Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1137: My own wife and other people's wives (two in one, longer than very long)

After three years of blood gain, he was taken aback by the rare harshness of his father, and he quickly dragged the **** earthen jar in front of him.

Well, you see here we use the words very rigorously. A word "drag" is enough to show that this black and big earthen jar is very heavy, and it is very difficult to earn three years of blood.

"Oh, oh..."

"But Dad, I... really can't finish eating..."

Ran Feng frowned and his smile gradually disappeared.


An elbow from his wife almost smashed his big waist, and he quickly lost a brilliant smile, which was more innocent than the smile of a three-year-old kid.

"Eat, be good, eat slowly, our number plate has reached 7,000, and it is estimated that it will take our turn in the middle of the night."

(Dad, you smile, as if you drank too much Lululu milk powder!)

Swallowing saliva hard for three years of earning blood,

"So, I want to eat until midnight??"

"Yes, you have to finish it, and you have to finish it in the middle of the night!"


Just think about the fat and fat body of Lord Sanhuang, and you can know how big a crock is needed for a big half-human hen.


In other words, the crock pot used by the crock pot chicken has always been the Nissi black pottery from 1,700 years ago provided by the system in unlimited quantities:

The caliber is slightly larger than the washbasin, forty centimeters high, with a large belly and a thin flat bottom, no cover and no ears, and the surface is black as lacquer and bright as a mirror. It is rough and simple with an ancient charm of vicissitudes.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that for a moment, Mazar felt that the little girl might cry at any time.

"The little girl looks really handsome."

Among the guests who were helping with moving things was a second-order evolutionary, with envy, jealousy and hatred all over his face.

"Tsk tusk, it's not a big deal for a girl, it's really awesome if someone else has that stuff in their hands!"

Brother Mazar was taken aback.

"Brother, don't mess around~"

The evolutionary snorted,

"Making mess? Am I going to grab the gold of Boss Lin or the gold of Boss Lin's guests? Do you think I am like a fool?!"

The evolutionary is really poor, not necessarily.

But one thing is that the faster you upgrade, the harder you are to evolve, and the wallet must be deflated.

In addition to dealing with the poll tax, they also have to fiddle with various medicated diets, home remedies, magic plant essences that are helpful for upgrading and advancement. It is impossible for an evolving person at this stage to save circulation points. of.

The consumption is extremely huge, so it is not allowed to sell oneself to tax avoidance or to fumble in the wilderness, and this consumption is continuous, and it may require tens of thousands of circulation points every day or even more...

Can you make a fortune by grabbing an inch square of gold? Stop it!

Besides, it's a total silly beep to exchange gold for circulation points, okay?

The second-order evolutionary murmured,

"I TM actually can't wait to identify my pedigree..."

Well, when I have enough tickets to smuggle some gold from Shan Ye, I have to put a pot of crock pot chicken into the abandoned gold mine to try whether we are a non-Chief or a pure European!

On the table next to Three Years of Blood Earning, the uncle Warlock had a faint look, and his mood was particularly complicated when he had just shot an arrow in his knee.

Absent-mindedly combing his feathers for Lord Sanhuang,

"Will it be called?"


Uncle Warlock has always been very concerned about the luck of others.

Lin Chou held a chicken wing in his mouth-in order to avoid the big-breasted sister running away, Boss Lin only left a chicken wing for himself in the end.

"What are you talking about, nervous?"

"Look at my eyes!" Uncle Warlock turned his head, lifted his hood a little, and stared at Lin Chou with scarlet swaying flame eyes, "Well, okay, do you feel anything?"

Lin Chou twisted his neck suspiciously.

"Huh? No..."

Master Warlock put on his hood again,

"While you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you!"

Lin Chou: "???"

No, it is said that the warlock and Xue Tuanzi have been hiding for research in the past few days. Have you watched the unbelievable fan? How do you feel that the soul of the middle two has been completely released?

Uncle Warlock shrugged disappointedly.

"It's boring. Generally, when I say this to others, they will be unlucky for at least a month."

"So, is this really a curse?"


"The effect is really not good."


The warlock looked at Lin Chou blankly for a while,

"Yeah... how come it fails as soon as you get to your place... Obviously you are not very lucky... you can't be affected by me..."

Lin Chou smiled slightly,

"According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, the great metaphysician before the cataclysm..."

"Shut up!!" The entire hood of the uncle Warlock was gushing out from the silver-white fire of mental power, and there was a little black smoke.

Lin Chou's eyes lit up,

"Hey, what's a new performance project? This is really beautiful~"

Performance project?

A family of three at the next table was almost scared to jump off the stage, okay...

Ran Feng wiped the cold sweat from his head, and looked firmly at the three-year blood earning.

"Hey! Eat quickly, don't worry about anything else, Dad will protect you..."

