Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1237: Don't look, don't ask, don't talk (part 2)

"It's **** brilliant!" Huang Dashan said.

Of course, it would be better if there was a bit of humanity in it...

"Do you want to do a few screenwriters? You get a corpse orc. We are a group of human audiences. There is no sense of participation at all. Where is the cool spot?"

Someone booed,

"Why don't you arrange a job for Lord Shan, when the living corpse and the alien beast are discussing field military knowledge, you can buy a set, so that when they are happy, you have a sense of participation."

"I'll go to your grandma," Huang Dashan yelled, "Next time I give up your wife, let your daughter buy a condom for Laozi. Tsk tsk, the big guy said it would be a bit inhumane to live in your house. Does the old king next door feel so distressed?"


The cannon set up by the Lord Shan, few people have such a skin that can blast him against him.

The magical civilization painting style in the movie is really magical. The "Essence" seems to be unraveled by them. There are splendid original glows everywhere, with all kinds of crystal buildings that look beautiful in human aesthetics. With the creation of materials, the whole world is like a crystal wonderland. This crystal translucent material with colorful lights looks much more beautiful than Lin Chou’s bathtub lamp, and it seems to be versatile, building materials, weapons, and superconducting materials. , Fuel, replaceable bones, etc. all have its shadow...

The light curtain is flowing, can be like star marks, and the sparks of civilization are lit up, spreading branches and leaves on the whole planet.

Lin Chou frowned.

"This crystal makes my fear of ducks ill, and I even feel like vomiting a little."

Time seems to have passed again for an unknown period of time, because the entire planet is about to be transformed into a completely translucent crystal structure. The brilliant core of the earth is changed to one color every day by the crystal screen in the order of seven days a week. The corpse orcs have the highest building It has been built on top of the yellow cloud layer, which is called the sky area, but it is puzzling that science and technology have advanced to the extent of transforming the planet, and the corpse orcs still don't seem to have the ability to get out of the planet.

Every day, the high-level corpse orcs would look up at the starry sky above the sky region of this planet, thinking deeply.

Uh ...

In other words, it should be a starry sky. The sky in the picture is fuzzy and dark yellow, still like the clouds, but this is contrary to the statement of "the sky area built on the yellow clouds", so it should be understood as a starry sky. Was forcibly marked with a "mosaic".

The starry sky that could not be accurately expressed brought many thoughts, many frowns and many angina to the corpse orcs. The old man went to the safari park in the sky area to visit the last human in the world. .

The best food and living conditions, the daily visits of 800,000 corpse orcs, are locked in a cage full of crystal screens without dead-angle projections.

The next perspective is entirely based on the perspective of the "last human".

He/she stared at the old corpse orc while the corner of his eyes swept his hands, old, wrinkled, and dirty, like bark, even parasitized with moss, tiny vines, and a little frail. flower.

The communication between the two was inaudible, and the old corpse orc sighed in pity, and then the last human gradually closed his eyes and died.

"and so..."

"This world is not destroyed?"

"A world without humans has survived to the end?"

"No, it survives until the death of the'last human'."

"Then what's the **** difference?"

This is too real.


Although the strength of all souls and the master of the earth are all self-styled, is your ending a bit too much?

One scene after another, the movie was shown until close to 4 in the morning.

People, alien beasts, walking corpses, rebels, Luan Mountains, coastal defenses, wolf city, and even creatures in the ocean have acted as "protagonists" more than once, but in the end, only destruction awaits-the only exception is Corpse orc civilization.

Looking at it, even the last comment disappeared.


Zhao Qingcang squeezed his eyebrows, and the old face with the words "I'm a thief is so good that I can even pick up ashes" in the pleats showed the exhaustion that is not a high-level expert.

"I'll go back and eat the whole meal, cough, Lao Ye, are you coming?"

Mr. Ye nodded.


Unexpectedly, many people walked away, and more people stayed where they were frowning.

This is not right!

It's totally wrong!

Huang Dashan scolded his mother dumbfounded,

"This is the movie that Lao Tzu made? Lao Tzu made this? There is no Lao Tzu in Nima! Lin Tzu, Warlock, Sagong...not all! So what the **** do we have to toss about?"

Bai Qiong shook his head,

"No, it appeared. You were eaten by two wolves when you were out of town. It took 1.7 seconds."

"Lin Zi also appeared. Remember the strong man from the alley? The one who almost died when he awakened. The kid beside him should be Lin Chou. I recognize the counter in the store, which is connected with a small bed. That was the counter in the store in Linzi Alley. Lin Chou said that when he was a child, he slept on the small bed next to the counter. I was very impressed."

Lin Chou stiffened his neck and nodded vigorously.

"But the old man in the movie successfully awakened, and even the two of the Qin family became comrades-in-arms. They left'I' and disappeared until they witnessed the collapse of the Qin family. Open the coffin board and jump out to give us a disciple."

"I don't understand," Warlock put on a thinking emoji, "If we are the main characters of the movie, it doesn't make any sense, then it's the same as Shan Ye said. What's the trouble, anyway, there is no shooting The original shot."

Huang Dashan: "Fuck, now is the time to discuss this kind of thing? Is this the point?"

"Then there is only one truth," the warlock held out a finger, "she must need us to help her achieve a certain purpose, emmm, what should it be? Help her show these impossible images It's possible... Then why didn't she just come up with a reliable script and let us play it directly? Wouldn't it be more convenient?"

"Unless...she can't do this!"

Uncle Warlock also started to have a headache,

"So I don't like reasoning. I admire science and physics even more. I don't understand or understand. Is my thinking complicated?"


Dividing line.

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"Retired Travellers Nursing Home"

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