Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1349: Hippocampus

Fuchsia sea urchins are long and densely punctured with needles on the surface, and they are extremely large and look particularly hideous.

Lin Chou pried all the sea urchins, removed the uneatable parts, and put the golden gonads back into the shell, like an alternative basin, the caliber was not small.

One sea urchin shell contains the gonads of three sea urchins, and the full ones are about to overflow.

Sikong reluctantly took two bites, frowned and put it down.

"What's wrong, it's not delicious?"

Lin Chou scratched his head a little.

No, he has tasted it before, and he is still very confident in his own taste.

Sikong sighed,

"It's not that it tastes bad. I really don't dare to eat more. It will make my stomach upset and my spleen and stomach are too weak."


The Uncle Warlock held a sea urchin shell, grabbed the golden cream inside like rice, and glanced at Sikong indifferently and contemptuously.

Oh, weak chicken.

The first feeling is fishy.

It's not just the fishy of seafood-it's the gonad after all.

This kind of smell is not annoying, and if you put it on a normal person, especially a man, you can easily associate this smell with the brain tonic of nourishing the kidney and yang.

Although the smell is faint, but the effect is like the wasabi beside it, from the mouth, to the nasal cavity, and even the back of the head, the air is rustling.

Afterwards, the mouthful is delicious, sweet, delicate and smooth.

Uncle Warlock said in admiration,

Give you a cash red envelope!

"It’s the first time I’ve seen this sea urchin. It’s the first time I ate it. It feels a bit light and fragrant. Well, it also has the fermented taste. It’s pretty good, but do you remember that there is a tennis ball near Mingguang? The black sea urchin? This sea urchin is really refreshing to eat, but the yellow is a bit worse than the little black sea urchin, and the taste is a bit rough."

Sikong let out a hey,

"Two billion at a time and 20 billion at a time, can the quality be the same? Three sea urchins are enough for you to eat, and thirty sea urchins are not enough."

Lin Chou nodded.

The warlock looked blank,

"What two billion? What two tens of billions?"

Sikong sincerely apologizes,

"Forget, you have no chance to experience this."

Oh, the spicy chicken that the entity doesn't have.

Lin Chou glanced at Sikong.

"You... OK?"

I'm afraid this guy is not blowing water.

With his weak body like a chicken, he can't get tired after two or two strokes?


I really want to stab this B to death.

Lin Chou had a good time,

"Come on, eat more and make up."

Warlock: "Yes, yes, hippocampus rolled with pork kidneys, tonic, good stuff, it won't work for a while, let Linzi cook a pot of lamb kidneys with leeks for you~"

Where's my knife? ?

Sikong is a typical example of a mouthful of uprightness, not to mention the things that he fancied himself, he hasn't been in the kitchen a few times when he grew up.


The taste is a bit like a chocolate pastry cone, but it is not as hard as it looks, but it is actually very crispy.

It was like a bite of fried fish scales, and then a mouthful of gelatinous texture. When the sea breeze blew, the lips felt like they were about to be stuck together.

"Huh, huh? It's a bit fishy, ​​very fragrant, fishy..."

Afterwards, the smell of the pork loin in it rushed out, killing the Quartet.

The pork loin slices are sandwiched between two seahorses. Even if they are cooked, they still retain a tender taste and even a bit of juicy.

Its taste is so unique, it's invincible.

Sikong was overwhelmed by this **** smell.

"Ah this..."

Anyway, it is fishy. The smell of sea and the smell of pork kidneys are mixed together. You can't bite the bullet and say that it is delicious, but you can't say that it is particularly unpalatable. In short, it is a very special kind...

In the past, Si Kong can directly shake the chef's face with what he has in his hands—what the **** are you doing?

But not today. For some unknown reason, Si Kong took another bite.

Spicy and crispy, it also has a strong taste of wine and red yeast rice.

Then take another bite...

One more bite...

Got, addicted.

Sikong's eyes were at a loss, and his mind was full of problems:

Am I sick?

Why can't you stop?

Damn it!


He was about to cry.

Lin Sorrow and Warlock are also eating.

A warlock’s mouth is a whole bunch,

"It's so fishy, ​​the more you chew this stuff, the more fragrant it gets. Last time I ran into a stall that made stinky tofu stewed wild vegetables and wild pork at the entrance of the alley. The more I ate, the better I felt..."

Lin Chou is the same.

The brows were still frowning at first.

Slowly unfolded.

Then I started to sweat.

It was also an expression that was resisting and unable to stop.

Sikong: Good! Sure enough, I'm still the most normal one!

He poured half a bowl of tender fish bone soup, and then a thick swordfish sashimi, allowing the wasabi mud and green stems and leaves to fill the mouth and nose with just the right amount of acridity. Only then did he feel that the above-mentioned feeling was gradually driven out of his mind.

The cold sea breeze is really no match for the fish soup tumbling in a big pot, Sikong sweats on his forehead, holding the bowl,


The chili and cumin on the meat skewers were grilled by charcoal fire, and the strong fragrance could float for miles as far as the sea breeze.

Sikong stared at the king crab on the shelf intently.

"This thing, is it good, is it good."

Lin Shou thought very carefully. After the legs of the king crab were cut off, one third of the shell was sliced ​​off, and they were made into three flavors, butter, garlic, and salt and pepper.

It was grilled on charcoal fire, and the white crab legs inside the pink surface were plated with the right burnt color.

"Eat!" Lin Chou said, "It's almost there. It's okay to eat this stuff raw."

Eaten raw?

I haven't eaten enough raw today?

Sikong patted his stomach, muttering to make it fight.

On the return journey, he had to take a boat for several days. If he got diarrhea and got seasick, he was afraid that he would lose his life in this sea area.

The legs were more than twice as thick as normal king crabs, and the thick section of the meat that was picked out, Sikong opened his mouth, full of mouthfuls.



The lips and teeth are fragrant, tender and juicy.

The crab legs were thick enough, and the most central part seemed to be a bit unfamiliar, forming a wonderful gel texture similar to a heart-wrenching texture. Sikong immediately fell in love with this taste.

"Absolutely! Give me another garlic paste! No, no, some butter!"

The muscle fiber of crab leg meat is longer than crab meat, and it seems to be stronger and tougher than ordinary crab meat. The unique flavor of crab is very strong, and it is filled with big mouthfuls in the mouth, even if it has never been. Classmate Sikong, who has never been hungry, can also understand what contentment and happiness are.

"It's so cool..."

For a while, he was a bit disgusted with the hairy crabs and crabs that he had eaten.

That thing has a pinch of meat, and it tastes completely different from the refreshing feeling of this one.

The fart is not tired of eating, but I am not tired of being fine. Today, my Sikong is going to eat meat and drink from a big bowl-wait, where's my wine?

Of course there are wines. Sikong just moved a small jar of 3 catties of 15-year-old rice wine. It is a great private brew, worth 8900 circulation points.

"Huh?" Faced with Sikong's questioning eyes, Lin Chou scratched his head naturally, "Oh, rice wine, I have already served it with the ingredients, and I have drunk shrimp and crabs at night."


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