Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1305: Boss Lin’s weakness

The reason why these two kinds of vegetables are said to be, in fact...

Boss Lin used the principle of proximity without any psychological pressure. The two dishes in Houshan are abundant, and the taste is delicate and elegant. They will not take away the outstanding taste of the broth and the dishes themselves because of their blending.

Some things are just like this. It may seem like a pity to discard chicken ribs, but in fact you may not realize that it is actually an indispensable thing in your life——

To give a specific example, such as the winter homework of elementary school students in 0202 and the work permits of many companies. Once these things are gone, at least many people have probably fully realized how many online games and mobile game seasons were in that winter. Long and terrifying.

emmm In short, the functions of these two vegetables are similar.

Lin Chou directly chose pucai, of course, he also used a little honey in the end.

The internal structure of pucai actually helps to make the soup clear and light, but in this super thick soup, the possibility of making a difference is obviously lost, and it is not powerful.

Shan Ye made a small bowl of soup and drank it without a mouthful.

"This soup tastes really good. Who hasn't cooked the stock before, how come it's different in your hands."

"The last bowl, are you going to finish the soup for me?"


Lin Chou glanced at him.

"This kind of soup is mainly based on the use of raw materials. For example, shark bone is an important part of it, as well as abalone, dried abalone, tendons, etc. The soup will naturally be thick after cooking the gelatin. And the taste is not fatty, on the contrary it is very fresh and natural."

This kind of natural material can always surprise a cook like Lin Chou with extraordinary surprises, every time he cooks, this is what Lin Chou is enjoying.

"It's not that I said, you seem to only put the blue abalone, where are the tendons and where is the dried abalone?"


Lin Chou took another look at Huang Dashan with disdain.

"It's rare that you actually noticed it."

Respectfully took out an old yellow wine jar from the incubator, and lifted the lotus leaves and sedges on it. The rich aroma of wine mixed with the taste of abalone juice covered the whole room like a heavy mask.

"Oh, what is this, Buddha jumped over the wall?"

The slightly dim orange-yellow soup looks like flowing amber.

"It's not that the Buddha jumped over the wall, it's just abalone stewed tendons."

This was left by Boss Lin when he harvested blue abalone. He didn't think it was very successful with the abalone stew with fish maw, but the stewed tendons of the urn were surprisingly delicious.

"Twenty kilograms of dried abalone and five kilograms of tendons, so that about eight liters of soup can be simmered. This kind of soup can't be directly added to the pot of soup just now, it will fade, and it must be added last.

"right now?"

"No, I mean, in the end, you can add the abalone juice after the manticore tail is simmered in the broth."


The most part of the manticore’s tail has thick sebum and plump flesh. At first glance, it belongs to the kind that is full of gum after being stewed. It was cut into half-slap-thick sections by Lin Chou and placed them in a mouthful order. Pour the broth in the big pan, gurgling.

The broth slowly boils, the bubbles push the manticore tail, the crystal-clear meat is stained with the red wine-like liquid, and it vibrates gently, always showing a cook the most enchanting provocative posture-in the pot.

The meat of the manticore tail is like breathing in the broth, with a circle of small circles spreading out uncontrollably. When it is recovered, the broth will soak the meat in a deeper color.

The toxin of the manticore tail has been removed, but the special sweetness is still there, and the sweetness of the honey in the broth is mixed with it, and it is multiplied and it smells abnormally silky and sweet.

Shan Ye frowned,

"It's so sweet, did you put too much honey?"

Lin Sorrow: ψ(*`ー′)ψ

I really want to put this product on the plate with salty and spicy sauce and move the knife and fork directly.

"In fact, this is a chemical reaction, because manticore tail itself has a certain sweetness, but this taste will gradually decrease with cooking, of course, it does not disappear, but is hidden. As we all know, a certain amount of sugar can Make the food more fresh and sweet, um, increase the freshness and flavor."

Ton ton~

The viscous and lovely sound made from the pot makes people feel like a manticore tail in tons of soup.

Maybe it’s because there are too many processing steps, maybe the manticore tail itself is very easy to mature, and the fleshy aroma will soon be released. Lin Chou only added abalone juice to the pot at this time and adjusted it to a small fire. Simmering.

Lin Chou's standard process is to prepare multiple dishes at the same time to ensure the taste.

The handling of the middle section of the manticore tail and the tip of the tail is much simpler. The tip of the tail is said to be sashimi. It only needs to be divided by muscle lines.

The middle section is a little more complicated. It is cooked with colorful snake king wine again, and then smoked with fruit wood.

Smoking is actually very simple. It only requires two glass covers to be connected with a tube in the middle, one ignites the smoke, and then the smoke will naturally pass through the tube into the other glass cover to smoke the ingredients in it.

Lin Chou mixed a certain proportion of bagasse in the fruit trees. Fruit trees are smoked, and bagasse smoked is actually extremely common, such as sugarcane duck, some roasted goose, smoked braised large intestines, smoked braised meat and so on.

The sweetness does not make people feel bored, because the taste actually tastes very weak, but the golden red color of the ingredients imparted by the bagasse smoking is hard to replace by the fruit wood, and the color is simply amazing.

The middle section of the manticore tail was smoked once and then cut into 0.3 cm thick slices and then smoked again, so the color difference between the leather part and the gravy part is very clear, the meat is slightly yellowish brown, and the leather is golden and red.

The fine oils leak out from the meat and the skin, forming crystal clear oil droplets. The maturity penetrates inward from the fully cooked surface of the cortex, and the bone part is already seven mature. The standard meat is cooked and the bone is immature. Bright red with blood.

"I like this!" Huang Dashan's eyes were shining again, "This feeling, this feeling, exquisite and rough and wild, this is the style of the evolutionary in the wilderness, isn't it that I said you, your kid has some The dishes are so exquisite, don't you know, they all look like damsel."

Lin Chou:? ? ?

It's not that Lao Tzu said you are, you are just a fool, so there are so many scenes, why don't you have an AC number in your heart?

It can be said that Lord Shan's words directly hit Boss Lin's sore spot, no wonder Lin Chou was so unhappy.

So far, his skill level such as the decoration of the plate seems to be only a poor level 2. Allowing other skills to increase experience, these two are as stable as an old dog.


This may be related to aesthetic ability...

When it comes to Boss Lin’s aesthetic...

Well, forget it, it hurts...

In short, it is really not like a cook, and it has dragged down all the cooks in the world.

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