Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1369: You said this thing is actually a bunch of ancient gods, I believe it

Although a group of evolutionists have not seen a few paper books, they all feel that they are not the dumbest and most foolish one.

Who dares to eat this special thing? ?

Well, boss Lin, you burn newspapers when you go to your grave. What about you fooling around?

Lin Chou pouted his lips, his face full of seriousness like his love for food.

It's not easy for a group of evolutionaries to dismantle him...

Yes, they will do it with each other.

Because of the lean meat of bear meat and venison, the traditional Mao-style cured fat meat smells a bit more fishy than the modern improved version of the cured fat meat-but even in the modern version, there are still raw quails. .

Lin Chou took out the trembling big fat chunks, and rolled them in a pot of dried red pepper pieces, so that the pepper pieces covered the surface of the cured fatty meat.

Mingguang people like this chili very much. It has both aroma and mild spiciness, which is very suitable for making charming sweet and spicy taste.

Lin Chou chose the dried **** of the old sugarcane grown on the barren land around Mingguang, and put the salted fat covered with chili layer by layer in the hot air box, and then lit a charcoal fire underneath, and the brazier was filled with it. Bagasse holds down the temperature.

Bagasse smoked is a common practice in Chinese cooking, such as Chaoshan smoked duck, smoked large intestines in the central area, smoked ribs, etc. It can give the ingredients a sweet flavor and a thick and shiny appearance like brown sugar juice.

The hot air box is the big treasure of the system, and Lin Chou has always used it very smoothly. In just a few minutes, the fat meat in it can be cured for several months.

After the pickled fat is taken out, it is no longer in the state of trembling inferior jelly, it is very dry, and its volume has shrunk greatly.

The surface of the red pepper with caramel color is dry and brittle. After cutting it, it is obvious that almost 70% of the water in the fat has been lost, and a layer of softness and toughness has formed in the center of the meat. "Loud heart".

The outside smoked and cured color is more than three centimeters below the surface, and the color is crystal clear like brown sugar, which looks very beautiful.

The most important thing is that the unpleasant smell of cured fat has almost been wiped out, and the whole piece of meat now emits a sweet and slightly sour taste——

Although it is still weird, it is more comfortable than smelly feet.

Once the sea was difficult for water, a group of evolutionaries experienced the strange soul torture a few minutes ago, and at first they felt that it was quite good, and they all expressed their love, and they looked like they were easily satisfied.

The smoked and air-dried cured meat was cut into slices about 1 inch wide and 3 millimeters thick with a knife. Lin Chou picked up a sparrow and stuffed it into the duck esophagus with the cut meat.

The esophagus of sparrows and ducks are just right in size, and they are full and spindle-shaped after stuffing.

The face of Lord Shan is as usual, and he can't see the appearance of being beaten up just now.

"Tsk, can I say that this thing has refreshed my knowledge of food again?"

Weird, weird, and confusing.

But the evolvers can still accept:

"It should be wax. What is the name of Jin Yinrun and the salted egg yolk in it? That's how it is. Mingguang has a store that sells it. I think it tastes good."

"I don't think it is necessary. After the sparrow waits to let it cool naturally, it must be delicious. I like its color."

"What's the origin of Sparrow's practice? It feels very familiar to me, but I can't remember it for a while."

"Ask Boss Lin..."

Lin Chou said,

"The way of rouge goose breast, I remember that Old Xue seemed to love this kind of rouge color?"

"The one in Bafang Tower?"


"The old guy loves everything bad, drunk, raw pickled, and fancy colors."

Everyone winked their eyebrows and agreed:

"Hahaha, true, the older you get, the more expensive you play."

"Yes, yeah, I remember that Old Xue was very simple and unpretentious when he was young."

"No, at that time he had a very good relationship with the Wen family and the Zhao family, but it didn't become so much later..."

"Isn't Aunt Lin's trouble?"


Don’t ask, ask is full of envy~

Sister flower!

My role model!

The topic quickly diverged, and everyone helped Lin Chou put the sparrow into the duck's esophagus, while the host's parent, Li Jiakuan, Hu Kan was angry.

It belongs to the characteristics of men in the cataclysm era, and the topic is always inseparable from the level of strength, the source crystal strange beast...

Of course, the most are women.

Lin Chou usually doesn't interrupt at this time, just listen to it for fun.

The kind that makes a group of evolutionaries very dissatisfied--

Where are you?

You are the place where Mingguang gossip gathers!

Listen to a huge amount of gossip and gossip every day!

Boss Lin, you don't want to come out and say that the big guy doesn't know?

Are you polite for always hiding and tugging?

Huang Dashan's carrot-like fingers are surprisingly flexible...

Well, it doesn't seem to be unexpected, after all, his old man is the king of the disc!

Shan Ye's huge fingers, like a butterfly, opened the duck esophagus, revealing the oily inner layer, and sliced ​​the sparrow and the salted fat against the lower mouth. With a light flutter, the duck esophagus immediately swallowed the sparrow into the abdomen. , That greasy layer of fat and oil disappeared instantly, and the appearance was so clean that it didn't even touch the oil.

"Oh," Lin Chou couldn't help sighing, "Master Shan, professional."

Huang Dashan also wants to brag by the way that the degree of professionalism of the disc king is beyond your imagination-this product has always been the kind of faceless and skinless, and the interest is up, but no matter how many people you have or who you are. .

As a result, Dayue Hung's eyes floated over, and Shan Ye was stunned on the spot, and her mouth was tighter than the winter quilt of the southerners.

The more than two thousand sparrows were done talking and laughing. Unsurprisingly, the next steps are still wax.

The full-loaded duck esophagus were invited into the hot air box in batches, with a humidity mode of 1.5%, for a few minutes outside and three months inside.

This time there is no smoking step, and the finished product comes out with a natural yellowish color.

The duck esophagus is tight, and the surface is wrinkled, and you can vaguely see the general shape of the sparrow inside...

I don't know how to describe it, anyway, it looks not very friendly.

Huang Dashan said,

"Tsk, you tell me now that this thing is actually a bunch of ancient gods I believe..."

Lin Chou glanced at him.

"It seems that in order to complain, Lord Shan has secretly mastered new knowledge without telling us!"

A group of evolutionaries laughed:

"Yes, that's right, even the ancient gods know about it."

"There is one thing to say, it seems that there are indeed a billion points of restraint..."

"Fart, is it only me who thinks it is great?"

"How many steps have been taken, this is, now it can always be regarded as a finished product..."

Lin Chou nodded,

"It's a finished product, one that can be stored for a long time."

Shan Ye couldn’t wait to reach out and grab one, and he was about to put it in his mouth.

"Just eat like this? Well, at least I should make a scallion **** juice? The chili soy sauce is also in it!"

"Let it go! Put it down for me!" Lin Anxiously said, "Which one told you to eat like this!"

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