Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1214: Hermes

Some people in Mingguang were busy fighting each other in the conference room, but Lin Chou seemed much simpler here. A group of idle men squatted on the ground happily eating melons.

"Wow, these paws are so white, no, this tiger is so round..."



After the big cat woke up from the extension of the dream, he went crazy and went crazy into the kitchen. The eldest sister washed two dishes and finally half of the bowls were left intact, all of which were served by the big cat in one pot. This made the eldest sister. How not to be angry?

That's the eldest sister...

Physical strength alone can equal the existence of Cold Tyrannosaurus, a mere six...

emmmm, I can’t say that. In fact, the big cat was pitted by the uncle Warlock’s dream extension spell, and was touched with a few feathers. The current state is basically panting, choking his voice and hitting the wall while walking. .

As for the eldest sister, she was full of stamina and anger exploded.

Once it's up and down, the ending of the big cat is basically doomed.

"It's stewed!"

The eldest sister threw the big cat in front of the boss, shaking the ground.

Lin Chou bared his teeth--is it because this big cat smashed more than one-third of your dishes in a day and made you feel that your career prospects were threatened?

Lin Chou glanced at the warlock.

"It's been a long time since I saw your unlucky aura come into play. I always thought it would fail here."

"It's your little broken mountain that will fail," the warlock said suspiciously, "I'm wondering too."

Lin Chou: "..."

So the warlock said cheerfully,

"It didn't run, obviously it was unlucky enough in the first place, this time it's not my pot, let's stew it."

Lin Chou began to roll his eyes.

The warlock pulled Lin Chou aside,

"I'm serious, it, this big cat, wants to grab my host!"


"It wants the soul body! I don't know why. I feel it when the dream extends. It just wants the soul body. I want it naturally like I want to drink water and eat when I am hungry. Guess it will eat it."

Lin Chou was surprised.

The warlock was silent for a while,

"Zhao Er was here just now, I have to be on guard, have you thought about it, this rare soul body may be an opportunity for the evolution of the big cat."

"Holy artifact?" Lin Chou said, "Are you sure?"

The warlock shook his head,

"I'm not sure. It's just an opportunity. Maybe it can transform into a sacred object of light by eating a hundred souls, but there is only one host."

"Mingguang doesn't have to ask for holy objects, right? Doesn't it mean that the influence of holy objects is not necessarily positive?"

It is rare for a warlock not to use the gray fog to simulate a meme while talking, he said seriously,

"Mingguang has a dark sea. In order to solve the problem of no sacred relics, Mingguang separated a coastal defense line. The side effects of returning to the ruins were great, but after all, it can make qualified people too much stronger. After so many years, the sea has been excessively prosperous. The line of defense has long since lost sight of Mingguang Base Camp..."

"As long as the old guys with a bit of IQ have a clear mind, they can see what idea some people are playing. No matter whether the influence of the holy relic is negative, Mingguang and the coastline can always be counted as two opportunities."

Lin Sorrows thoughtful,

"What do you mean, the people on the coastline are using Mingguang as a test field?"

"No, Mingguang has long been a test field for others. Good-looking and leafy ones will be given priority to the coastal defense line."


"But this has nothing to do with you. Too many people from Mingguang are on your side. Hei Shenhai can only endure it," said the warlock. "In fact, the high-level Mingguang himself wants to let go and take back his dominant position. But I dare not make too much noise, this big cat is just at the right time."

"The sacred objects of Luan Mountain and Wolf City are a kind of insects. They have already gone up to play with the virtual beasts. What remains below is just a bunch of insects. Guess what Mingguang thinks, the insects are already like this. Now, our chance is a big cat and a little yellow chicken. Guessing with your **** will know that it must be better than a bug!"

"It can be like this..."

The warlock shrugged,

"Why? Why can't that be the case? Can you still expect that the guys who grew up slashing monsters have some special brains? I tell you that their nerves are straight!"

Lin Chou squeezed his chin.

"I still think that your immersive games are something you can do. Can you say, can I also open a restaurant in it?"

The warlock sprayed a wave of gray mist: "???"

Lin Chou coughed,

"I just say that casually, ha ha, just say that casually..."

The warlock was serious,

"Well, it doesn't seem to be impossible. Now Mingguang has already regarded the effects of several of your dishes as a strategic investment. It makes no sense not to experiment with the effects inside. Anyway, I will scan them one by one after eating them outside. It doesn’t seem to be the convenience of directly importing the functions of the dishes and then adding them to the host~"

"But wait, what's the charge for this? What's the reason?"

"Oh huh, I see, Linzi, you are making copyright ideas!"

"You are a double standard, it is a double charge."

Lin Chou said hey,

"too dark?"

The warlock is serious,

"Can Kengmingguang's official money be called a pit? This is called adding to the economic operation!"

"It's awesome." Lin Chou raised his thumb, and this reason felt great.

The warlock stared at Lin Shou eagerly,


Lin Chou waved his hand,

"Easy. Get another soul body and it will end up. Didn't you say that she also has a friend called ‘Hermes’? Take Hermès and fill it up!"

The warlock scratched his head,

"She's called Dai, and her friend is called'Bao', not Hermes."

"Oh, co-authoring is not as good as Hermes..."

The two awkward guys reached an agreement in this way.

"You have overlooked a very important issue!"

"Who is talking..."

"I." Wu Ke said faintly without knowing where she came out. "The female ghost sister just said she came from below. Do you know where her friends are? What she said below refers to the bottom of Yanhui Mountain, or Mean, where?!"

Where is it?

Where else can it be there?

Of course it is there!

Uncle Warlock’s excited voice instantly cooled down a lot,

"Hi, this question, I really haven't considered it..."

Wu Ke and Lin Chou asked together,

"If it is really there, is it difficult?"

The warlock began to scratch his head vigorously,

"Difficulty? It must be...I have to experiment to know..."

Lin Chou looked at Wu Ke weirdly,

"I said, why are you so excited? Don't you have any thoughts about the female ghost sister?"

"What nonsense, Brother Sorrow!" Wu Ke said, "If you don't fight, you don't know, you know, Dai and I are friends, especially good friends!"

Warlock + Lin Chou: ( ̄▽ ̄)~■□~( ̄▽ ̄)

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