Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1209: Inside story

Leng Han returned to the base city with a lot of thoughts--some guys with huge hearts even said idly that he still had time to make a pot of soup.

Zhao Erye came back after watching a lap of cartoons and saw this schadenfreude. It's not too messy to watch the excitement. Sooner or later, Lin Chou would be stewed into soup by Fatty Wei and his father.

"The cartoon is pretty good, and I think that big cat seems to like it too."

Fortunately, Lin Chou's small hill is quite large, otherwise I can't help these guys tossing so much, and they are playing movies and doing special training. They are extremely funny. It can be said to be fancy for a big cat. Broken heart.

After Zhao Er stayed on the mountain for a few days, not only did he not feel at ease-he was not energetic, and his beard grew longer, and he could even memorize the animation lines for several times.


Zhao Eryi's standard Zhao rascal look, and Zhao Qingcang's old guy's expression are almost the same, and there is no need to suspect that the pure Zhao family blood is flowing on him.

Zhao Erpa pulled the cutlery on the table, his eyes half-open and half-closed,

"What the **** is it going to do? Linzi, think about it again, the world is so big, why does it choose your place to stay?"

Lin Chou emmmmm for a while,

"Maybe missing a very, very social beating?"

Could it be that after almost becoming a broken-wing angel last time, the big cat awakened some inexplicable attributes...


Zhao Er was suffocated by Lin Chou's brain hypoxia, and he gritted his teeth everywhere looking for tools of crime.

Then he saw Su Yourong burrowing out from nowhere and surreptitiously handing a pan with a thickness of 80 millimeters to Lin Chou's hands.

"Wet Tiger, Wet Tiger use this pot!"

Zhao Er took a breath. I haven't thought of doing anything yet, so you will provide tools for committing crimes?

"This child is so vicious at his young age, so don't stay here!!"

Lin Chou rubbed Su Yourong's head vigorously, making a mess of her long straight hair.

"Second Lord, should I cooperate with you?"

"No," Zhao Er said indifferently, "I have watched a lot of cartoons recently, so what, it's kind of interesting."

Lin Sorrow's expression is serious,

"You can watch cartoons, but don't chase them!"

Zhao Eryi looked blank,

"Chasing fan? What does chasing fan mean..."

Su Yourong contemptuously said,




"Don't say I know you when you go out in the future, don't say you like watching cartoons, this girl can't afford to lose this person!"

Su Yourong sighed and left with her hands on her back.


Since he had offended Su Yourong last time, he really felt the power of a cute beast.

The whole person Yanhuishan disappeared overnight, and the woman who had been eager for him like a decadent old handsome man disappeared overnight. All of them changed their faces and beat and scolded at every turn. He walked in front, and his eyes looked like a knife from behind. Poke his spine violently.

Lin Chou said,

"Chasing fan is chasing the updated fan drama——"

Zhao Er said in surprise,

"At this time, there are still people in the base city drawing cartoons to play?"

Lin Chou said,

"Did you not hear? A few months ago, there was a guy who was mad while waiting for the manga fan. Somehow, when it happened, we got the author’s address and ran over with 8 sets of mouthballs, 9 handcuffs, and a 300-jin blade. I was forced to change, but my clothes were stripped and thrown out. Poor, full of Dangdang characters written on my thigh... Heh~ I heard that the author named Nian Gengyao is famous for the sea hunting team. A Tier 5 Intermediate Evolver only lives in Mingguang for half a month every year to prepare for the new fan-the reminder is more risky, and you need to be cautious when you follow it.


Zhao Er was stunned for a long time, and suddenly said angrily,

"The sea hunters still leave them less homework! Nian Gengyao, right? How old? The dignified fifth-order evolutionary is actually not doing good job drawing cartoons? It seems that they must be made to know what society is sinister and life is complicated, he , Over!"

Lin Chou: "???"

Phew, fortunately I don't chase the old man's fan...

After three seconds of silence for the fans of the old man, Lin Chou continued to chat with Zhao Er idly.

Of course, this time I didn't say that the manga fan is still the anime fan.

After all, such an upright and handsome man like him would spend a little more than ten or twenty times in the long night, and it would be bad if he missed the friendly army.


The warlock is here.

The warlock was holding the deeper and deeper eye sockets of the ghost fire, and sitting on his shoulders was a big beautiful woman with sparkling silver flames and dazzling eyes. He lifted one leg upside down while jumping on one leg while pushing that leg on himself.

"Yo yo yo..."

Lin Chou rolled his eyes.

"Chek trouble?"

Uncle Warlock finally got Fading back on himself after falling three somersaults.

"Hey Linzi, look at me, has anything changed?"

The Warlock stuck his face between Zhao Er and Lin Chou, Zhao Er moved his chair calmly, trying to stay away from the pollution source, so the Warlock unceremoniously took the opportunity to sit down.

Lin Chou seriously looked at the warlock's face:

Unreal faces, simulated muscles, eye sockets of wild fire, giant horns lingering in the dark mist...

"You look like you are dead." Lin Chou insisted.


The warlock said excitedly,

"Sure enough, it's the Linzi, you have the most insight, Emma, ​​I'm exhausted these days, I have dark circles under my eyes, do you know how difficult that little girl ghost is?!"

Lin Chou pondered for a while, and said in the most euphemistic tone,

"Gan, you really messed up people?"

Wu Keru, who was dumbfounded and studied the equipment honestly, was struck by lightning, and his whole body became stiff.

Warlock: "!!!"

Lin Chou babbled and said,

"Comrade Xiao Wu has always been obsessed with that little girl ghost. Lord Shan has worked very hard to explain what reproductive isolation is and trying to change his surname to Ning Weishen. The procedure hasn't finished yet. You... almost?"

The warlock cursed,

"What a mess, just talk about business! I..."


There was a earth-shaking roar, followed by another earth-shaking bang, and then another earth-shaking roar.

So the four people in the room turned their heads and looked at the tiger's head that had successfully jammed themselves on the door.


The tiger has a hideous face and slaps its wings, and the entire hill is like a magnitude 7 earthquake.

However, this hut was reinforced by the system. After breaking free, the big tiger put his head on the threshold, and shouted angrily at the table of Lin Chou.

"Woo Meow~"

It was all silent.

Lin Chou asked Zhao Er.

"This big guy took the wrong medicine?"

Zhao Er jumped up like he had rushed into an electrically powered electric toad.

"Ha, I know there must be a reason for this stupid guy to appear, there must be a reason!"

Zhao Erye looked at Uncle Warlock with excited and aggressive gaze,

"One! Set! Yes! Inside! The scene!"

"Bah~" Uncle Warlock spouted a disdainful syllable from the virtual nose, "Don't look at me like that. The guy who dared to look at me like that last time was the same guy who won the lottery and came to the stage to receive the prize. You can only gnaw at the buns picked up in the audience."

Lin Chou would not believe the nonsense of the warlock,

"Let's talk about it, what happened to that guy?"

"Nothing," said the warlock, "I also looked at him a few times~"

"and then?"

"I heard that the guy won the lottery for a full 5 million points in circulation. He was lucky to be shit. No wonder he dared to look at Lao Tzu like that when he came on stage."

"Well, then."

"Counting the poll tax and single tax, I paid a total of 7.2 million, so I had to sell the house in the Shangcheng District to the Xiacheng District to pay off the debt for the sheep breeding farm."

Oh, you know!

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