Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1275: Really strong like me Huang Dashan

The people of the committee thought for a while, and finally did not have the courage to disturb the boss Lin taking a bath and Master Sagong surfing.

You can never imagine how obsessed with water a person who has not successfully taken a bath for more than half a year, but also spares a Sikong who has never done all kinds of vigorous exercises including rushing and rushing in his entire life.


Besides, these two have super powers and the other super powers.

Uncle Warlock and their negotiation standards were actually negotiated by Sikong and Boss Lin. The heart was dark enough, and it could catch some people's painful feet.

At least the warlock himself couldn't think of so many things, so he didn't change a word and had a showdown with the higher-ups.


Naturally, when no one is willing to stand up and clearly oppose it, the unanimous abstention is passed...

You have delayed the special training time of the Xiaobawang server day and night just for such a few places. I said it earlier, I thought it was a big deal~

(Gan Liniang lives to hell, I don't care, who the **** wants a place to discuss with this unlucky ghost in person!)

Mingguang executives generally call this a "trivial mess". Mingguang needs to grow stronger, and naturally it will inevitably be coerced by some families and forces...

Well, it can't be regarded as coercion.

You can also call it embarrassment, or mutual benefit, anyway.

Mingguang’s high-level thoughts and said: But what is happening now? Look, Master Lin Chou Sikong Warlock is not happy anymore, everyone has made great contributions to Mingguang, so don’t you blame us for being too lazy to care about you. These bad things~

You big family, big powers want money, rich people, some people want power and power, that unlucky ghost part-time poor ghost must be particularly happy to deal with you~

Regardless of the fact that those big families who are always thinking about the addition of the line, they can't turn their faces for such a small matter and Mingguang's high-level. In fact, they don't have the guts. Think about how Mingguang treats those in the animal tide If you are only willing to pay money but not a family of people (no high-level evolutionaries), just use it as a target!

Not only that, the big family had to thank Mingguang's senior management for "trying to deal with each other" with a smile, and then face the uncle Warlock with a numb face.

In just one day, the Uncle Warlock received representatives of 16 big families, some of them were young business geniuses, some were middle-aged evolvers who reached the fifth-level advanced...

These people do not say that they are calling for rain in the base city, and they are respected wherever they go, but when they face the warlock, they are really fragile and helpless...

This is so frightening!

I just sat on the chair in his room, is there something weird on it? Where is Mingguang's nearest temple? Is there an old monk with a beard in it? Who knows a shaman who can dance to great gods to seek good luck and ward off evil spirits?

"I have a voodoo spice bag that can transfer all your bad luck to another person. The operation is also very simple. Throw this spice bag on the other person to complete all the steps-of course, I suggest that person here Is it an enemy or an opponent."

"I want it! I want it! Please tell me how much money to bring home the magic spice bag that you personally produced, Master Warlock?"

"Don't mention money or money, this warlock..."

"50,000 points in circulation! No! 100,000! Don't mind if it's less of a point... But, can you invoice..."

The 16 people took 16 spice packs and went back to their homes with a sad look, wondering how to find reasons to reimburse them with their homes.

Lin Shou and Sikong came out from behind refreshedly, looking at the table full of presents.

"Oh, it looks like the harvest is good?"

Uncle Warlock invites these two to sit down on the chair like Grandpa Grandpa respectfully invites them.

"God, you're so amazing, hahaha, it's so cool, proud, I never thought that someone would rush up to give me gifts and walk through the back door, you said to replace these things with various experimental materials, I Do you have to use stainless steel basins to trick fools and fools for years to get back so much..."

The lips are not falling, which shows how excited the uncle Warlock is.

Sikong absent-mindedly fiddling with gorgeous and festive gifts on the table,

"Well, Kushutang's top suit? The third-order magic plant essence with a purity of 99.8% or more has this pure color. Oh, it is a deep-sea plant. This value is relatively high. What is this again, petrified wood Fossil? What shit..."

"These gadgets can't be exchanged for many circulation points, but they are considered to be as hard as they can. They have everything they can eat and play. They are all things that small households with a little money in their hands like. Pretend to be decent and decent. It's very thoughtful. Although all of these big families come out with higher eyes, but when they really put down their bodies and want to please others, ordinary people are really not their opponents."

"To put it bluntly, it's a high-ranking dog licking?" Huang Dashan took out a piece of meat that he didn't know what dried meat and chewed in his mouth, "Tsk!"

Sikong frowned,

"I'm very curious, Lord Shan, why does the language you sum up can always hurt people to the point?"

"Cack bang bang," Shan Ye began to chew his bones, "maybe this is the talent, the kind of talent that I can't force."

"I'm not complimenting you!"

"Ang, isn't this just complimenting me."

Looking at that triumphant face, Si Kong couldn't figure out where Lord Shan's pulse was--the weakness of this product was really only the waist? I really want to get him right now!

Lin Chou asked with interest,

"Master Shan, how do you feel inside?"

Boss Lin patronizes and feels the most wonderful things in this world, seemingly ignoring some things that should be the main meaning.

Huang Dashan scratched his head inexplicably,

"It feels pretty good. Soaking in hot springs is like real."

"I mean, the strength is improved or something."

"Nothing happens at all, should I have a reaction?"

"Of course," said the warlock, "with unlimited use of various awakening abilities under the condition of always being at full state, a fool who repeats one thing a thousand times and ten thousand times will also become a genius, otherwise you think why these evolutionaries treat the server like this Passionate?"

"Oh," Shan Ye grinned, "I might as well take a few more sips of wine when I have that time. That thing will help me even more."

Sikong mocked,

"Uncle Warlock bothered me to say that you are purely lighting up a lamp for the blind to see, just this stuff, huh~"

Lord Shan is not happy anymore,

"What do you mean? What do you mean? Weak chickens need to be exercised, and the real strong rely on **** talent!"

No one paid any attention to him at all.

Yes, yes, you are right, and you are definitely not an ordinary strong person, because you rely on a big waist.

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