Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1321: Blade Mountain

It can be said that there are absolutely no people in the audience who are still interested in the so-called "mixed chicken blood" after witnessing Mr. Zhao's eating.

Presumably, only Lin Chou, the instigator, still has a little bit of tongue and salivation. Well, it can be seen that Comrade Lin Zi is really greedy.

People, there will always be some weird hobbies in some time. For example, a Cantonese who never eats chili suddenly falls in love with Shabu Shabu or something. It is worthy of sympathy... Ah no...

In short, it is completely understandable~

"Speaking of which, summer is over."

Someone thoughtfully came to such a sentence, in exchange for countless eyes.

The temperature in Mingguang City is generally not mentioned for the time being, but the temperature on the endless wasteland is never merciful. It is often driving for a few hours even a plant that can be called a tree is rare, and there is no shelter at all. In this case, you can imagine how the evolvers who spend their days begging for life in the wilderness hate the high temperature-sitting in the car is like smoldering, standing outside is directly barbecue.

Old Zhao squeezed his chin.

"The harvest season also followed the summer, ha, I really don't know what you are happy about, tut, how cold can it be?"

In the era of cataclysm, where the four seasons are like falling, spring, summer, autumn and winter are of little significance.

"That said, you suddenly feel a little sad?" Lin Chou smiled, "I took advantage of this summer to make a lot of new dishes."

Humans are not so sensitive to slight temperature changes, but many animals and plants are different. Pay attention to a season. After this time, there will be absolutely nothing. If you want to find it again, you can only wait until next year to try your luck.

"I heard that you got reeling flowers?" The old man Zhao suddenly became energetic.


Lin Chou cocked his mouth, he knew what the old guy was thinking.

Mr. Zhao had a wretched smile on his face.

"Good thing, there used to be households in the alley of the station. What they did was reeling the fruit wine with flowers and fruits. That taste, sizzle~"

"Oh?" Lin Chou was surprised, "I thought that thing is only liked by poor people like us."

Old Zhao rolled his eyes.

"Come on, you, that fruit wine is not cheap, I remember that when the family was still there, it had sold a bottle of more than ten or twenty circulation points, right?"

"You can drink it only once during the Chinese New Year," Lin Chou said, "Thirteen or four degrees? It is sour and sweet, and has a great fermented taste. In fact, it is not a wine, but a fermented juice. Drink bar, it’s a pity that the station and the whole alley were destroyed later."

Old Zhao was silent for a while,

"That alley is too close to the north gate. It happened that a lot of earth dragons appeared in the beast tide that year, and I have never seen this thing in the beast tide."

Zhao Qingcang said that the earth dragon is the common name of the evolutionary for an alienated cyan pangolin. This thing is not big in size, and the largest is no more than a cow, but its combat effectiveness is very fierce, and its entire carapace can refract a certain degree of original attack. , The 50-caliber Source Crystal Cannon sticks to the face and rubs off at most one layer of armor. It is estimated that even a complete corpse will not be collected when placed on a general fourth-order monster.

What's more, earth dragons are good at drilling mountains and digging holes. When the beast tide cleared up the mess, the evolvers found that the wall under the north gate was almost hollowed out by them. These things were dug all the way into the city from the ground.

Although Mingguang finally arranged the underground fortifications again, the casualties in the alley of the station have already been caused. As well as the nearby streets, there were almost no living people in that area-there were no dead bodies, and it was clean. There is not a drop of blood, only one place is left in ruins.

"Earth Dragon," Lin Chou twitched his mouth expressionlessly, "We went into two alleys that year, and almost every household had wounded, but fortunately, the two big guys were killed in the end. My dad still used the land. The dragon’s spine, scales and claws were soaked in a lot of wine."

"Hmm—" Zhao Qingcang dragged his voice, "How much did you lose?"

Lin Chou was speechless,

"Almost bankrupt, and it took almost three years to pay off the alcohol debt."

Leng Han asked blankly.

"Why? Isn't it always a good market to soak wine with the bones and shells of alien animals?"

"Those wine..." Lin Chou sighed, "Later I learned that the wine was not suitable for normal evolving people to drink. The crustacean scales and bones of the earth dragon contained a toxin against the origin, but there was no such poison in the blood and flesh. Only certain exotic animals can be immune to this toxin..."

This is the so-called ill-fated. Lin Chou’s father thought he had discovered a business opportunity. He bought these things at a high price from the evolutionary who killed the earth dragon, and then took out the savings he had saved for many years to buy a batch of high-quality wine. ,result...

Cough, in exchange for the sympathetic gaze and "sorrows" from the alley, Lin Chou still remembers the poverty of the Lin family in those three years.

"Oh yes," Lin Chou said, "There is a bay a little bit north of Mingguang Port. That area is almost occupied by various marine plants, such as kelp, seaweed, sea grapes, etc., but there are so many varieties that are good at hypoxia. The small fishes, shrimps and snails living in the sea can be sifted out of a large basket in less than two hours. My dad and I marinated those things in sauce, and we used them for almost a year and a half. "

"Then you can grow so tall," Leng Han said, "it is a miracle that there is no malnutrition..."

"This joke is really cold," Lin Chou said, "I'm my age, but as long as the family is more diligent, I have almost never heard of anyone starving to death. It's not like..."

"It's not like a few years ago," said Mr. Zhao, holding a large bowl of wine. "The meeting that Mingguang City was just established was called ruthless. Even the defense of the city was reluctant, let alone to go. At that time, Mingguang City was narrow and narrow. After a few months, the grass and bark on the ground have been scraped cleanly. Every day hundreds of people dig pits for the corpses buried.

The three people quickly cleaned up the food on the table, Zhao Ziyu asked curiously.

"But Mingguang Port in the east is rich in seafood. Can't all kinds of sea vegetables and small fish and shrimp fill their stomachs? How can anyone starve to death?"

"Tell you to learn Mingguang modern history, are you lazy again?" Leng Han grabbed Zhao Ziyu's ear, "I ask you, what was Mingguang Port called before?"


Zhao Ziyu stopped talking and wanted, um, ah, ah, for a long time, and gave up dejectedly.

"Hey," Bao Erle said, "I know this, it's called Blade Mountain. It used to be a continuous mountain steep like a blade. After the mountain is the sea, Mingguang is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I chose such a place to build the city."


Bao Er looked at Zhao Ziyu with a funny smile.

"In the past, Blade Mountain was not as legitimate as the East Gate. It was just a big gap, isn't it? Later, Master Warlock got a meteor with a big summoning technique, and he chiselled Blade Mountain into Mingguang Harbor on the spot."


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