Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1171: I was born with her

The warlock thought for a while.

Most of the collections of void creatures are really collections. The full inventory has been forgotten in the corner of the corner for tens of thousands of years. It is purely a basic operation. It’s a rare thing.” Even if it’s worthy of this thing, the stainless steel basin enjoyed the same treatment back then. After all, it was just a collection. For some reason, the stuff that really helped the void creatures’ strength and influence was on the spot. It's used, where is the mind to make a collection.

Therefore, the lost and ruined are not worth distressing.

The warlock felt that there was no need for Si Gaoyi to cheat himself for a little bit of face. After all, this is the home of your warlock uncle...

Dare to do things on the Yanhui Mountain, regardless of your identity or identity. If you don't beat a careful creature, you can't take care of yourself, the Warlock Master live broadcasts the inverted diarrhea.

Uncle Warlock really couldn't see anything from that piece of bear's paw meat that was very appetizing at first sight, emmmm, maybe really, as Si Gaoyi said, he was also limited by the environment in which he was in cognitive ability.

As for Si Gao as a pure alien creature, or smuggling, it is also... luck if the local party branch manages not to be purified by the holy light, his eyes and tentacles are...luck? !

Lin Chou, the warlock hesitated so much, made him a little unhappy: it's not you, a little white mouse...cough...what's the story of the customer? Are you the protagonist?

Uncle Warlock has a lot of brains, and he loses a smiling face-let's count it as a smiling face.

"This appearance is so exquisite, I don't have the heart to eat it."

With that said, while Sgao didn't react, he brought the bigger piece of meat in front of him, and it was just a bite.


Lin Sorrows his words and stops.

Huang Dashan pierced it without hesitation.

"It's funny, the meat that Linzi personally cuts can still give you an advantage? Believe it or not that the piece on your plate is the same weight as the other piece?"

After taking two bites, the warlock cursed.

"I'm going... there is a piece of meat under this meat??"

Lin Chou kept a smile with the qualities that a treacherous and cunning boss should have,

"That part is the phalanx, I have removed it in order not to affect the taste."

Si Gao held the meat with the plate in front of him and looked at it from various angles.

"I have impeccable knife skills and impeccable dishes. I walked on various planes and ate countless delicacies. Some of them impressed me, and some... I had to be impressed. The bear's paw of the main material plane was the first. Once eating, this aroma, this gradual color from the outside to the inside, just looking and smelling can make most diners pleasing and satisfying, right?"

Uncle Warlock silently cursed and licked the dog and said,

"There are countless planes, not all planes of the void, have you been to the material world, let me tell you, the food of the main material world is a hundred times stronger than your backcountry, good luck guy."

"Hey, everyone is a spirit body to some extent, with the same roots, can you not hurt each other-oh oh, it's here, it's changed!"

"What are you talking about... Fuck..." The warlock touched his face, "Nima, where is my face?"

In the eyes of many melon-eating people, the uncle Warlock’s face transformed by the gray mist and even the entire spiritual body gradually became illusory. Although originally looked illusory enough, it has now reached the level that it may dissipate at any time. If it weren't for the scarlet wildfire flashing in the deep eye sockets, everyone would almost think that the uncle Warlock was about to die.


As soon as the uncle Warlock was about to speak, thick mist rushed out from the gap in the cloak, and its powerful aura turned sharply like a leaking balloon.

The gushing thick mist blew open the warlock's hood, revealing a beautiful woman with gleaming silver light resembling Wei Qingyu, and she stood on top of the warlock's head with her eyes closed.

"Fuck... as if... just like alive..."

"It's becoming opaque!"

The silver flame beauty was surrounded by silver flames and the gray mist that originally belonged to the sorcerer, and the surging spiritual force rushed into the sky, and the yellow cloud that would never dissipate was rushed to pieces.

The warlock himself was stunned, terrified, and raised his head and muttered to himself.

"Mom, damn... Lord killer..."

"This perspective is wonderful," Huang Dashan was full of envy, "Master Warlock, is the beauty of Yinyan wearing safety pants?"

Lin Chou almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, this kind of thing is not insignificant and can drive him crazy, right?

Boss Lin looked at Huang Dashan and then at the Uncle Warlock and the beauty of silver flame standing at the corner of his skirt flying above his head, holding his chin and pondering.

"Yeah, did you wear it or not?"

The silver flame beauty opened her eyes, and the murderous silver flame without the slightest temperature rolled out of her pupils for a few meters, staring at Huang Dashan and Lin Chou fiercely.

Lin Chou and Huang Dashan were horrified,


Fuck, this thing can understand what we say!


The silver flame beauty broke the two huge abyss horns on the head of the warlock backhand, lifted it in his hand, and jumped to the ground.


The warlock took a breath of pain, clutching his head and scratching his heart: "???"

It's not that they say bad things about you, why are you breaking my horns? And why did you jump down? !

Lin Chou's eyes widened,

"I...go... she can't leave you, can't she?"

"Theoretically speaking," the warlock snarled, "it's like this-can you give me a bowl of soup first, I feel like I'm going to collapse..."

The silver flame beauty pushed the warlock aside from the chair, while she sat on the chair with a blank expression, picked up the chopsticks and ate the bear's paw.

Warlock: "!!!"

Opposite Sgao silently moved down from the table with a plate on one end, and squatted honestly beside the warlock.

"Brother, where did you fix this thing, I feel a fatal threat, her life level...seems to be higher than me..."

The warlock with a bewildered face still refuses to show his timidity in front of customers who have been deceived by his black heart

"I... I gave birth to heat! At least it can be considered an amputation!"

The black hole on Si Gao's muffled face let out a "嚯嚯嚯" laugh.

"My body has more than 10,000 limbs. Look at which one can cut out one of this level-don’t talk to your old friend, how did she come, hehe, I see her appearance and mental fluctuations, to you It doesn't seem to be very friendly, please save yourself, maybe you will need me to help you later."

"I... and her... have..."

The warlock's eyes turned to one side.

Wei Qingyu suddenly screamed like an old hen who had blown up her hair.

"What are you looking at?"

"Can you take another look?"

The other one who exploded in place was the uncle Wen Zhongjiu.

The other is Wei Tianxing.

The same hatred, embarrassing and evil, gearing up, eager to try.

The already weak and unable master warlock suddenly shut up, aggrieved!


"Don't, don't touch me, I'll tell you, it will be unlucky!"

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