Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1314: A stable state

Sweet shrimp in glutinous soy sauce, in addition to the "sweet" of the shrimp itself, no sugar is actually used.

The sweetness of pumpkin shrimp paste itself is already very useful, and the sweetness of fruits and vegetables and the sweetness of big head sweet shrimp are rendered with a very noble golden red color.

The thick and sweetness of the glutinous oil and autumn oil greatly enriches the whole dish, especially when a small piece of freshly peeled shrimp is dipped in pumpkin and shrimp paste and placed in the mouth, the thick and sweetness fills the mouth at first. Afterwards, savor the fresh and sweet spring teeth of the shrimp, gently squeeze the tip of the tongue, and the delicate pumpkin puree melted into the ice and snow. In the end, only the shrimp paste that melted into the sand was left.

"I like this dish," Huang Dashan vowed to say that it was the first delicious dish he had eaten in this restaurant. "Absolutely, absolutely!"

Wu Ke also said,

"Yes, this shrimp is really good, it's... it's..."

He looked at the peeled shrimp tails, and then at the brains next to him, speechless for a while.

"By the way, when this thing has a big head and a small tail, it really won't fall into the mud when swimming, it's a lot worse..."

A normal-sized big-headed sweet shrimp generally weighs more than one or two, and some long-lived elders can even grow to more than half a catty. However, its weight is 9/10ths on the super disproportionate mallet-shaped head and head. On the extremely sharp "dagger".

Just about the shape, the two shrimps are swimming in front of each other and rear-end collision occurs. The one in front has to be caught directly, and it is solid from the tail vertebra to the person, and it does not contain any exaggerated adjectives. .

Lin Chou peeled two small bowls of shrimp tails before dismissing Su Yourong and rolling, and said,

"The shrimp tails are indeed a bit smaller, but the taste is still very good. Do you know that some rich people in Mingguang actually liked this kind of shrimp before?"

"Why?" Wu Ke curled his lips. "Is the Red Devil Shrimp not fragrant or the big lobster is not fun anymore?"

"Hey," Huang Dashan suddenly became energetic, "You know what a hair, some upstarts used this shrimp to make shrimp paste, because it has a lot of shrimp paste in the head, think about the taste of the shrimp paste. , It's absolutely amazing-did I say Linzi right?"

"You still know this," Lin Chou said, "Indeed, a few years ago, about fifteen years or so, the price of large-head sweet shrimp at that time was at least two to three times higher than it is now, and they were all from Shangcheng District. Those guys got fired up."

"I don't know how to describe it. It is said that because of the large amount of shrimp paste and shrimp paste, the color of shrimp paste made from large head sweet shrimp is actually greenish to yellow, and it seems to match the yellow mustard seed paste very well. It was once a bright light. ...The mainstream sauce for upper-class banquets and celebration dinners at that time."

"Grass green..."

"Think about it suddenly disgusting."

"Wait," Wu Ke scratched his head, "I remember that at the time in Mingguang, most people were still relying on kelp and the like to fill their stomachs. Those big families had already started...have learned to enjoy this way? ?"

Three unscrupulous guys talked about-like some gossip parties before the Cataclysm, class is always a topic that is "favored" by people.

Or it is more suitable to replace the "gossip" with "spray".

Of course, the main reason is that some upper-class people at that time often did things that put Mingguang on the wheels of history, and the retribution was that Mingguang did not have what they did for decades, and now it is strong enough. The three major organizations will never put them all on the chopping board to squeeze juice every time they are needed.

Most of the evolvers on Yanhui Mountain ordered Boss Lin’s new dish for the sake of face, and then gave a good comment-although they still don’t understand why a black-hearted boss occasionally dared to sell ingredients of the same order for cabbage prices. Also dare to sell real cabbage for gold.

Wu Ke said while sucking his finger.

"Brother Chou, there are so many shrimps, shrimps, brains, and so on. It must be easy to make the shrimp brain tofu you made last time~"

Huang Dashan said,

"I am still full of damned eggplant..."

Wu Ke was shocked,

"I'll be together, then where did you put the tons of crackers in your mind?"

Shan Ye:? ? ?

"My Gan Liniang, where are you going to die with your father?!"

Facts have proved that Wu Ke's physique has greatly improved since he became an alien miner after eating food last time.

At least just listening to the hitting sound of "Punchi Pengchi", the previous Wu Kejue couldn't hold it.

"It's alright, it's almost done," Lin Chou said, "you beat him so hard. Four dogs may want to grab bones from your plate."


Wu Ke is a relative of all non-humanoid units on the Yanhui Mountain. He knows their habits well, and often brings back piles of things from the ancestral mountain behind to feed them. He is very good at being a human being.

As for an aunt like Huang Dashan, that is very unnatural. Si Gouzi hates this person very much—not to mention the bones of the plates and bowls he has eaten, even a little oil star will not be left.

As far as these two guys are to the creatures on Yanhui Mountain, there is a gap like a sea between them. As long as Comrade Wu Ke gives a look casually, Si Gouzi will dare to give it to Huang Moushan without hesitation. Niuzi and Dan came back happily with Comrade Xiao Wu for a round of billiards—the sack of balls. This description always feels like a disguised praise of someone?

Shan Ye's movements just froze.

If it weren’t for Lin Chou’s reminder, he hadn’t even noticed that when he beat Wu Ke violently, there was already a large guy sitting cross-legged behind his buttocks staring at him, even the dirt under his feet was like waves. Rolling the same way, a certain cute-looking pink earthworm Xiaoqiu, who may have grown to dozens of hundreds of tons in weight, will soon crawl out to give him a hug of love.

The state after the hug is probably like this:

Soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil

Soil and soil Huang Dashan soil and soil

Soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil

It may also be slightly modified, such as this:


Soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil

Soil and soil Huang Dashan soil and soil

Soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil soil

They are united and surrounded closely, and they seem to be in a safe, stable, and secure state.

However, Shan Ye refused.

Shan Ye coughed slightly, and if nothing had happened, he found a few roasted beef bone sticks used to lure beasts from the car and threw them out to certain creatures with green eyes, carefully putting on an embarrassing smile. , Retreat quickly.

"Damn, bad luck, this **** has a **** backstage."


I haven't seen it for a long time, and recently I have another old problem with my throat. I have a fever for several days.

emmmm, it's rather unlucky. At this time, I almost have to do nucleic acid.

Fortunately, there are no problems, it is almost done.

So what, by the way, are the rice dumplings in your house delicious?

Also, remember to drink plenty of hot water.

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