Doomsday Pavilion

: This is not an update. If you are talking about dim sum, please come over.

It will be released on May 25th. Those who are not in the book friend group may not know how desperate Sanguan is.

How to say it, it's like a piece of rice cake pasted on the ground. Sixteen identical national football teams are wearing nail shoes to practice their footwork. When they finish practicing, Sanguan will pick up the pulpy cake. Scratch the gray and stick it on your face as a cheek.

The testimonials on the shelves were confused, and it should be a total of eight chapters for two days, so I lay down completely, eating beine tablets every day when I had a high fever and a severe cold and my brain hurt.

Well, this medicine, some people may know that the wound pain after the operation, miraculously relieves the pain.

The writer, the author, how tall it sounds, after the beginning of the code, I learned that most people can only be called code farmers, well, or if there is something worse, they can only be called bashing.

For example, Sanguan.

The mentality is sunflower, facing hope, tirelessly;

But the mood is ditch oil, long accumulated deep ditch, being picked up and used to make a hot pot, it feels like salted fish turned over.

Once upon a time, the Three Views comforted myself like this. For small books and small books, the proportion of subscriptions may be higher. Reality slapped the three views and stared at Venus.

Five thousand collections, only one hundred can be ordered, one hundred!

The ratio of fifty to one.

After being on the shelves for nine days, the popularity of a certain artifact has risen from 100 to 1300+.

Apart from silently staring at each chapter of his sneer, I really don't know what else to do.

Some people may think that more than a hundred subscriptions are a lot, and if you write a book casually, more than one hundred people can subscribe to read it.

After calculating the three views, each chapter, the three views can get more than five yuan, eleven yuan a day, well, write two chapters and smoke a pack of cigarettes, the cheapest one is seven and five yuan.

After the mentality and mood both collapse, it may be despair, right?

Said this, not to blame who blames what.

On the contrary, Sankan is very grateful to everyone who supports Sankan, every friend, if it weren't for you, Sankan really wouldn't be where it is today.

Well, friends of may know familiar faces. This chapter talks about the four seasons of maddened messy, familiar faces. How many times have Sanguan wanted to give up, this product uses a ton of poisonous milk In an vain attempt to save the Three Views, I was very choked.

Sun baby crazy magic Ma Ma, my alliance, queen, heard, bookworm, orange, Yunyan sauce, knife girl, Piaomiao sauce, iron horse, white night, garbled brother, Duoduo, Kedi, dad who loves to read novels... ...There are many, many people who have remembered your names in their hearts.

Every time you vote, every reward, every comment, three views, you can feel that there is a kind of power supporting me.

To be honest, Sanguan is now full-time codewords, and only women like Guansao can tolerate and believe that I try to rely on codewords to support my family, right?

This is the person I should be most grateful for.

After all, I don't know what I am talking about or what I want to express.

I don't know how many people are raising books, so if you see this, I will post a post in the book review area. Please leave a message and let me see how many readers Sanguan has.

Even with one more subscription, Sanguan's heart is full of excitement and happiness.

Whether the Three Views can be adhered to or not is all up to you.


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