days has been peeing yellow. The whole porridge, um, let him make a cold arugula. Is there any balsamic vinegar dug up by the archaeological team a46 last week? Xiao Ai asked him to give it to him. I’ll bring it here, it’s great with arugula."

Xiao Ai whispered,

"It's all vinegar, it will ruin your stomach if you eat it."

The old dean said fiercely,

"You know how to tease a bear, little bastard, that's an antique, do you understand that antique, balsamic vinegar with a taste of history! You can see it outside?"

The old dean turned his face and looked at Bai Mao Mao with old Zhou kindly.

^ω^) Meow, how about you?"

The difference is very obvious.

Bai kitten pouted,

"The taste of the box lunch in Yishanfang is too bad, it's expensive."

Old Hu deeply agreed,

"The craftsmanship of Old Xue and Lin Chou is definitely more than a little bit worse than that of Old Xue and Lin Chou, but if they are willing to deliver food, they are doing fast food chain again, and they will do it."

Nounu mouth of the kitten,

"Huh, last time I ordered a Mei Cai Kourou, it actually cost me more than 500 points for circulation. Did my money come from a strong wind?"

Xiao Ai added,

"People use pork from the little fragrant pigs from the land. It takes three years to raise them for slaughter. More than 500 plates are already considered small profits but quicker sales."

Bai Xiaoxiao said,

"Huh, I eat cheap this time, I'm mad at them, tiger crab noodles, scallion hot spring egg beef rice, beef must be well cooked!"

Xiao Ai's hands were shaking,

"Take it down, do you have any more?"

The old dean slapped him,

"Yes, it's cheaper to buy seafood! The little cat knows that he cares about people, and he knows how expensive he is if he is not in the house. The old man, I swindle and cheat a little, so it's easy for me to spend money!"

"Then what, the nine-jin rainbow lobster I ate last time, let’s bake it with thyme, and steam the grouper. It should not be too big. If it is too big, it will be enough to eat."

Xiao Ai couldn't help holding his forehead. My goodness, I'm going to go bankrupt after this meal. That's right, it's his turn to treat today.


The recorder made a nice crisp sound, indicating that the text has been switched to the radio transmission successfully.

Xiao Ai looked at the string of digital prompts,

"Hey, wait, I seem to have sent the wrong person..."

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