Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1264: Evolutionary History of Licking Dogs (Part 1)

The evolutionary who came to eat said that they would also like to taste the dishes on the table of Lieutenant General Leng.

Baked pork ribs with burdock sauce, white, red, and green, the sauce is transparent, the ribs are slightly fried, neatly arranged into small hills on the plate.

The pickled maitake mushrooms are still based on the freshness of the maitake mushrooms, but the pickles are actually raw venison sauce, which is very strange and gives the maitake mushrooms a touch of matte color.

Roasted Splendid Lobster, rare **** and garlic supplemented by sweet and spicy charcoal grilling.

Pepper venison sashimi, will it feel too exciting to eat this in the morning?

"Boss Lin must be in a good mood..."

Someone can't help muttering.

In fact, this is the case.

Lin Chou used chopsticks to pick up a piece of plump pilose velvet and put it in front of Leng Han with the venison.

"Try this. The maitake mushrooms are marinated with raw venison sauce, mainly to match the venison sashimi, because the venison sashimi only uses pepper without any flavoring."

The auxiliary material of one dish is the main material of another dish, and the two dishes should be eaten together at the end.

"good to eat!"

Leng Han's mouth is full of the deliciousness of maitake velvet, as he can't taste the rawness and smell of venison at all.

The pickled maitake mushroom has taken off a part of its water and becomes a bit crunchy, and the taste is unusually smooth. It will turn into a light noise after a bite. The inside is full of the unique aroma of the marinade. The venison is wrapped in two pieces of maitake mushroom. Cut very small but very thick, the tender red flesh seems to be a beautiful color that can be observed by the mouth.


Leng Han lowered his head slightly to prevent the juice overflowing from his mouth from pouring out of his lips too much.

"Very... weird..."

There is an idiom called Wangmei to quench thirst. Now Leng Han is like a child eating sweet and sour plums with a fruity fragrance, and his saliva can't stop secreting a lot of it.

Lin Chou said with a smile,

"Feel it, your mouth is always dry in the morning. That's the meaning of this dish."


"Try the ribs again."

Leng Han noticed that the burdock sauce was actually poured on the fried ribs later. The ribs bite into the mouth, crispy and dry, and the meat is full of flavor. The moistness at the junction of the bone and the meat is simply the most charming scenery. The burdock sauce greatly enriches the taste and relieves the last bit of greasy ribs, which is enough to make you full all the way.

Of course, the real protagonist is the sweet and spicy flavor that Lin Chou rarely makes.

Cut the lobster in half with the intestines removed, grill it on the stove with charcoal fire until the gravy boils, and the crystal-clear prawn meat turns into a white gelatin, and it is topped with a sweet and spicy sauce with **** and garlic. The golden color is full of redness The sweet and spicy sauce is full of **** and garlic and is roasted, and the last style from the tropics is artificially activated and ignited.

A splendid lobster occupies half the size of the tabletop, and the bright red color after roasting looks very festive.

There are also beautiful colors in Leng Han’s eyes.

"This lobster is so big..."

Lin Chou's natural interface,

"For an evolutionary, this bit of food is nothing. One day's plan is in the morning. You need a lot of energy."

Oh huh~

This is another sentence that makes Shan Ye enough to laugh at Jiuquan. In any case, your **** thing is just naming a girl and saying that a girl can eat.

However, Leng Han obviously didn't respond when he heard this, and he ate a hearty breakfast like this.

Lin Chou bit a piece of air-dried meat in his mouth, the kind of raw frozen air-dried meat that had been blown by the ice bellows for half a year, a full bite feels as refreshing as gnawing an iceberg, and then full of calories ignoring the defense at someone Conquering the city in his body, he is full of energy.

"I have to work..."

A big tuft of evolutionaries is not only here for breakfast, breakfast is only a bonus, and queuing up for the limulus set is the real purpose.


Of course, Gasser is also.

The Chinese people still feel that Gasai has extraordinary meaning and charm even in the era of catastrophe.

Ha, one microsecond in the front and one microsecond in the back, can that be the same world?

It was fine when I grabbed the big buns for breakfast. I put the chopsticks down and turned your face on you immediately. When you squeeze me and I squeeze you, I have to yell.

But they were still restrained. They just whispered a few words at each other, not daring to violate Lin Chou's rules, because then they might be forcibly expelled from the country by the careful boss Lin.

Lin Chou needs to slaughter a lot of horseshoe crabs today and is very busy.

Although it is a bit strange to say that, it is indeed slaughtering meat rather than horseshoe crabs.

The carapace of horseshoe crab is not so easy to handle even with boss Lin's kitchen knife. After a little bit of horseshoe crab, the carapace will hang up, and then the carapace of the body will fully recover, and the opening process can only be repeated once more.

In the beginning, Lin Chou honestly opened the shell and cut out the meat, but later he became proficient and cut it in half. Anyway, only the living part was restored instead of two horseshoe crabs.

Work efficiency quickly reached an unimaginable speed.

So good, after this process, Lin Chou and Limul have grown up a lot and experienced a lot of each other.

Shan Ye almost crawled back.

When a room of evolutionaries guarded their table, the jar of wine expressed admiration for Huang Dashan.

"Great Lord Shan."

"Is this a win?"

"Really fierce, peerless hunk."

But this tone doesn't sound like the kind of admiration in the true sense.

Shan Ye looked too miserable.

It felt like it was not a fight with someone, but was dragged into the bullpen to find an old lady with the number 20.

Afterwards, the old ladies thoughtfully put on the pants for the Lord Shan, talking about which supermarket to go to grab discounted eggs, and left happily.

Probably Jiangzi.

Huang Dashan took out a mouthful of blood foam and pressed his cheek to feel the posterior molars.

"This **** is such a terrible beast..."

The evolutionists who had been fortunate enough to feel the care of Da Yue Xiong couldn't help showing sad expressions.

Yeah yeah, it's so special.

With that woman, your various abilities are almost completely useless. Even if it falls on her, it is no different from hitting cotton. She just wants to forcibly strip off your abilities and force the level of combat to be limited to the flesh. To the extent of the flesh, fight your physical strength and health bar, how to fight is her home court and what she is good at-just ask you whether it is uncomfortable.

Well, self-abuse without a doubt.

It is indeed the reserve boss trained by Boss Lin, she is exactly the same as him.

Huang Dashan sorted out the red blood cells and platelets in his mouth, and felt that his taste was really good, and his blood was full of hormonal tastes-emmmm is really a **** strong man, sunny!

He actually saw Wenzhongjiu in the crowd, and he couldn't help but wonder,

"This old boy has never been responsible for fighting outside, why did he come to eat this dish?"

In other words, the relationship between him and Wen Zhongjiuwei Tianxing is pretty good now, and he immediately went up to say hello.

"Yo, Old Wen?"

Wen Zhongjiu looked at Huang Dashan with complicated eyes.


That's it.

A few months ago, I was still a licking dog.

He wanted to have a good relationship with Wei Tianxing.

right now,

He is sixth-order.

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