Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1293: One thing drops one thing?

Regarding the topic of how to become beautiful and handsome, probably its history can be traced back to a time longer than immortality.

And Wu Ke obviously shared a common language with a group of fanatical ladies-for example, condemning how boss Lin treated a living, loving beast earmother in a rough and violent manner.

"God, Lin Chou must have been a straight steel man in his last life, and he was a single guy!"

"Oh, those little ears are so cute that my old lady has a **** face, okay!"

"I don't know if there are any more seeds, I really want one of them the same..."

"How is it possible, this kind of thing must be super rare, right?"

This harmonious atmosphere continued until the loud blowing of the men in a certain corner spread to the women's circle-

"Ha, beast ears are beautiful, is that a natural and unchanging rule? As for tattoos, huh..."

"Although I smoke and drink and burn my head... ah no, tattoos, but I know I am a good girl..."

"Give me a bottle of wine and a cigarette," laughed haha, and was mixed with affectionate songs like thief, "I will be Yu Qian'er if you burn me again~"

"If you want to ask what is the most beautiful in the world, Fujiang's Mole of tears has double legs, nothing else is optimistic!"

"Wow hahaha~"

The devilish loud noise obviously made the ladies think it was a kind of ridicule, and their expressions were unkind for an instant.

Okay, Lin Chou has seen the old ladies who came here team up to brush men more than once, and was out of interest to witness another time up close.

Wu Ke said thiefly,

"Brother Wow, why don't you watch it, Lord Shan is about to be beaten again soon~"

"Oh, it's dull," Lin Chou said, "Isn't he beaten every day?"

Wu Ke thought for a while,

"No, not yesterday."

"Yes, you can just make up for yesterday's today and watch the excitement!"

But obviously, this is not the time for boss Lin to run away.

"Let...get'm gonna...don't get in the way..."

I saw two familiar faces, one fat and one thin, carrying a big cardboard box and rushing up the mountain together, screaming in their mouths.

"Help, Boss Lin, help me, **** the Yangtze River Swordfish, the living Jiangdao, uh, but it's about to die soon, Gan..."

Lin Chou's eyes almost didn't pop out of his eye sockets.

"Swordfish? Really?"

The fat and thin people were so excited,

"Really, absolutely true, we fell into a hole when we were picking mushrooms..."

"To shut up!!"


When Lin Chou heard these words, he said directly,

"Come in and say, Sister Da Yue Hung, guard the door."

Standing at the door with a bare big horse and golden sword, a monster tattoo like a flowing flame, full of pressure.

The two of them opened the cardboard box with hands and feet, and Lin Chou discovered that this thing should be a kind of "thick cardboard" that was beaten into fine pulp with some kind of bark and then pressed out with some kind of flat plate. Layers of thick cardboard, but water will still leak out.

"You guys are pretty good at finding a way."

In the huge carton, there are only three-tailed fish with a flat and narrow body, resembling a silver-white stick-shaped fish, two large and one small, and the largest one is only 30 cm long.

In addition to the filamentous free fins on the upper pectoral fins, the most eye-catching thing is their unique silver-white metal-like scales, each with sharp and angular lines like a knife.

"What a beautiful Qingback Jiangdao~"

Long-jawed Coilia, also known as the Yangtze River Coilia, Coilia chinensis, Herring form order, Anchovy, Coilia spp.

The legend about its deliciousness does not need to be repeated at all, since ancient times there are countless.

Countless literati and saucy were crazy about it. After the period when its value was most rampant, its average selling price could still reach two thousand yuan per catty on the eve of the catastrophe.

The fat man hurriedly said,

"We found a mountain with a mountain of several kilometers in the light snow line. It is definitely not as deep as the ancestor mountain by the evolutionary. Owl can catch up with the sky, no way into the ground, no way, hey, guess what?"


"Well, we fell into a big gap and couldn't get out, so we kept walking in there, hey, guess what... well, don’t you guess I know... the mountain is almost full Can you imagine being empty!!"

"Later we found this thing in a pool of water. Well, the eyes seemed to be a little degenerate. It should be the reason why we haven't seen the light in the cave for too long."

"There is still a big guy in the hole, we can't do it, we hurriedly fished a few fish and wanted to come back to confirm with you, so as not to run in vain."

Lin Chou gave the price without hesitation,

"One hundred thousand one tail, as many as you want."


Lin Chou is a bit strange,

"Feeling low?"

The fat man and the thin man looked at each other and asked directly after gritting their teeth.

"Boss Lin, one hundred thousand one, do you just point to the fish or..."

Lin Chou said strangely,

"Otherwise, what else do you want to sell?"

The fat and thin people shivered directly,

"This fish seems to be barely enough to reach the second order..."

Lin Chou nodded,

"If there is a third-order one, I can triple it again."


The two were obviously stunned by Boss Lin's wealth and "unreasonable".

In fact, things like Lao Xue's Bafanglou and Fu's Yishanfang are absolutely different from Lin Chou's treatment.

They can even give the three-tailed fish a high price of millions of circulation points, but there is a premise that the fat and thin people must sell them the specific location of the fish's origin together-this is how normal people do business, if they are all Like Lin Chou, the hunters are all fattened up soon?

Then the fat and thin people are embarrassed.

"Boss Lin, you have to pay a lot for doing this business~"

"That's right, let's just sell you the place directly, otherwise the noise was so loud just now. I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. You and Xue Shi are indeed good in character, but we really don't dare to bet on the character of the family.. ."

Lin Chou raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Two million, this business is mine. If someone asks you to just say that, you can tell them if you don't have the position, I don't care."

Fat and thin are overjoyed——

This is more than just a business, Lin Chou directly saved them all.

"Which, how embarrassing..."

Lin Shou's expression was faint,

"I really didn't know before, the Fu family used to do this business."

The fat and thin people curl their lips,

"Xue Shi’s management of different food restaurants is not called a'fast food chain' for nothing. Their dishes are compared to the Bafang Building than one in the sky and one underground, but it is cheaper than a large restaurant, and there are also some old bells and whimsical crooks. The brains are good, I don’t know how many evolutionists have suffered from their losses in secret. Tsk tsk, they say that one thing drops one thing, they are also talking about different food shops. I am not afraid of other things. I think they only care about going bankrupt. Fine, haha..."

The thin man suddenly pulled the fat man,

"Don't make trouble!"


Dividing line.

Oh, one day passed, I thought it would be better, but the flesh on my waist hurts even more, and now I can’t even lift my arms.

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