The little girl babbled and ate very hard. It seems that the dad, Ran Huan, had taught her more than once at home, and she didn’t even ask why. Obviously, she knew how precious this opportunity was and it was hard to come by.

After a while, the podium was completely lively, full of people.

The second daughter's business is also surprisingly good-almost no one can ignore the arbitrary fragrance of the second freshman, even if Lin Chou's dishes are placed in front of him.

Lin Chou didn't care, so he just asked more when ordering food.

"Second fresh, do you want me to send her over?"

Regardless of whether you know Lin Chou or not, at least after seeing the prices on Lin’s menu, every table obediently ordered at least a second fresh one-"The second freshest is super cheap compared to that, eat one. Don't lose two shares of blood to earn!"

The two big pots of food quickly met the bottom of the second girl, and the cooking mode was turned on again.

There was fine sweat on her forehead,

"Thanks, thank you!"

Occupying other people's place, using other people's tables, and even robbing other people's guests, this makes the second concubine have a guilty conscience.

Lin Chou waved his hand, indicating that he was too busy to talk to her.

The second girl tilted her mouth and took a look at the menu on the table driven by curiosity.

"Ah ... ah blanket ??"

Why is there two zeros behind the bun at this price...Wow...this soup is also...and this...this...

The second concubine looked up and saw the famous evolutionary hand in a golden circulation point card into Lin Chou's hand, and the "10000" on it flashed her eyes.


That's it!

Lin Chou's boss is not happy,

"Why point card again?"

The evolutionary nodded and bowed hippie smiley,

"Forget about...who will carry so much cash... next time... next time, boss Lin... next time I will give you cash..."

Lin Chou hummed twice,

"If it wasn't for your familiarity..."

"Yes, yes, yes, as long as I go to the wilderness, boss Lin must have breakfast at your place, hehehe, thank you boss Lin for your face!"

"just wait."

"Well, no hurry, no hurry!"

After Lin Chou left, the two people at the table were still discussing excitedly.

"Good luck, I didn't expect Boss Lin to come today."

"Friends, Boss Lin, Young Master Sikong, and Young Master Yu are all very good friends, should they be here to support the scene?"

"Tsk tsk, it's really the same as the big guy said, there's no shelf at all!"

"No, Boss Lin is famous for his character."

"Famous black heart?"


The enrollment of Qinshan Martial Arts School this time has attracted many evolutionists, not only for their own dolls, but they also plan to enter the Qinshan Martial Arts School system while they are young.

Some people who have been in the wilderness for several years or even ten years are still first-order and second-order low-level bastards. They are naturally unwilling. After analyzing and analyzing, some people think: "Oh, my talent is very good. I have practiced enough, and I have been unable to break this barrier. It may be because I did not learn enough in theory."

Not to mention that there are quite a few people holding this kind of thinking, and I plan to go back to the furnace and rebuild my own brain that is already full of muscles.

This group of guys has a much wider source of news than those who just confided in Mingguang base city, big family members, and local tyrants. They entered the Qinshan Martial Arts School venue to get the number plate and did nothing else. They talked at first glance. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lin Moumou on the rostrum.

Flocked, and by the way, the news of Lin Chou's Qinshan Wushu School was like splashing water on a large area, and the entire rostrum was wrapped tightly on the three and outside three floors.

Under pressure, the vendors who set up stalls around the rostrum could only move the stalls cursively, and move back a little bit.

This group of evolving people couldn't get up to the stage and just babbled around, their eyes gleaming, like sharks smelling blood.

"Oh oh, who is the plain-looking one that is set up next to the third lady boss?"

"Emmmm, according to my guess, this plain-looking is probably a long-lost relative of Boss Lin..."

A certain second-order fan girl shook her chest,

"Not only does he look mediocre, even the rabbit is mediocre--ahhhh, but Boss Lin is as handsome as the legend!"

"Hey, you are too much, why are you always chasing the face of the other girl to talk about things?"

"if not?"

Someone sniffed, as if they had discovered the New World,

"I said, have you heard of it, what's the smell? I bet Mr. Lin must have never cooked this dish!"

"Yacht butterfly, you found a Tier 3 boss, why are you queuing too?"

"Nonsense, what a big face I am, I dare not try to line up, are there few fourth-order dogs who don't line up on Yanhui Mountain? Even the fifth-order is alright!"

"This smell... seems to come from the girl..."

"It's so fragrant~"

"Oh, so the girl looks like she's in a good position by her ability!"

"Upstairs, why do I hear your tone a little weird?"

"No, I didn't. Don't talk nonsense. Lieutenant General Leng didn't come today, right? He definitely didn't come?"

This group of evolutionaries who are accustomed to sprawling in the wilderness are all big and rough, don't expect their whispers to be so quiet, one by one is angry like drums and thunder, and the noisy rises to the sky, shaking the vendors and the crowd around the rostrum. My ears are humming and dizzy.

