Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 170: Why is this wine so strong?

Inside the door, Gao Xuan was still saying, "Ye Ming's goods made you tear your skin off. You are not honest and the cat is hiding in the base city, and you dare to come out...Gah, Wen, Master Wen?"

Wen Zhongjiu nodded. The two of them had already met in Bafang Building before, "Is Lin Xiaoyou here?"

Lin Chou probed his head from the back kitchen and said something, then flashed back, "Well, please take a seat, please look at the menu on the small blackboard for your order."

Today is indeed a bit busy,, the guy named Wanderer needs to prepare in advance to order Tomahawk steak.

And even though Sikong was very reluctant, he still reluctantly agreed to return the night bird today. Lin Chou didn't understand why this bird was so interested in a few birds, and he looked reluctantly as if he was cutting meat.

"Well, salt-baked chicken two hundred and fifty points...very fair price, pig blood soup...or two hundred and fifty points...two thousand points for the sashimi of the toothy wolf? Hiss, Tomahawk Steak, one hundred fifty thousand?!"

Huang Dashan calmly pointed to another sign next to it, which said impressively, "For ten years in Hexi, 40 million circulation points are restricted to women."

Wen Zhongjiu's expression is very cute at the moment, well, very cute.

"Brother Lin, don't be busy, this is the fifth-order Wenzhong Jiuwen lord..."

Chizhi consciously took on the job of a waiter, blocking the sight of Shan Ye and talking, "Two foolish...male creatures, what are you doing?"

The fact is, I can’t do it if I can’t bear it. The Lord Gungun in her family exchanged two jars of good wine for the guests with a wild fruit. God knows how many hours of work the stupid male creature has to add to her secretly after knowing it.

Wen Zhongjiu said, "One jar of three-color snake wine, one colorful snake king wine..."

"Great man, be merciful!!!" Shan Ye screamed.

One million one altar...

I don't know if Brother Lin can give a discount on his years of affection-Shan Ye thought so.

Of course, if you don’t have enough money for a guest, you can’t put it on the bright side.

"Ahem, Brother Lin said that this colorful Snake King Wine must not be enjoyed at Tier V. Even Tier 5 may not be able to withstand the power of Snake King Wine... you..."

"Then I want to try it even more, Colorful Snake King Wine, a jar!"

Shan Ye patted his forehead, and it was over, this time he was going to **** all his underwear.

Sure enough, Chi just said, "Nothing else? A total of 1 million and three thousand circulation points, please pay."

Wen Zhongjiu, who is working hard to regain his demeanor, wants to spray a sip of old blood on the floor, "More, how much?"

When I looked up, I was surprised again, oh, good guy, this girl must be three meters tall, right?

The price is indeed, a little bit, a bit, ah, it is too ridiculous, I think I will warm the wine and drink the wine for a lifetime...

"and many more!"

Chicai looked back impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"How much is the three-color snake wine?"

"Three thousand."

"Where is the colorful snake king wine?"

Chizhi's eyes clearly wrote a speech such as silly male creatures go to death, "One million."

"Oh, then it's okay, swipe the card."

Shan Ye heard, "How can you spend money..."


Who dares to resist the decision of the fifth-order big man? So Shan Ye obediently retired quietly.

"Hey, Huang Dashan, what are you thinking of, how did you bring Master Wen here!"

"What makes me think about it? That time, I heard that Qingquan Mountain Wine is not for the evolutionary, and the adults are worried about it."

"Three days and two, an old housekeeper who is older than my father came over and asked... that's panting..."

"So you fell under the **** of the fifth-order evolutionary?"


Gao Xuan said earnestly, "Hey, Master Wen has never convinced anyone in the Jiuchang Road. That's the founder of Qingquan Mountain. Didn't you find Brother Lin awkward?"

Huang Dashan curled his lips, "That's not necessarily, Brother Lin's Sancai Snake Wine, now think about the excitement of the scene when I first drank it....Isn't there a ready-made fifth-order adult, cough, cough, Just try the Snake King Wine..."

"Oh, so you..."


"Since we know each other, let's sit down and talk." Wen Zhongjiu said lightly.

"...Oh, good."

Gao Xuan glared at Huang Dashan and Shan Ye shrugged.

"Ye Ming has a bit of impulsivity and passion, and it's no better than the real style you are used to in the wilderness." Seeing the two of them inexplicably, Wen Zhongjiu suddenly laughed bitterly, "Lao Ye has just three saplings and is waiting for them. Leave a Linzi for the Ye Family to ride on the weathered dragon... If you really hurt him, it won't be good."

Shan Ye's tone was like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, but the corners of his mouth were grinning, "My little Tier 3, how dare I offend the Lieutenant General of Tier 4, alas..."

Wen Zhongjiu snorted, "I've taken care of what happened that day. Don't get cheap and behave. Three of the garrison died, and a large piece of it was still crippled."

"We hunters did not die less? We also died! The hunters are no longer humans, no, Lord Shan, I can't bear this grievance."

"Then what do you want?"

Wen Zhongjiu really laughed out of anger. Tier 3 provoke Tier 4, but it turned out that Tier 3 won. Why are you wronged? What are you wronged?

Shan Ye turned around, "Isn't this nothing good, if Ye Ming troubles me again, I can't guarantee what will happen."

"Are you sure it is Ye Ming, are you bothering you."

"Hey, Master Wen, it's my sin to get rid of your old body with anger."

Wen Zhongjiu glanced up and down, "You seem to know my age well?"

"Aren't you and Qin Zhixian Master Qin comrades-in-arms? When Master Qin died outside Mingguang City, Mingguang's three walls had just been built. I think you were also..."

"The wine is here."

Lin Chou presented a jar of three-color snake wine and specially picked three sea bowls with a low edge and a wide mouth.

"Here, drunkard peanuts, vinegar soaked purple amaranth, count me as a gift, how can you drink without a drink?"

Shan Ye yelled, "Brother Lin, why haven't I seen you give us a few dishes of wine and food?"

Lin Chou didn't look back, "You order a jar of colorful snake wine and give it away."

Shan Ye choked, "Forget it, come on, Xiao Er... a toothy wolf sashimi, a salt-baked chicken, let the uncle go quickly!"

Wen Zhongjiu is very familiar with peanuts, and without moving his chopsticks, he squeezed two of them with his hands, threw them upwards, and chewed them.

"Well, this peanut, that's right! It's exactly the same as those bags of drunk peanuts dug up by Brother Qin from the ruins before the cataclysm!"

Picked up the wine glass and drained it, "Sizzle!"

Huang Dashan gave a thumbs up, his eyes lighted up, and exclaimed in a very exaggerated tone, "Master Wen is drinking too much!"

Wen Zhongjiu's face suddenly flushed red, and the eyebrows like iron-painted silver hooks raised, raised again, raised again, and finally exhaled a long breath.

"How can this wine be so strong? How can it be so strong?"

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