Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1244: Anatomy and Ling Chi

Regarding the fact that they were able to kill themselves under a group of arrow-backed black claws and sharp teeth, the young brothers did not express any related emotions such as touch or gratitude, so it was very impolite.

"Boss Lin, you just count how much it is, and we will never retort!"

"But there is one. Can you keep the skin for us? When you open the skin and take the meat for cooking, can we watch it by the side, and eat along with it by the way?"

The brothers said so.

Everyone laughed!

This is to watch the bear cubs get frustrated and eaten up!

"Yes," Lin Chou looked at it, and made a whole number gesture in his hand, "I won't go in anymore. Whoever brought me a table out, just made it out."

The arrow-backed black warrior is not the terrifying body shape of the saber-toothed bear under the forest. On the contrary, it is closer to the normal bear before the cataclysm-lose it.

This black cub weighs about 200 kilograms. The claws and the fur of the whole body are black and reflective. Only a crescent-shaped white spot on the lower jaw is particularly conspicuous, giving it a 3D feeling.

There are neat plume comb-like **** protrusions on the back of the black 罴, which will become blunt bone spurs in adulthood.

To be reasonable, the arrow back of this thing is not used for defense at all. Their habit is destined to see the basic concept of "defense" no matter whether they see prey or natural enemies, they will only scream and rush up to knock the opponent down. If you can’t press it, then it’s definitely a question of equivalence. Once again, a large group of yelling rushed up and flipped the other party...

Therefore, the bone spurs on the backs of their arrows are actually for the convenience of each other when itching, rather than turning their heads to find a tree that is strong enough.


A cut open.

The first thing I saw was not bloody, but dense and heavy fat. There was still fat under the fat layer, but this time it became a reticulated intra-abdominal suet.

"Oh, fat guy!"

Lin Chou felt it casually, and didn't get Yuanjing.

This is what makes the black arrowheads gritted their teeth. They have estrus and pregnancy periods when they are alive, and they don't have any farts after they die. The 1~1 steps and a half of the blessing on the spot ends here.

Obviously, I have tried my best to defeat an alien beast that is at least equivalent to a Tier 5 intermediate combat power. The benefits that can be obtained from it are not as good as ordinary Tier 4 alien beasts. Which evolutionary can bear this kind of grievance?

"I can go to your uncle... What they said is true..."

The two brothers who had hunted back Heifeng were in a state of nervous breakdown.

After breaking open, no professional skills are needed. All evolutionaries can roughly tell the original content of the alien beast's meat. At least several levels and levels are completely certain, and they rarely make mistakes.

So right now the brothers scolded their mothers directly-originally they still had certain expectations.

Shan Ye sternly said,

"I don't understand this, there is nothing. Why is that soaring one and a half steps in place? Use love to generate electricity?!"

Lin Chou took out the water one by one and said casually,

"Maybe there is a large hidden behind them."

Shan Ye: "???"

Who the **** are you talking about?

Lin Chou didn't know much about this kind of creature, but there were so many people who couldn't stand on the ground.

"I have a brother whose brother has been a researcher in the scientific research institute for a lifetime. He has not yet been promoted to an academician. He quit his job last year and knew a lot of secrets. He happened to be there when the bear was dissected."

"The big guys also know that, in theory, except for creatures like Huang Dashan, there is no energy level overflow at all, let alone overflowing one level out of thin air, even if it is increased by a half level, it is not consistent with common sense, so the research institute People think that there must be an additional energy source in Heiqi or simply a set of unique physiological structural system... or what it is called, I don’t understand these terms."

"However, after dissecting about 8 or 9 black scorpions after an interval of more than ten years ago, they did not find any differences, so they simply stopped the project."

Lin Chou felt that the research direction of the Scientific Research Institute might not be wrong, but the system did not give any hints, so he honestly said nothing.

Shan Ye squeezed his chin,

"Gan, maybe their method of dissection is wrong? The next day I came back to life, why don't we have a live dissection?"

Everyone: "???"

Damn it!

The idea is really strange...

Although there seems to be a little bit of truth, Shan Ye's brain circuit is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

Anatomy, no matter how ugly it is, it can be said to be a whip corpse at best, so when you are alive, it should be called Ling Chi!

Lin Chou wiped his sweat,

"Yes, the task of bringing the next black flame is over to you."

I am willing to see others take on this kind of task of smashing hornet's nest.

Lord Shan laughed,

"Don't tell me, I have a big job tomorrow. I have a trip to the sea. There is news from Baiqiong that there are traces of alienated horseshoe crabs found near an island in the west. Haha, we are going to make a fortune~"

"Fuck Shan Ye is awesome! Can you hear this kind of news?"

"Don't pick it out from the people on the black army side of the coastal defense line. This kind of thing seems to have never flown to the bright light, and has been controlled by them. We only know that there are sea hunters who make money from this. I know what that stuff is good for..."

"horseshoe crab?"

Lin Chou raised his head from a pile of neatly diced meat strips and a set of white bear bones. With such a few words, Boss Lin had already divided the black corpse into pieces.

Boss Lin's eyes were gleaming, and Walanwalan was extremely deep, revealing a feeling of coldness.

Everyone was speechless.

Come on!

Boss Lin in this state dared to directly fight the black army with the formation of the black army. He hadn't done this before.

Let's hide behind and watch the excitement...

"Grass!" Huang Dashan said dejectedly, "I missed the chicken again. Lao Tzu and Li Heigou Bai Qiongshou are thinking about bringing them back directly to surprise you."

"Wait for a while," Lin Chou frowned, "What do you mean by saying that the black army controls the information and resources of horseshoe crabs?"

Everyone looked at each other, holding back no one to speak.

Huang Dashan sniffed,

"There is indeed such a thing. There are several kinds of sea animals and minerals on the sea that have been in the hands of the black army. Our Mingguang evolvers don't even know what those things are. Who makes our Mingguang always stronger than the coastal defense line? Well."

"The weak and the strong," Lin Chou squeezed his chin for a moment, and suddenly threw the knife. "Shovel! Bow...bow...bow...yes! Who! Four dogs! Dead dog, you still have a little bit! Do you have any eyesight? Don’t you hurry up and help me get my weakness?!

"Fuck!" Huang Dashan was startled, "Lin Zi, what are you going to do, calm down!"

Lin Chou is inexplicable,

"What else can I do, catch the horseshoe crabs, I haven't eaten that stuff yet-where did I throw the shovel last time, why haven't I arrived yet?"


Dividing line.

In the first two days, I became more reckless and my liver shrank a little.

Don't wait at night, there may not be any more—if there are people waiting.

Damn, what a miserable author.

By the way, double opening is really not a human thing, it's too difficult.

The new book is recommended on the day after tomorrow (Sunday). Friends who have not collected it on Sunday night, remember to vote for the collection as a reward. Not now, don’t raise it in advance, it will be done on Sunday night, you know, hehe.

I will remind you at that time.

"Retired Travellers Nursing Home"

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