Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1309: Wu Ke's new experience

It seems that Lin Chou never thought that there were so many warriors in Mingguang Base City—could these guys be wild in Chengdu? The one that can grow after rain?

Yanhui Mountain is still lively as always, but today is obviously not a normal situation.

The voice of "hehe haha" is endless, and people everywhere are eager to fist to the flesh to discuss, what black tiger digs heart, double dragon, play bead, monkey steals the roots of peach and old tree, etc., recruits standard tigers and tigers.

Wu Ke squeezed his chin and sat on the threshold and looked down. His eyes didn’t move as if they were locked, and moved tears flowed from the corners of his mouth.


"Brother Sorrow, take a look, do you see that Nezha, stainless steel Barbie! Oh my god, it's so terrible that my parents are willing to let a girl with this face go piling and practicing Fists..."

"And you said, why didn't our cold generals train the muscles like that aunt?"

Lin Chou's teeth were itchy and kicked the goods away from the threshold.

"The threshold is the neck of the Patriarch, don't you know? You step on it every day, and then let me see the bones and bones for you next time."

"Feudal superstition," Wu Ke patted his **** to find a place to sit down, and continued to sigh at the exquisite all-steel Barbie, "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's so cute, it should be able to cry with a punch..."

"Hey!" Lin Chou sneered, "Believe it or not she touched you, you are gone?"

"Tsk tusk," Wu Ke said suddenly, "Brother Sorrow, I don't know why, I suddenly remembered the old man who came to ask you if there is a beauty package and was thrown to the potted plant by you a few days ago. Isn't he in Zushan? After being licked by a saber-toothed bear, half of his face is gone, quack, this Barbie may be related to the saber-toothed bear, the effect is directly inseparable."


"Brother Sorrow?"

"Brother Chou, why don't you speak anymore..."

Lin Chou patted Wu Ke on the shoulder and turned into the room.

Wu Ke was still talking, and suddenly he was enveloped in a shadow.

Looking back tremblingly,


"You... hello..."

In front of him was the alloy Barbie.

Approximately one meter eight or even one meter tall, with hair draped... draped... uh...

In short, a black, bright, silky, silky hair is naturally scattered on the high swelling trapezius and deltoid muscles.


"A punch will make you cry for a long time? Ang?"


"Kid related to saber-toothed bear? Ang?"


Wu Ke is a sand sculpture, and the warrior and the evolver are almost two species. The visual and auditory enhancement of the evolver needs to rely on skills, but the martial artist of the other family directly started from physical training~

The eyesight and hearing are simply not too good. A warrior with strong control ability can distinguish "malicious" and "hostile" gazes or sounds from the noisy a few hundred meters away, just like eating and drinking water.

Titanium Barbie smiled slightly,


"Come on, little handsome guy, try a punch."

Wu Ke: Live, shut up, male, male or female, don’t give or accept!

Of course, I didn't dare to say this.

"That...Miss...what...misunderstanding...absolutely misunderstanding..."

Just listen to a bald-headed bantering roar suddenly coming out of the mountainside,

"Oh, dog man, who loves the new and dislikes the old so quickly, forget about your female ghost sister so quickly? Hetui!"

Huang Dashan's interruption in this way saved Wu Ke's life instead.

"My name is Cao Meng." Miss Barbie who had a small face and a body that didn't match her body lightly punched Wu Ke and walked straight into the room, "I'm teasing you, look at the one that scared you, and talked about others. What a bad thing, um~"

"My treat!" Wu Ke grinned and rubbed the place where he was beaten. "It must be, I apologize, I treat, and the heroine is forgiving!"

Cao Meng seems to know Wu Ke,

"I heard that you came from the research institute. When you first arrived here, someone bet you would not be scared to pee in the wilderness. I bet you can live in the mountains for a full week before running around, but you lose. Eight hundred and fifty circulation points."

Wu Ke:...

Cao Meng looked up at the menu skillfully,

"Boss, Brother Lin, I want to eat hot and sour things. One time you made raw skewers at a bonfire party, do you still remember that? I just want to eat that taste."

The three heads of Lin Chou, Gungun, and Si Gouzi came out from the front and rear doors and behind the counter respectively, looking at the two of them.

Lin Chou said,

"Raw skewers?"


"Don't eat breakfast?"


The kitchen has been jingling bells, and Mingguang has too many warriors who have been summoned by Shanye's manticore. He is very busy now.

"Time is running out. Let me make you a smoked bullock mixed with wild wild vegetables. Use raw skewers as a seasoning method. It's just ripe for one portion. How about?"

"Fry a few more Yunling bird eggs, a big bowl of pig blood soup, rice!"

A large bowl of boiled beef with cold wild vegetables that resembles a salad, with bright red raw skewers sauce as a base, with fresh devil peppers, nepeta and a variety of fresh wild vegetables, and fried eggs with rice and pork blood Tang was sent to Cao Meng together.


Cao Meng cheered, and one bite was an omelette the size of a palm.


"I had a mission some time ago, but I haven't been here for a long time."

"It smells so good."

Wu Ke swallowed his saliva and looked at the big pot of bright red beef that was cut into inch-square strips. Then he watched Cao Meng **** the meat strips into his mouth like noodles, chewing with relish.

"Mom...too natural..."

He himself couldn't accept this kind of food setting, and occasionally eat seafood sashimi and dare not eat too much, for fear that his small body can't stand it, after all, normal people are reluctant to live in the toilet.

Of course, drooling is still necessary, and it has to be greedy.

"and many more..."

"its not right..."

"Brother is not an ordinary person anymore!"

Although Comrade Xiao Wu's transformation has not completely ended, but the former fragile body of ordinary people has already made a qualitative leap.

"How about you?" Cao Meng found a small bowl, "Hey here, here you are, let me tell you, this thing looks harder to accept, you want this, tomato spaghetti, doesn't it look like it? You face it with the same attitude as you eat noodles. It’s really good to have a big mouthful. Take a bite, try a bite, you’re not deceived~"

Comrade Xiao Wu held the bowl and muttered to himself as he watched the contents in the bowl.


"I think I seem to be on a path of no return..."

Cao Meng rolled his eyes, and when he went up with chopsticks, he put half a bowl of beef in Wu Ke's mouth.


"Masters harp!"

One step to the stomach.

Wu Ke didn't even have time to chew.


It seems to taste pretty good?

A bit sweet, a bit salty, a bit spicy.

Cao Meng asked with a smile.

"How is it, yummy?"

"Uh," Wu Ke glanced at his stomach, praying that it has become very competitive, "It's really delicious."

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