Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1231: Lift off

Huang Dashan.

A noble person.

A person who has broken away from low-level tastes.

One for Mingguang...


A ruthless man who would rather face death in order to prove his strength and big waist.

In short...

Don't have a waist, or rather die!

Today is the day that Shan Ye gave up his life for justice. He wants to prove a problem in front of the Mingguang half of the evolving people:

Man, absolutely can't say no!

The waist of his Huang Dashan is definitely not like the irresponsible and incomplete rumors from the outside world, it has been squeezed dry and turned into briquettes by Queen Luan.

This scene is so touching, many evolvers have shed a moving halazi.


The fruit of the sixth-order activated magic plant...

Does it smell?

That's really fragrant!

Do you want to eat?

Uh ...

Forget it, the dog's life matters.

In fact, most of the evolvers have a B number in their hearts. Whether they are awakened or mutated, there is no exactly the same evolutionary template. Each person's abilities and physical fitness are very different.

Take the current situation as an example, if you let a Tier 6 agile evolver go up, he wouldn't dare to move that thing even if he killed him, because the body really couldn't hold it.

Isn't this obvious? If the bones and bones of this body are not so porcelain, it will have to be burst by the tumbling energy currents on the spot.

Huang Dashan devoured durian bit by bit, the fragrance was overflowing, but his expression seemed to be tortured.

As they ate, the crowd slowly fell silent.

This thing looks so uncomfortable...

He was greedy, envious, and afraid that his boom would explode.


Huang Dashan stood up swayingly, hiccuping and roaring,

"I! Huang Dashan! Nothing!"

The audience was silent and silent.

This old man really deserves to be a natural messenger in Lin Chou's Yanhui Mountain all the year round!

That big durian was made?

For a while,

"Mountain, Lord Shan, something is wrong..."

"Fuck it, it's starting to shine!"

"What's the matter, the outside world is madly plundering the origin of my body."

"Grass, isn't it about to explode?"

As soon as Huang Dashan lowered his head, he saw that the part of his belly button was faintly shining outward.

"Oh? Gan Liniang! What am I..."

Shan Ye is a real society, no matter what the situation is, he never panics, the first reaction is always to scold his mother.

The bright spots on the belly are getting more and more shining, and an inexplicable breath is emitted from Huang Dashan's body, stirring up the source of free in the air.

Normally, the origin cannot be observed.

However, the part of Shan Ye's belly that was illuminated by the bright light gradually revealed a little bit of starlight, as if it had opened up a small miniature galaxy, brilliant, and it was impossible to look away.


The sound like a tide suddenly surged in people's ears. The top of Huangda Mountain was an incandescent lamp in the previous moment. In the next second, his whole person suddenly became a brilliant ball of light, and endless rays of light bloomed from his body in all directions.

Scattered primordial particles began to revolve around the light sphere of Huang Dashan's incarnation, and in a flash, it became a tornado tens of meters high.

This rotating "wind" column did not move anyone's clothing corners, and even the dust on the ground was indifferent. It was entirely composed of origin and "light".

"Fuck in a hassle..."

"Destroy the order!"

The sky dimmed instantly, and the never-dissipating yellow clouds almost condensed into a dark color, buckling like a cauldron on top of Mingguang Base City.

Even some people saw that the cloud layer in the direction of the black sinking sea had become thinner to a certain extent, and a alien virtual beast that was swimming in the cloud layer could no longer maintain its own weight, and fell directly into the sea, turning into black smoke and dissipating.


There was thunder, trembling and deaf.

Zhao Qingcang's face changed, and he suddenly roared.

"Disperse! The situation is wrong! Let the place out! Don't play with that big durian tree, just tie it up!"

It's not that Mingguang has never appeared in Tier 6, and Tier 6's Scourge is definitely not like this!

In fact, there is no need for Zhao Qingcang to speak...

The durian tree was the first to notice the problem. When Zhao Qingcang spoke, it had already strode to the root of the second wall with a forehead skill, only revealing a dog-like head. Looking up, it seems to be observing the clouds in the sky.

The area of ​​the Qinshan Blood Lake was instantly emptied, and a large number of evolutionists occupies the highest point of each building with the area of ​​the Qinshan Blood Lake as the center.

This is to protect the civilians of Mingguang, if there is a residual thunder and lightning splashing out, they will be responsible for resisting it.

The big ball of light that Shan Ye transformed slowly floated up to an altitude of hundreds of meters.

The dark clouds finally merged with the tornado, and then slowly rotated, and the deepest point at the center began to bloom with the red light familiar to the evolutionary, which was the color of the scourge of lightning.

The cloud layer is shaped like a huge, endlessly rotating funnel, pressing down step by step, and finally directly engulfed the ball of light.

"Boom boom boom~"

In the black clouds, there were flashes of scarlet electric light everywhere, centered on the spot where the light ball disappeared, thunder and lightning were like dragons, coming from all directions, blasting out terrifying metal whistling sounds.

The people below suddenly threw on the ground neatly.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

"I can't hear..."

"I'm so blind..."

Can't hear, can't see, can't raise their heads, people who are lying on the ground can't even get up, the whole light is frozen.

Lin Chou sold a good man, he lay down on his back.


And he did not lose sight like other people, but the blessing of true vision seemed to be completely deprived. He could not see any information, any energy trails, only the surging clouds and the tumbling electric light in the sky.

At first glance, such a scene still felt spectacular, magnificent, and unpredictable and terrifying, but after a few hours passed, it still couldn't escape the human nature's love for the new and the old.

"so annoying..."

Lin Chou felt that a thick layer of dust had fallen on his body.

When it was dark enough, the clouds were finally willing to disperse.

The evolutionaries who were lying or lying down in various clever postures were finally able to get up and their eyesight and hearing were restored at the same time.

"Sure, succeeded?"

"Nyma Durian Giant, don't let him run away, this thing is a big treasure!"

"It's horrible..."

"What about Lord Shan?"

Before the words fell, a small golden star emerged from the clouds, gradually amplifying, and the sound from far and near, the golden star was really like a meteorite, and its surface was already burning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what is going on with nima...


It is directly a crater!


"Grass, don't you fall to death, right?"

"By the way, can a normal Tier 6 evolutionist resist falling from such a height?"

------Off-topic ------

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