Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1133: Heh, man~

Not to mention, the white and layered geoduck meat is really chewy.

Lin Chou once ate a similar dish, which has a very unusual flavor.

Probably use geoduck, carrots and several kinds of green leafy vegetables commonly found on the seaside to cook together with fermented to slightly sour fermented wine. What is more important is a fierce stir-frying. All ingredients must not exceed 13 seconds from the pan to the pan. The chef has a hand speed that can be called a true man, otherwise the vegetables and geoduck will be ruined once they are juicy.

The second fresh approach seems to be similar or even more extreme in approach-the geoduck meat as the protagonist is even free from the pot.

Just pour over it with the thick and viscous high temperature goose mushroom sauce with thick oil and red sauce to lock the fresh juice of the thick slices of geoduck. From the time of filling the bowl to the time when the guests put the food on the table and start eating, the tender elephant plucks The clam has been quietly cooked.

Lin Chou thought while chewing.

The second Xian who was sitting across from him gave a sigh. He didn't believe what Lin Chou said just now, and said with some complaining gestures.

"From the main west gate, pass through here and then go west, two hundred kilometers. Isn't that a wilderness? Who are you bluffing..."

"Oh, I remember that the two hundred kilometers is about the location of the Loop Corridor. If you leave the Loop Corridor, even if you go deep into the wilderness, it is a real danger zone.”

"You actually said you set up a stall there? Kouheng~"

Lin Chou ate silently.

Well, sure enough, no matter how high or low a woman's face is, the word "hum" can be used very arrogantly.

"Miss sister, you..." Brother Mazha coughed very silently and looked at the second woman, then pointed at Lin Chou and beeped softly, "He, Yan Huishan, Lin's Xiaoguan, Lin Chou!"

The second woman was ignorant, and the expression seemed to be vividly knocking out the subtitles "He is famous?" like this...

Brother Mazar is speechless, how do you want me to pick up this emoji...

Thinking for a moment, muttered,

"Forget... the second old house seems to be in the north of the city... no wonder..."

Mingguang Base City is adjacent to the Black Shenhai Sea in the east and the wilderness to the south. The evolutionary will choose which urban area to be active in according to their needs, while ordinary people are almost used by the various actions of the evolutionary in this area to carry out production and trading. There are obvious differences in methods, and each has its own prosperity... For example, the dock market in the east of the city, such as the farming and pastoral areas in the south of the city, and the evolving market in the west of the city.

It's interesting to say it, but in the north of the city, there is nothing there.

For the relatively closed Mingguang base city, the north of the city can be said to be a poverty-stricken area.

Of course, "poor" also only refers to the "circulation point". The only advantage of the north of the city is that all kinds of mountains are sparsely populated. No matter the good years of the Mingguang base city or the disaster situation, it hardly affects the north of the city. There are no examples of starvation.

The reason, Mr. Maza, also knows. The northern part of Mingguang Base City is built on the hillside. There are no small gates except the Zhengbei Gate. There are many low mountains in the northern part of the city, and many of them are bare except for weeds and weeds. There is no long stone mountain outside of Tribulus, and the road conditions are called uneasy. People living in the north of the city rarely walk out of the winding mountain road to other places in Mingguang to go to the "distant gate" unless necessary.

These things, Mr. Mazar is not so stupid to say to his face that the people of Chengbei are doing well.

Hey, ordinary people in other places in Xiacheng are envious of Chengbei.

It’s not a big deal to have no points in hand, anyway, they don’t necessarily save a few more elders than others. The key is to eat and drink without worrying about the road or picking things up, even if one day there is a living corpse and a strange animal in the city. The security is also safest in the north of the city.

That's so barren mountains, I'm afraid that even the living corpses and the strange beasts don't bother to go for dozens of hundreds of miles of thistles and all kinds of weird-looking and ugly mountain roads with spiked lichens and weeds to chew those pitiful bites. "Ration" right?

Brother Mazar glanced at Lin Sorrow, and stopped talking.

(Big boss, it seems that my little sister doesn’t even know who you are...)

Lin Chou was a little disappointed.

In fact, as soon as he arrived here, he saw the problem with the second concubine, and there was still a little ninety nine. The reputation value of this meeting was not good enough to immediately catch the blind. Is this situation can only be from the heart?

Xindao Yeah, why do people all over the world recognize you like Lin Shou!

Gouzi, you have changed, you are swollen~

Brother Maza wanted to say something to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere. Seeing Lin Da boss's weird expression, he was suffocated again, and he was always uncomfortable.

Mainly in this situation, no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of mystery, and there are some tricks inside and outside.

No matter how fierce the boss Lin is from the outside, who is very vocal in the light and loudly from the outside, he will not rush to please a second desolate one...

Fancy the second freshest recipe?

Don't be jokes, at Lin Chou's age, at the speed with which Lin Chou introduced all kinds of medicated diets, he is guilty of posing this posture for a medicinal diet that has lost its efficacy!

emmmmm, is it possible that Boss Lin fell in love with the second lady?

By the way, the appearance of the second girl...

It seems that the gap with the legendary boss lady is a little too far away...

And it's Little Red Riding Hood...

In this case...

Heh, man~

Heh, rich man~

Oh, a rich man who is a pretty dog~

Home flowers are not as scent as wild flowers! Even the **** that hasn't been eaten outside seems to be fragrant~

For one moment or two moments, Old Man Mazar felt that his soul was sublimating, and we were different from the coquettish goods outside. Isn’t I pretty? I don’t even have the qualifications to be a big pig's hoof. Poverty makes me feel bad. Separation ahhhhhhhhh!

The second concubine looked weirdly at this gossip man with a facial expression that can be called a thousand times, even Ma Zha must bring his own.

"Why don't you eat it? Every big boss who can set up a stall on the podium has a bowl, it's delicious."

No one wants to see the dishes that their ancestors have painstakingly developed from steaming hot to cold gradually, not to mention that the second woman has absolute confidence in her craft, although this seems to give people a kind of suspicion of boasting.

No matter what the reason is, Brother Maza definitely doesn't want to offend this plain-looking Xiaojiabiyu. Isn't he polite without seeing the boss Lin?

In the bowl, there is a kind of rich sesame paste, the second fresh with the same texture as the second hen. There is not a trace of heat, but it exudes the fragrance of mushrooms and mushrooms, which may be mixed with a kind of difficulty. The discernible smell of meat is very strange, and it matches well, which makes the index finger move.

"Suck~his! Why is it so hot! Hiss, this smell is wonderful!"

The second sister smiled softly and tenderly,

"Of course, the fat has been taken away by the thick soup, and this bowl may not be completely cold when it is left for half an hour and an hour."

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