Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1228: Borrowed for use

The more partners you are, the more you have to eat and take up more. There is nothing wrong with this idea.

The Queen of the Night also smiled all the time, and her mature beauty was kind of dazzling.

"That's 10%," said Queen of the Night, "but..."

Everyone only saw Queen Ye's mouth squirming a few times, but no sound came out.

Elder Ye and Zhao Qingcang glanced at each other suddenly, the strange expressions in their eyes were shocked and speechless——

"it is good!"

The Queen of the Night smiled at the two old men very reserved, obviously already very satisfied.

Huang Dashan for a long while,

"Dear~ What price did you sell me?"

Queen Ye glanced at Lin Chou, but didn't mind if he listened.

"By Hezhong."

Huang Dashan:? ? ?

The Lady Queen said "good-looking and good-looking",

"When Mingguang takes this durian giant, he will lend it to Luanshan for use."

Huang Dashan: ...

What's special—is feelings doing the same job with your grandpa Shan? ?

Huang Dashan laughed directly.

The durians that he kneeled down at Huang Dashan before were all native products of Luan Mountain. He knew that there was a large area of ​​durian forest around Luan Mountain, and there were countless 123-level durian trees.

Think about it, it hurts for the giant brother Gil.

Although I don’t understand how durian is to bloom and bear fruit, and the durian giant is so high, it still does not prevent the uncle Huang Dashan who sympathizes (gan) heart (tong) bursts (shen) shed (shou) for durian giant Holding tears of sympathy.

Brother, you first mourn.

Lin Chou's eyes are about to fall out:

It's not like you said that the brain circuits of these leaders are like, why do you always feel that they are incompatible with them and IQ is crushed? Isn't my Lin's style of painting under them?

This is also ok? How did you come up with it? It's really a drop...cough...I don't want to let go of the slightest use value, I have to squeeze it dry!

Just when Lin Chou doubted that his Three Views were fragmented, the durian in the fire made a beeping sound. The transition gap between the shells of the husks was not sprayed with a burst of hot steam, spraying the fire into the fire. Sparks are splattering.

"It seems to be familiar."

Lin Chou took the stick and picked it up in the fire, throwing away the extra wood, leaving only the red, slowly burning charcoal fire.

In fact, the taste of roasted durian is really, really, really, very sweet. It is the kind of smell that knows that the flesh hidden under the husk must be sweet and unusual, and it will last for a long time, the taste is so strong It feels sticky and sticky directly on your clothes, congesting your nasal cavity.

As soon as the smell of the flesh came out of it, the expressions of the people around him immediately became excited.

"It's not like poisonous..."

"Yes, yes, it's **** good."

"When my daughter-in-law was eating durians before, I couldn't wait to put my head in the hole in the ground. This smell today..."

"Not necessarily, there are few plants in nature that smell delicious but are highly poisonous in your mouth? Don't forget that the mouth over there is a sixth-order activated magic plant, but there is something wrong in it. Lord Shan is just..."

"The cephalosporin is just wine, and just leave?"

There is envy, and there is fear.

Since the cataclysm, human beings have never really won the fight against the new natural world, especially if there are new species of living corpses, new species of alien animals, new species of magic plants, whether you like it or not, first The one who suffers must be that humans didn’t run away. This is called social beatings. If you say hello to humans, it’s over.

According to statistics from the National Development Commission, an average of more than 2,900 evolvers and ordinary people die in the hands of undiscovered enchanted plants each year.

It seems that this number is very small, but Mingguang has only a large population in total. It is only 10 million people, accounting for 0.29% of the total population. The death statistics for this item is 0.29 of the total population. It can be seen that Mingguang How difficult it is for the base city to exist.

Such a situation of human body testing seems very savage and unreasonable, but some scientific research institutes are really powerless, and such things as catastrophes have never been something that can draw good conclusions through scientific statistical data analysis.

From the poison of life to the discovery of the essence of the magic plant, all are basic cognitions piled up with **** human lives.

Pulled away.

The crevices between the durian husks are expanding little by little, revealing the golden flesh, and the turbulent steam will gush out endlessly. The special fruity sweetness of durian in the air is more intense——

Well, for some people it is sweet, and for others, it is total torture.

"It's on it's on..."

"Fuck this thing, it's so beautiful!"

"I never dreamed that a fruit could grow so beautiful and still tremble."

The round durian fruit opens its shell in the gradually low charcoal fire, like a huge flower that opens to the sun. The flesh inside stands there clearly, with a total of 12 petals. The shape is like a mangosteen opened in the correct way. same.

"It's going to fall, it's going to fall..."

A group of people hurriedly transferred the flesh to a vessel that they didn't know where to touch.

Huang Dashan couldn't help licking his lips.

"This color is too pretty..."

As long as the golden flesh is touched lightly, it trembles and sinks into a small pit that will slowly calm down, giving people the feeling that this is not some kind of fruit, but the skin of a girl.

Hmm, the golden girl?

Even if Huang Dashan has almost lived on durians these days, he couldn't help but drool.

"Take it, I'm going to eat it~"

I couldn't see that it was being forced, and I gorged myself and ate the bowl and looked at the pot.



"Huang Dashan!" The queen of the night willow her eyebrows and her aura opened up, "Could you not make such a disgusting noise?"

Huang Dashan is speechless for a while-can I tell the truth, every bite eats there is a kind of big pig's hoof and the feeling of a young girl who emits the fragrance of junior high school students

Can't help it at all!

The answer is no.

Eat to death, is one piece enough, no, not enough, two pieces are not enough, so delicious.

"Do you have it?" Mr. Ye asked, swallowing.

Huang Dashan's mouth paused,

"Huh? Not yet..."

"Got it?"



"Really not!"

Seeing Huang Dashan had eaten all the durians for 5 petals, someone finally became anxious.

"How much do you have to eat to be effective?"

"He has eaten a whole durian so fast..."

"Don't care if there is any, I have eaten so much and nothing has happened. It's definitely not poisonous, right? Let me have a taste of it.

Lin Chou pinched his chin and thought,

"Something's wrong with this..."

There is definitely no poison, but where did the special effect go? Eaten by Huang Dashan?

"Hiccup~ I, eat, I'm full and burp~"

Huang Dashan spread his **** on the ground, holding his stomach and dared not move.

The five-petaled fruit just now weighs more than 25 kilograms in total. This is an evolutionary with a bottomless stomach. Normal people are at least three dead at the moment!

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