Well, dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Lin someone on the stage has sharp eyes like a knife, and instantly focuses, and then a pot volleys into the sky.


A third-tier passerby who was frightened looking for Lieutenant General Leng took off the pot on his head and raised it high.

"Hahaha, thank you Boss Lin for the reward, I will definitely treat it as a family heirloom~"

He also clasped his fists and saluted everyone in all directions, saying proudly,

"Wow, Kaka, it seems that no one else has this treatment except for Lord Shan. Hahaha."

A group of unscrupulous people is called a cooperation,


"Shit luck~"

A fan girl,

"Why, ah, ah, ah, Lin Shuai, Lin Shuai, I want me to give someone a bite too!"

Lin Chou on the stage suddenly shrank his neck, and everyone laughed.


Ran Feng calmed down at this time, looking at the scene below with feelings.

"Oh, this is the master, maybe it's fragrant to fart."


Another elbow hit by my beautiful wife.

The wife snorted coldly,

"Vulgar! Boss Lin just looks good!"

Ran Feng was speechless,

"I'm not talking about this..."

My wife snorted coldly again,

"I think you are jealous."

Ran Feng: "???"

Ran Feng rubbed his brows for a long time and was speechless, earning kindness to the three years of blood that passed on his wife and his excellent pedigree.

"Don't look at it, eat it, it works best when it's hot."

Poor Three Years Blood Earning's mouth was stuffed with chicken, and a small face was flushed, and it was deformed.

"Dad...Dad...I want to eat that dish..."

Ran Feng raised his brows and scolded,

"What to eat, the dishes on the table add up to a fraction of yours. It's a bit promising. Eat quickly!"

After three years of earning blood for help, the eyes fluttered to his mother.

So my mother took out the round makeup box and patched up her makeup.


Close the makeup box,

"What do you look at, eat seriously, and don't let you do your homework?"

Three years of blood earned grief and said,

"Mom, mom, I want to drink some water..."

"What kind of water to drink? Take up a lot of stomach! I have to wait a while to go to the interview! If I drink too much water, where can I go to the toilet? Hurry up!"

"My wife is right..."

Seeing his wife finished her makeup, Ran Feng picked up the chopsticks and put an abalone in her bowl.

"Old duck and abalone stewed kelp, my wife, try this, the abalone is very tonic."

"At first glance, it took a lot of thought. The soup is thick and oil-free, and the taste is very thick. The abalones are all heart-wrenching. When I was a child, my mother would make the soup so thick. The abalone tastes like that. Call a Dan..."

The wife gracefully took a small bite and chewed gently.

"Boss Lin is really good at craftsmanship, no wonder the sisters praise him to heaven!"

Ran Feng's face turned black.

"My wife, you don't have to deal with those women. I heard that they often hide it... Go to Yanhui Mountain to wash the hot springs. Oh my God, it's terrible. The people in that place are hunting teams , Maybe someone relied on drinking too much and relied on a bit of strength... uh... what... my wife, what do you think of me like this..."

"Ran Feng, do you want to die? You mean my old lady will give you a cuckold?"

"'s could this be...impossible..."

"I, Ran Feng, vowed to God that I would never have such an idea! My wife is the most trustworthy..."


His wife gave him an angry look.

"I know, I'll go out with them, petty ghosts. What kind of status do they have? When my old lady goes, I can only serve people with tea and water. Are you willing to go as an old lady? Is your business in your family, otherwise, my elder mother is so inferior?"

Ran Feng silently picked up vegetables for his wife, until the bowl couldn’t fit.

"Thanks for your hard work, my wife."

"Hmph, it's fine if you know, think about my old lady and jump off the building to show you!"


Strong smell of dog food.

After three years of blood profit, I had a full hiccup, and I was wronged.

"Dad...I have eaten half of my chicken...I can rest for a while...Can I eat an abalone...One small one is good...Dad, why do you only serve my mother with vegetables... "

The wife’s eyebrows were cold, and her momentum was as high as an eight-story building.

"Dead girl!"

"Eat your chicken! Do you know how many thoughts your dad has offended for this meal?"

Ran Feng looked at his family's three-year blood earning with the eyes of caring for mentally handicapped children.

"As for why only serve your mother with vegetables?"

"Hehehe, one is my wife and the other is someone else's wife. Which one do you think I serve?"

My wife's face is rouge, her tone is very charming,

"Devil, I hate it, what are you talking about~"

Ran Feng smiled like a dog leg,

"Wife, wood~"

After three years of blood, the broken glass heart turned into a rain of tears, and suddenly choked up-while choking and belching.


"My mother is the most annoying..."

"I want a little mom..."

"Then let the little mom kick my dad again, find me a stepdad..."

"The stepdad and the little mother must not dare to let me eat dozens of catties of chicken by myself... the occurrence committee will blow them up on the spot..."

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