Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1331: Earthworm

Boss Lin was very upset and claimed that he would give a hundred and twenty-six percent off all Xia San Lu items that were sold or not sold in the store.

The Eighteenth Master didn't even care about it, so he took out his brain circuit that could be promoted to the Nineteenth Master-yeah, it's not my melon, it has nothing to do with me.

Shan Ye burst on the spot, Axi, what kind of a bunch of rumblings of Yaozi Niuzi Huanxizi, aren't they all rushing to the next three roads, your kid wants to kill people and punish the heart?

Thinking of this, Huang Dashan pressed his waist tightly.

We have to rely on the colorful waist to sit firmly as the prince, and Mingguang has to rely on me and Luanshan dance. This waist on our body is not an ordinary waist. It is the kidney of the waist of hope and diplomacy!


Lin Chou glanced at Huang Dashan, who was in a weird look, and he was full of pride.

The husband should do the same. If there is a grudge, he will avenge it on the spot, and he has never had an overnight grudge.

Bai Qiong first sipped his wine, looking at these two goods, dull and tasteless-but naive enough, how old are you two?

Lin Chou beckoned and asked the wandering demon to help drain the earth dragon's blood without leaving a drop.

This is not a problem for the Wandering Demon of the Blood Exchange King. When this earth dragon is alive, he can perform a void exchange of blood to squeeze it dry, not to mention that it is completely dead and has no resistance to its original ability. .

"Blood is poisonous?"

"Well," Lin Chou nodded and said, "you can't eat the fried rice with ground dragon blood."

The wandering demon said, disappointed.

Boss Lin started his performance. He broke his stomach, smashed the cows, and ran through the clouds and water, all in one go.

It's a pity that no one applauded, and everyone had already taken it off.

"Fuck... it's white meat..."

Some people are surprised by the meat quality of the earth dragon.

In fact, most Mingguang people are not interested in things that cannot be eaten. The essence of the earth dragon is in the carapace. For those who are unprofitable and unable to early evolve, the value of earth dragon is already greatly reduced.

Although someone has hunted and killed it, it is still a "niche" food. I have heard of it and haven't seen it.

Bai Qiong held the wine bowl and took a closer look.

"Pretty, it looks like mutton jade."

Shan Ye murmured,

"It's like this after removing the bones? You said that this thing has relatives with Tai Sui, and it's hard to believe it."

Lin Chou stared at Huang Dashan, who struck his neck in response.

"It's not that I said that you two are naive or naive, right?" Baiqiong Capital was speechless by these two counselors.


"Ha ha!"

Lin Chou withdrew his gaze.

There are millions of strange beasts in the wilderness, but it is rare to see white fleshy people like earth dragons.

And the meat is so beautiful, it looks like a jade mountain from a long distance.

The flesh has a distinct scent of pollen and honey, which should be related to the recipe of Earth Dragon itself.

Lin Chou sniffed,

"This meat can be made without the feeling of honey."

Huang Dashan came up with his ideas there,

"Hey, the whole sweet and sour mouth, put some petals, and say that goose that can beautify and beautify or cheat the aunts in the base city is not too easy."

No one answered him.

Lin Chou actually already had some ideas.

Guixiong pangolin has never been a secret. The specific effects of the medicine must be more thorough than those of the bosses like him. What's more, this fleshy face is so high in value, it's clean and pure and it's a mess. Those Yan Gou's hearts.

Lin Chou had a good idea, and immediately set about dealing with the earth dragon.

The earth dragon with its scales, bones and viscera removed is directly boiled with clean water. The soup will be the same as when the water is put in, and the meat is clean and messed up.

After being blanched and shaped, it is placed directly in a basin filled with lemon leaf filaments and ice cubes to chill.

If it is of normal meat quality, it is more appropriate to blanch it with lemon leaves directly, but considering that the earth dragon is as white as snow, Lin Chou did not do that-fear of staining.

After the meat is completely cooled, use 90 degrees of warm water to replace the tender **** juice with ice cubes.

Boil a large pot of scallion oil, add garlic and fry it until fragrant, remove the residue and fry the ground dragon meat into the frying pan for two rounds.

Not to mention, the exploded earth dragon meat made many evolutionists couldn't help but **** their noses and smell it hard.

"Good fellow, the meat for so many years has been eaten for nothing, this meat smells so good."

"Yes, it smells sweet."

"Aye, Aye, I'm allergic to floral fragrance..."

Lin Chou found a good ripe ham, opened the top, and diced it.

Stir-fry in the pot, supplement with **** garlic shiitake mushrooms and dried tangerine peel, then cook the pot with three-color snake wine, add salt and sugar abalone sauce, and turn off the heat.

Quickly change a piece of ground dragon meat that has been deep-fried and shaped into a 2.5 cm square cube. Place it in a square on the plate. Spread Angelica and Chuanxiong slices on the bottom of the plate. Pour the fried ingredients and steam it in the pot.

Bai Qiongshou gave professional advice,

"Danggui and Chuanxiong? Except for the old Mongolian doctors, not many medicinal materials are used in the base city."

After the catastrophe, the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials became more and more elusive due to the original influence. Except for those Mongolian doctors who dare to think and do, few people dare to use these things to treat illnesses and save people-not to mention that Mingguang now only targets children. Yes, it's not even a serious hospital.

If you insist, that is, the various diet chefs are still struggling, but that is also because there are more exotic animals as materials, and fewer medicinal materials.

Lin Chou scratched his head, and the words he gave made the head of Bai Qiong's melon seeds buzz.

"I'm thinking that we are all evolutionaries. The ranks are generally not low. If we use some medicinal materials, we can withstand the size of the medicine. Think about it, a dignified Tier 3 or 4 evolutionary, the kind that walks sideways in the base city. , Eat some angelica and chuanxiong, the nosebleeds that are supplemented, directly make up for death, it is reasonable, it is not scientific to introduce a setting!"

Everyone: "..."

Nima, you are a cook, you know how to set up a fart.

However, the refutation is definitely impossible to refute. What people say is really right. The evolutionary is not a son of man, and the body can bear this toss-put Lin Chou here, clearly let them be white mice, they don't care about this called a white mouse. , That would be called Cengfan uprightly!

This is a story of 1 and 0, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

"How long does it take to steam..."

Huang Dashan's drool was long, and Ren Linchou just kept his nose and eyes upright and didn't leave.

My heart said, ha ha, there is no food in this world that my grandfather Huang Dashan can't touch.

Lin Chou pinched the time, still unwillingly replied.

"If you look at the meat quality, it will take 20 minutes."

Lin Chou doesn't want to make this dish into another version of the honey-flavored fire recipe. If the taste is similar, it is boring, and the meat quality of the earth dragon has already determined that it is not suitable for the soft and waxy texture. .

The taste of the earthen dragon meat in the pot began to change, and the heavy oily aroma gradually faded when the oil was over, turning into a touch of elegant and moist, just like the grassland after the rain and the mountain peaks after the snow.

Lin Chou put his nose close to the steamer and felt it carefully, searching for the taste change he needed from the high temperature and a large number of complex tastes, calculating the timing.

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