Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1291: Chowder Cauldron Meat

In fact, Shan Ye recently did a big vote, yes, that's what you think.

This guy took three days to make dumplings directly from a valley in Zu Mountain, without the chickens and dogs. It is said that he harvested several tons of impure source crystal solution and countless Sword Palatine Crimson Ant eggs-the latter obviously can be used for soaking wine. Send you a pair of big steel waists.

It can be seen that being poor is obviously not the driving force behind Shan Ye's hunting.

Speaking of which, I don't know when Huang Dashan suddenly became the sand sculpture that had no desires and desires except for the big waist. Everyone seemed to be not surprised.

Shan Ye tried to persuade Lin Chou many times to try soaking some ant eggs with colorful snake king wine. The reason is that you can use snake gall for soaking wine, why can't you use ant eggs?

The result was a good beating. The smell of the red ant eggs is so touching. Under normal circumstances, it’s okay to smell and smell. However, when you drink alcohol, the volatile flavor is simply peculiar. It's like you pour half a ton of wind oil into a wine tank and put it on the fire to boil.

Shan Ye is still aggrieved,

"Linzi, do you know who makes the best money, women! Except for women? Men! What do men value most? You know how to invigorate the kidney and impotence? Do you know to what extent Mingguang's similar products can sell well?"

Lin Shuli ignored him, concentrating on stirring the pot full of chowder.

The various exotic animal meats stored in the underground cold storage in Houshan have been stored for more than half a year. Even if the system is blessed, it is only a cold storage, not the kind of incubator that can eliminate the influence of time and keep the food in an absolutely fresh state. bug product.

Frozen meat is kept in perfect condition under various conditions, 6 months is too long for them, and it has already begun to affect the quality.

Lin Chou's approach was to adjust the temperature of the cold storage where the inventory was stored for more than 2 months to minus 65 degrees. The temperature used by ocean fishing boats to freeze seafood before the catastrophe was nothing more than that. In addition, Of course, speed up their consumption.

Chowder stew can perfectly solve this problem.

There are at least 20 different kinds of meat from different animals in this super big pot. There are various types of 1~3 grades, but the soup looks thick and clear, like emulsified fat. The surface of the soup is thick with a thick layer of fat, orange and yellow. bright.

It is not uncommon to season meat with meat.

Speaking of many cuisines, this method is used. Lin Chou heard his father boasted that before the cataclysm, the secret of "hedgehog stew with miscellaneous vegetables" was to make good use of the meat of various wild vegetables and beasts. Hedgehog meat is seasoned, what kind of wild vegetables, beasts, and what kind of matching is very mysterious-but Lin Chou feels that this is obviously the vagrant people adding to their mystery, shouldn't they just wander where they can find anything? What is it for?

The wilderness is not so generous. It is not just a taste of exotic animal meat that humans can accept. There will always be various problems in the growth of the evolutionary recipe.

In fact, most exotic animals are not of high value to the evolutionary, such as not producing source crystals, meat is not delicious enough, bones are not hard enough, fur is not strong enough, etc...

Most of the inventory in the cold storage was sent to Lin Chou after the animal tide was over, all of which belonged to the "unpleasant and ineffective" type...

Oh, Mingguang!

Lin Chou tried several pots before, and after adjusting the meat variety and weight ratio a few times, the taste of this pot of chowder stew gradually improved.

It's complicated to say, but it's actually very simple.

The big bones are used as the base, the green onion and **** cooking wine is removed, the light-tasting meat is put first, and the heavy-tasting meat is put later, and it is combined with some radish, potato, and wild vegetables, and it becomes the current chowder.

The secret to smelling enough fragrant is that the pot is big enough and there are enough meat. The same stew is always the fragrance of a big pot. This is the eternal truth. The final added vegetables and vegetables are also indispensable, as long as they are cooked. It is most suitable for large stews and rich and mellow broths.

"Carrots, carrots, why don't you cut some carrots and throw them in?"

Lin Chou said,

"Stalwart radish has been put, next time you stew that kind of lamb called black horn, you can try it with carrots."

The aroma produced by the full pot of chowder stew is amazing, and the evolutionaries outside can't wait to smell it.

"Hey, such a big pot of meat?"

"I'm afraid it's not going to be too heavy..."

Look at the price of Boss Lin’s small card at 200 circulation points, which is even 50% cheaper than pork blood soup.

"Huh eh? Boss Lin, are you serious?"

"Well," Lin Chou replied, "the kind without any special effects, but the source is quite rich."

Lin Chou choked a stack of bowls aside,

"Cook this by yourself, just throw the money on the counter."

It’s not uncommon for evolutionists to operate exclusively for lazy people like Boss Lin.

"Well, then I have to pick it well, no soup, no vegetables, all meat, big pieces."

This group of guys have never forgiven their mouths, but they can't do the kind of stuff that can be picked out by a pot of meat.

One tablespoon was just enough to fill the big bowl given by Lin Chou, and then the surprise came—

"Fuck it, this piece of meat seems to be the Tier 3 alien lion and ferret. I have eaten it once and I can't forget it, but I remember it wasn't so delicious..."

"Well, this piece of meat in my bowl is absolutely the meat of the giant pincers centipede. When I was poisoned by the millipede centipede, I used snake gall to soak this meat for a whole month, ah, and a year after that. I eat sugar all bitter!"

A good pot of stew suddenly turned into a treasure hunt...

With 200 circulation points, you can’t buy at a loss and you can’t be fooled. As long as 200 circulation points, you can get an old bowl of stew. There may be meat from a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 monster. You can’t believe this. , Earn blood!

How to say this kind of surprise, like winning the lottery?

The alien beast meat that the evolutionists dismissed and was almost inaccessible suddenly became delicious...

"Magic? I think Boss Lin must be magical~"

"Quack, I don't know if magic is not magic, this meat is so fragrant..."

"By the way, this is the first time I have said this, and it is only with Boss Lin that I can use the money to buy Chinese cabbage to eat Tier 3 alien beast meat-and it is so special because I thought it was impossible. The kind of food."

"If you turn waste into a treasure, don’t you remember that joke? It’s said that a sand sculpture was trapped in the wilderness for two days without any grains of rice. There was a pile of fire, a pile of cow dung, and a pile of rice in front of him. Green lizard pattern cow, guess what he ate in the end?"

"Of course I choose the fragrant roasted cow dung! To tell the truth, I have eaten the famous green lizard pattern cow before, emmm, how do you describe the taste, that dog beep cow only has a nice name... "

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