Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1131: The second freshest story

The old man sat down with a big horse,

"Well, I'm ashamed, I'm not ashamed of you all in Jiuzhan Palace... Oh... now it's called Bafanglou, and it's not as good as your origins. Even before my little boy was born, we would only have enough at best. It’s a class like Alishanfang, and I just know a little bit about the surname of “Second”. “Second Fresh” is the specialty of “Second Food”, and “Second Fresh” is the master chef of Alishan. Probably also. It was like six or seventy years ago. At that time, the Yishan Fang started off with a second restaurant alone, and it was able to catch up with the Jiuzhan Palace, which shows its reputation!"

"This second fresh is a genuine medicated diet, and its effect is very interesting, called'Inheritance'."

The old man did not continue to talk about this effect, but whipped everyone's appetites.

"Coincidentally, the second surname can only continue to pass on this'inheritance' by awakening the power of the bloodline. Ha ha, the short-sighted Yishan Fang, the short-sighted Fu family, their intention to imitate this medicinal meal angered the second at the time. Also, I cut off contact with Yishanfangfu's family, and since then, there has been no awakened person from the second family."

Everyone asked quickly,

"Yishanfang also started on the second?"

"Fuck, this is too much of a thing..."

"Which one of these food chefs has no dark history? The Xue family of Bafanglou still...cough cough..."

The old man laughed without saying a word, letting everyone speculate and discuss.

Someone can't help it anymore,

"Brother, talk about it, what does ‘inheritance’ mean?"

After everyone urged, the old man said unhurriedly,

"Inheritance, there is a constant one-tenth of a ten thousand chance of hitting the Great Luck. As long as it works, the first heir of the evolutionary or warrior must have the same ability as it."

Everyone's brains buzzed,



"There is no limit to the number of times you can eat this medicated diet?"


The scene suddenly burst,


"Does that mean, false, if this person is an awakened, his son is destined to be an awakened since he was still in the womb?"

Everyone is full of MMPs, and the entire Mingguang is almost special. Only Zhao Qingcang and Zhao Ziyu of the Zhao family, and the "leaders" of the Qin family are truly visible and inherited bloodline abilities. There is almost nothing left!

What is the odds of 1 in 10,000?

The real European King never cared about the chances!

And it happens that everyone feels that they have this pedigree...

(If I can eat this dish--)

Not to mention anything else, among these fierce men of Mingguang, such as Zhao Qingcang, such as Wei Tianxing, such as Wen Zhongjiu, such as Prince Leng, such as General Zhao, such as...

For example, too much to go for example!

But for all the fierce people with a number of Mingguang, who don't want to pass on their bloodline abilities, this is even more so for the martial artist family, and strength is the true standard to measure everything.

In addition, Mingguang officials are afraid that they hope their bloodline abilities can be passed on more than they themselves, but there are too many forks in the bloodline of natural inheritance, and the chances are too small.

Everyone suddenly sighed neatly.

"The dog said, my tears fell when I knew the truth!"

"MMP, your sister's weird restaurant, is it okay to live well? What's the matter..."

"Gouzi, you have changed. The second freshman now is not the second freshman before."

The old man who finished popular science reached out and picked up Mazar,

"Well, it's almost time for me."

"Also, if the second freshest now is the second freshest in the past, then our group of low-level little guys won't have the chance to eat this super delicacy~"

People sucked their noses hard,

"Yeah, yeah, it smells really good~"

"What we eat is just a feeling. With this story, Lao Tzu feels that it can add a lot of points to this food."

"I am looking forward to it more and more, Cao, why is this team so long!"


Standing behind the stall, taking care of the baby in the back basket while taking care of the food in the two big pots, the second girl wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and smiled at the guests in front of him.

"Hello, how many copies do you want?"

There was a gentle and calm smile on this smile, which made people feel comfortable, and even the plain appearance of a woman seemed to be particularly moving.

The old man Mazar in front of the stall was obviously shocked, and then he took out a handful of Yuanjing tickets.

"We have a big appetite, so let's get ten pieces to cushion our stomach first, how much is it!"

Brother Maza's eyes fell on the fat doll in the back basket-alas, at first glance, this is a girl who is struggling!

This second woman is only fifteen or sixteen years old when he tops the sky. Why is this child so old? Brother can only help you get here!

Seeing the guest’s eyes twinkling, the second woman quickly took out a blue checkered handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the fat doll in the back basket with continuous saliva, and her face flushed.

"Sorry... don't worry... the food is clean... the drool did not drip into the pot..."

Brother Maza rubbed his eyebrows speechlessly. Why is this girl a little stupid? If you don't say it, we really haven't thought about that!


Brother Maza was about to speak, choked all of a sudden, his eyes dullly looked at the back of the second concubine, turning a blind eye to the food she handed over.

The second woman heard a voice behind her,

"Can you give me a bowl and try it? Oh... three bowls..."

The second woman looked back, looked at the two legs hanging from the rostrum, and looked at the face again.

She couldn't help but close the hair that hung in front of her forehead, blushing,

"Are you not doing business properly? It seems that your booth hasn't been set up yet..."

The young, overdone man grinned.

"Not in a hurry, the people with this fragrance have no intention of doing business."

The second sister couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Sure enough, it's a related household. People who can go to the rostrum really won't be sincere in doing business."

She added timidly,

"Still in line."

So Lin Chou nodded cheerfully.


He said he was about to jump off the stage.

The old man Mazar who was still in a daze swished out of the distance.

"I won't buy it! You, you buy first!"

Brother Mazar's retreat followed a chain reaction, and a large area of ​​white space was suddenly vacated in front of the booth.

The second stunned, looked at the crowd, and then looked back at the podium in a daze.

Lin Chou scratched his head,

"you know me?"

When I just told the story, the motivation to point Jiangshan withdrew early. Brother Maza slid through Maza, leaving only excitement and apprehension.

"Acknowledge, recognize."

I'm kidding!

What do those who love to talk about gossip have in common with those who love to listen to gossip, of course they are well informed!

Regardless of the amount of moisture in the gossip, if Brother Ma Zha hadn't even seen the appearance of Master Haihuang Lin Chou, he would still play a ball on the road!

Haven’t eaten pork and haven’t seen a pig run... uh... maybe you haven’t seen a pig run...

A trip to Yanhuishan for a guy like him whose wallet is no thicker than the waistband is almost equivalent to bankruptcy. Whoever sees those attractive medicinal meals with special effects that are sloppy and can still guarantee that he can be absolutely calm and just eat a TM salt-baked chicken It's over? ?

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