Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1254: There are only three songs in my playlist (Part 1)

In the morning, the sky will be clear.

Suddenly, dim luminous bands appeared in the waters around the island, which were very eye-catching in the sea like flowing dim aurora.

The white-haired man who had finally survived two difficult meals stayed up all night, suddenly shouted in a tone of relief,

"Come! They are here!"

I'm so **** fed up...

With you, Boss Lin said that the food is richer and he never deceives people. Our group of unlucky people who only brought canned food and nibble on hard barbecue should deserve to see you enjoying two sea and land meals there?

Still not personally!

It's not that your family drinks sea rice and black fish bird's nest porridge as soon as you open your eyes at 3:30 in the morning!

Is red venison so fragrant!

Why doesn't the sea cucumber baked with scallion support you?

I have been working on the coastline for so many years, so it was the first time I saw the soldiers under his hand in tears...

Who can stand this grievance! Are you too vengeful?

The white-haired man was full of suffocating breath, killing intent.

"Prepared, so that the wave will be effective, and directly control the ghost!"

He thought for a while and reminded him hardly,

"Boss Lin, our team is not enough, and can only control one horseshoe crab at most, so you can only use the other one by yourself."

The black-faced man on the side twitched his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It seems that the white-haired man has actually been tossed out of his mind by yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast.

You are a soldier!

Shouldn't you make friends with Lin Sorrow as much as possible at this time?

Besides, you're fine-quality, do people really lack our strength value?

Lin Chou turned to look at Huang Dashan,

"Bai Qiongshou have they all gone far?"

Huang Dashan let out a hey,

"After eating, they evacuated a long time ago. They said that there are old wild ginseng and black honeycombs walking along the shore to the northeast. At the moment, they are probably digging the ground for ginseng and digging honeycombs-what I heard? Black honey and black honeycomb are good things. Ancient people used this kind of bumblebee honey to deodorize bear paws."

Only Li Heigou and Huang Dashan were left. Although the swallows were agile but did not have any offensive power, they also followed Bai Qiongshou and the others.

"Just leave,"

Lin Chou nodded, not paying attention to what was being said behind Huang Dashan, and pointed at the sea.

"Don't say it's really pretty."

The light strips lingering under the sea are actually a cluster of tiny luminous algae and moonwhite shrimp that feed on them.

The almost transparent body of the moon white shrimp, but the size of a millet grain, may have a faint white light on its abdomen, just like their food seaweed, but it is much dimmer than those seaweeds.

There are several light bands composed of seaweed and moon white shrimp, which are surging along the coast of the island with the tide. The largest of them is several kilometers long and thousands of meters wide. It is like a shining ribbon gently touching the island. And beach.

Along with them, there are schools of fish that feed on shrimps and seabirds that feed on schools of fish, and further away on the seabed, there are all kinds of scavengers slowly coming, and finally, on the shore. Small-scale groups of alien beasts appearing gradually.

It seems that a complete food chain has been formed around this unknown seaweed and moon white shrimp, which is complete by sea, land and air.

Lin Chou's facial muscles twitched,

"I'm afraid that the scene will be very chaotic after you do it in a while, Lord Shan, please be careful not to be hit by a water arrow."

"Ah," Huang Dashan agreed, "Big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps. This makes the crowded fish flood around the island almost like canned food. Shouldn't it attract sharks and whales? -Fuck Nima, my mouth is broken!!"

Shan Ye slapped himself twice, really didn't leave his hands at all, and the mountain shook.

The people on the black army side glanced at the shark fins riding the wind and waves on the sea and then looked back at Lord Shan, their eyes faint.

Someone murmured,

"I remember, he is a warlock! The one who is always with Lin Chou!"

"Don't be nonsense, you are stupid, didn't you hear Lin Chou call him Lord Shan?"

"Just the Huang Dashan who married Queen City?"

"This beep, Ye Luan definitely opened his mouth."

"Ha, these years, without any special plate licking skills, who can bring down the perpetual movement Queen Ji Luan, who is equivalent to Tier 6 top combat power?"

"You mean your horse!" Huang Dashan opened his mouth and sprayed directly, "What did you see when I was licking your mother's plate? You know so clearly?"


The white-haired man scolded.

"Shut up!"

Compared to Huang Dashan, the white-haired man is more taboo against Lin Chou.

Everyone in the black army is brave and fierce, and their strength is fierce, but their abilities are mostly about water and ice due to their return to the ruins.

This caused them to toss Mingguang those half-bottled sea hunters on the sea. It was not too easy, but they were desperate directly against this "sea king" lord...

I really have to listen to it!

Lin Chou and Huang Dashan eat overnight finches and have true vision.

This point is very dominant on the sea where the scene has begun to become chaotic, emmmm, at least if the horseshoe crab appears, they can find it the first time.

But then, the strange beasts that had arrived on the coastline began to dive into the water.

"My Nima..."

Huang Dashan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, looking at Lin Chou desperately.

Lin Chou rubbed his brows vigorously...

You are terrestrial creatures, why are you going into the water, the old birthday star is so tired of hanging up? ?

Limulus' ability to replace death is what Lin Chou doesn't worry about the least.

I don't care how perverted you are when you die. Have the ability to let this handsome touch it?

Beginning with the launch of a terrestrial animal, the sea seemed to boil.

Seaweed, school of fish, moon-white shrimp, seabirds, exotic animals, and all kinds of marine exotic animals turned this place into a battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Lin Chou personally saw a Tier 4 Shadow Leopard, which is unusual but extremely powerful near bright light, launched into the water and soon lost its shadow camouflage, and was immediately torn to pieces by a group of Tier 2 short-nose sailfish.

However, the terrestrial alien beast simply ignored those attacks, and instead directly sprinkled a wide range of bloodlines and began to eliminate the fish at the bottom of the food chain that feed on moonwhite shrimp and seaweed.

Huang Dashan pinched his chin,

"Are they afraid that the seaweed and shrimp will not be eaten up to attract horseshoe crabs, or have they been controlled by the illusion of horseshoe crabs as the couple's guard food?"

"The effect is the same."

There was a sound in Huang Dashan’s mouth,

"I think if it is more troublesome, the horseshoe crab will be resurrected immediately if it receives fatal damage. There are so many of them. If you grab a kill, it is directly equivalent to helping the horseshoe crab. It will be resurrected at any time in a full state. The situation is very convenient to leave you. Control it."

Lin Chou also felt a headache.

He doesn't even have half of the skills, and the only reliance is brute force——

Oh, I hope the horseshoe crab is not the kind of car **** who only has "Benz on the tree", "Chicken you are too beautiful" and "86 on the mountain" in the song list. Otherwise, at his speed, I am afraid that he will not even be able to eat the exhaust gas of others.

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