Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1148: Back~

That's right, so it is said that only Lin Shou's pot is the most suitable location~

Lin Shou's face was full of benevolence and righteousness, as if he had his own holy light.

After he jumped on the island again, Xiao Hong silently instructed Zhong to drive the boat farther, so as not to be affected by some incredible antique firearms.

Zhong Hui didn't know where he took out a handful of dried squid and squeaked.

"Captain Xiao, let's... really not follow?"

Xiao Hong's head shook like a rattle.

"It's useless for us to go! That kind of concentration of firelight is an astronomical figure to prop up the original shield, let alone a counterattack... Ordinary Tier 5 evolution can only support three to five minutes, don't believe you You can go down and try."

Zhong would smile awkwardly and murmur,

"My boss, who is amazing, is it because he has practiced some weird King Kong not bad boy skills, right?"

After half an hour, there was a sudden sound of earth-shaking cracks from the continuous artillery fire.

The sea water in the direction of the island seemed to be boiled, with huge bubbles and large and small vortices surging and becoming turbid.

Zhong Hui's eyes stared roundly,

"Retreat, retreat, retreat, this **** island is sinking..."

In the horrified sight of everyone, one-third of the huge island separated from the base of the island like a cake cut by an invisible knife, and the blue water poured into the island from the cracks.

Afterwards, one-third of the islands that had been split apart crashed and fell below the sea level, causing huge waves to the sky.


The sea hunting ship that turned around and fled frantically was pushed out a full seven or eight nautical miles away, and was almost overturned several times.

Everyone looked back with lingering fears, and saw that the muddy sea was filled with colorful marine life, of which the most fishes.

"Fuck, a second-order swordfish!"

"Boss Zhong, look there, tiger puffer fish, Tier 3 tiger puffer fish hahaha got rich boss, let's get rich!!"

In the face of this kind of natural disaster-level land and sink attack, the little alienated creature was not worth mentioning, and it exploded in every minute.

The sea hunting boat was in a hurry and filled the boat with all kinds of sea animals.

Then everyone looked at the more fish-shaped circulation points on the sea with worrisome faces--

"Look at the sky!"

"There is nothing more mourning than death."

"How many to send Xun Pain..."

After more than ten minutes, the turbid sea gradually became clear, and groups of "dorsal fins" came from the distance to ride the wind and waves. It seemed that the speed was more than three to five times faster than the speedboat that Zhonghui and Xiao Hong had just driven. .

In order to avoid being surrounded by these sturdy sea hunters, the sea hunting boats once again quietly moved away, allowing them to eat as much as possible.

Zhong Hui said suddenly,

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin is here!!"

In the depths of a school of fish spreading over the sea, Lin Chou dragged a huge creature with one hand and rushed happily.

It is worth noting that in his other hand, the free source energy formed an inverted vortex, making that hand feel like pinching an entire galaxy, and the dazzling light made Lin Moumou look like a walking human-shaped nucleus.

Zhong Hui gulped his saliva, but still felt his mouth full of dryness.

"The sixth-order source crystal..."

Xiao Hong was also dumbfounded, and said dullly.

"Animal, animal! Hang on the wall!!"

Even Xiao Hong, who has more confidence in Lin Chou's strength, just thinks that it is good for Lin Chou to **** the Hashma from the hands of the Tier 6 armed orangutan-you know that the Hashma that serves as a mount also has it. Tier 5!

As a result, how much time has passed since then, the source crystal was dug directly one death and one wound.


There is no way to hide the energy fluctuation of the sixth-order source crystal in Lin Chou's hand.

Under the surface of the sea, the ocean hunters who rushed to a gluttonous feast suddenly discovered a new goal-it was an unexpected surprise.

Those shadows, large or small, stagnated for a while, then turned around and drove swiftly in Lin Chou's direction like fishes.

"I wipe it, boss Lin, be careful, run!"

For the sea hunting team, this kind of plot couldn't be more familiar, and most of them were most afraid of the curtain call method.

When the ship is destroyed and people die, those terrifying ocean hunters will follow the **** smell, and various sharks are naturally the fastest.

Most of them retain their picky appetites before the cataclysm. People who encounter drowning often only need one bite to tell the body fat ratio of this creature, the recipes of the previous three days, or whether they will have troubles after eating. Horse's.

Then the basic situation will become one tastes an unappetizing bite and walks away, and one tastes an unappetizing one and then walks away...

Have you ever thought that when you die, your genes can contaminate an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, appearing on the teeth and belly of dozens or dozens of sharks?

Gee, it's so spectacular.

Zhong Hui waited for the crowd's heart to pop out of his throat, but Xiao Hong muttered to himself as if he was relieved.

"Huh...Finally it's going to sea..."

Zhong will have pointed ears,

"Go to the sea? What do you mean? Literally or hide the show?"



In the distance on the sea, Lin XX, who was dragging a big red toad, naturally perceives these coveted and greedy sights from under the sea.

Boss Lin started to get angry and shook the big toad in his hand.

"Niang Xipi, the evil animal is bold!"

That's it!

Do you have hands?

Can you set the stove to fire?

Do you know what oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are?

With such a crude condition that everything is sashimi, you dare to **** food from a handsome cook-who gave you the courage?


Lin Moumou, who was already above, did not realize that most of these ocean hunters were actually directed at the source crystal in his hand, while the other small part was directed at his feet that were stepping on the water. The last one Diudiu came blindly at the toad...

On the land, Lin Chou has to worry about whether he will be broken by artillery fire, kicked by a gorilla group, crushed into pieces by the sunken half of the island, and buried alive, but is it on the sea——

"Heh, this is my Lin Moumou home court~"

It can be said that when Boss Lin is on the sea, except for the relatively weird G-spot like "falling from high altitude", he is not afraid!


Centered on Lin Chou’s feet, the sea surface of several kilometers in a radius of several kilometers is recessed down to a depth of ten meters. The turbulent water flow seems to have turned into a torrent of iron and steel, which has lifted the sea hunters from all directions. Some of Yu who were too close turned their belly directly and floated to the surface of the sea, completely stunned.

The ocean hunter, who was measuring ten meters in size at every turn, approached fiercely and fled to the floating corpses in the blink of an eye. The scene was always magnificent.

"Fuck..." Zhong Hui felt that he had more **** today than he had said in his entire life. "I heard that shark fins are delicious..."

Xiao Hong curled his lips.

"Go back to the 11th market to get some crystal powder, then boil the fish soup and add a spoon of chili oil. To be honest, it's more fragrant than shark fin. You people, it's this mountain that looks high at that mountain!"

Zhong Hui said quietly,

"Captain Xiao, have you eaten this tone?"

"Ahem..." Xiao Hong was speechless for a while.

How could she have not eaten it before, this thing was quite "precious" before the cataclysm, and it turned out to be a lot of energy for drying, smoking, and stewing. After eating it, there was just one word:


No taste of hair...

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