Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1256: There are only three songs in my playlist (below)

Lin Chou feels that the limulus should have a relatively high level of intelligence. After all, they are good at hallucinations and alternative manipulations. They really can’t squeeze out this brain hole if they don’t have a bit of weight. It always feels like using biological instinct to survive instinct. Is insulting this race.

But obviously, the horseshoe crab is definitely a mistake this time-or because they are a little bit overwhelmed with such a big dog, it directly leads to the lack of the menu that I want to order every day.

The fish's face was blank, and became angry.

Huang Dashan was drenched with moon white shrimp and seaweed. This thing was too small, and Shan Ye turned into a slimy paste with just a few strokes.

"This thing should be good as a mask..."

Maybe even the horseshoe crab couldn't stand the broken mouth of this cargo. The two horseshoe crabs with round heads and slender tails were finally willing to reveal their true colors from under the body of the maple starfish, and they used a big move at the beginning of the scene.

Water arrows that are about a foot long as thin as steel nails are spread over a wide area,

"Du Du Duo~"

The water arrows did not cause any damage after contacting the living creatures, but disappeared directly on the surface of their bodies, but when they touched the real creatures, they became a weapon of magical weapons, and the beach was full of tiny holes in an instant.

Lin Chou observed the depth of the water arrow penetrating the rock, which was less than one-third of the length of the arrow itself.

For the sixth-order creatures, this level of attack is simply pitiful, even the most common fifth-order strange beasts are inferior.

emmmm, this is indeed not a qualified creature of the law system. It is known to be like a warlock with a power-enhancing belt, brushing a fire tree silver flower buff, and then carrying a solid staff weighing hundreds of kilograms to rush up to fight with the enemy and directly pierce theirs. He is the real mage.

After a wave of water arrows attack, all kinds of creatures on the battlefield suddenly became more chaotic.

I want to come to the horseshoe crabs also does not have the ability to fully control such a large number of alien animals, probably the effect is equivalent to giving this group of extras a summary of the story, let them use their brains to free themselves.

With the end of the horseshoe crab, the control of the maple starfish became less sensitive.

According to the black army’s perennial research, the creature like Acer sylvestris is actually a very low intelligence and very "peaceful" creature. It will hardly attack any creatures, except for the things that are delineated by it within the range of the recipe. , Only interested in aimless travel and self-entertainment.

The maple starfish has few natural enemies and is of the same order. It has no sense of safety or danger at all. After being controlled and rushed to the shallows, it will have fun on its own, or climb a mountain for a water drift, or use it. The tentacles churned out a whirlpool on the surface of the sea, or squirmed and smeared the entire beach with a kind of pale green slime, a kind of innocent happiness.

emmmm, and this happy mood can really be felt by the creatures around it.


When I feel your happiness, I don't necessarily follow happiness, it's just "feeling" rather than "infection"!

What's more, the size of the maple starfish almost caught up with this island, and it was really natural disaster level when playing around.

The people of the black army have nowhere to stand.

"Up, up, up!"

With a wave of hands, the sea turned into an iceberg.

All the waves, blood, and corpses congealed instantly, and the temperature dropped directly to a point where even low-level evolutionists would feel cold.

The limulus couple under the sea immediately noticed the danger. Behind them, a lightning-like energy that stretched out under the icy sea surface swiftly struck them, and the sea around them all turned into violent sharpness. The ice ridge directly connects the upper ice surface and the lower seabed continental shelf, and eventually becomes a wall of ice spikes that is several meters thick.

Mere killing is of no use. The Black Army has summed up a very distinct experience in the battle of wits and courage with horseshoe crabs all the year round.

For such dog men and women who are stuck together all day and spreading dog food everywhere, it is obviously not very useful to dismantle their juniors and the like. Their concept of loyalty to their partners is very extreme, and they must be physically separated to break them one by one.

The ice covering the sea is getting thicker and thicker, and a wall of ice ridges under the sea is chasing behind the huge bodies of two horseshoe crabs.

This special skill derived from the Hei Shenhai has a particularly perfunctory name, "Guixu? Limulus Shear". The ice wall formed is very thick but of average quality. Tier 4 monsters can crush it with a little effort. .

But as the name suggests, the biggest function of horseshoe crabs is to block the perception of horseshoe crabs, between the horseshoe crabs and its kind, as well as between the horseshoe crabs and their controlling units.

This is a very stupid and rascal method, but it works very well.

Just try to maintain the original output of the ice wall, and then slowly divide the sea area to limit the range of movement of the horseshoe crabs-they are best separated, if not, just freeze them and go to the ball, so as to isolate the perception. The effect will be better.

Finally, 360 degrees randomly choose a direction to break the ice and run. The chance that two horseshoe crabs can choose the same direction can be said to be quite slim.

Seeing that the horseshoe crab shears were about to make achievements, the two horseshoe crabs in front of them suddenly accelerated, drew a distance and then turned back. At the same time, they appeared on both sides of the slender energy that maintained the ice wall, and flicked their tails.


The black-faced man responsible for maintaining the ice wall covered his head and retched. Obviously, this thing or this energy is connected to his mind, and being attacked will cause him mental trauma.

The black-faced man showed a triumphant expression on his face, gritted his teeth and said,

"This is the time to wait!"

Kakaka, the ice wall reaches the coast of the island.

When the horseshoe crab reacted, they were already on both sides of the ice wall, and their perception of each other was gradually disappearing.

The white-haired man shot together, and soon, the ice wall formed a shape of ∞, reaching the ice layer on the sea surface, and extending directly to the seabed below.

Almost as soon as the mouth was sealed, the movements of the creatures controlled by the limulus illusion stiffened at the same time.

Afterwards, they immediately fought together again-being charged or not being charged actually didn't have much effect on the chaotic scene, it was just the speed of the killing.

After being free from the illusion, the pace and efficiency of the fight has become faster and more efficient.

Half of the black army swarmed up and stood on the frozen sea to grab DPS. Their main target was naturally the smaller horseshoe crab.

Their skills are all based on water and ice, and all kinds of messy things such as water jets, water arrows, water cannons, and water gatling are condensed in the sea.

The ice surface is controlled by them, and it is deliberately designed as a one-way mirror that does not affect their abilities. However, the attack power of the horseshoe crab's water arrows on the entity itself is very weak, and it is basically powerless to face the ice layer that will automatically heal.

"That's it, continue to reduce the encirclement, limit his range of actions, and enter the slaughter process!"

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