Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 183: Xiucai meets soldiers (congratulations to the head of the orange wheat field!)

(Thanks to the bottle cap...cough cough, thanks to the marmalade 12000 starting currency for rewards, and promotion to the head. I would like to congratulate you with this chapter.)

People are okay, and cars are okay.

The irritated Shan Ye almost turned a group of banner-moving base city small deflated idiots into fools. With the tyrannical force like a human bulldozer, which bodyguard would dare to stand in front of him?

The tiger into the flock of people turned their backs on their horses, resolved the battle in less than three minutes and went straight up the mountain to drag Shen Daru away.

When has Shen Daru seen this posture?

What I heard and saw in the base city was all courteous and courteous. The worst of all was the nodding of my head. At least I have not had the experience of being carried down the mountain by the collar.

"This... the strong man... is there something wrong... misunderstanding..."

Shen Daru is not a pedantic person. This big man smashed his two third-order evolutionary bodyguards in twos and threes. He is not yet confident enough to attack someone with stern words such as condemnation, and he is very polite in his words. ——The hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses!


Shan Ye raised this skinny old man who was like a little chicken in front of his eyes, and stared at him, "No misunderstanding."

Shen Daru's toes kicked and kicked, unable to touch the ground, panic in his heart, cold sweat on his face, "Strong, strong man, if you have something to say, say it well."

Huang Dashan grinned and said, "Come on, take a look, have you talked to me well? Huh?"

Shan Ye's pangolin lay above the creek, dozens of miserable ordinary people looked muddy and miserable, took off their coats as rags, and were washing the car.

"This is Lao Tzu's darling... There was once a horned antelope that scratched Lao Tzu's car. Do you know how I did it?"

Shen Daru: "..."

I don't want to know a little bit!


Tong Ziji's face was so ferocious and ferocious that he held a thick nine-section whip in his hand, which made the sound of the mountain.

The whip is like a snake core that chooses people to eat,

"Spicy chicken, a bunch of small squats, full of food? Stop the car of Lao Tzu? If you don’t smoke, your peach blossoms are blooming. You don’t know why the flowers are so red! Give me more attention! If the pangolin has a little bit Stain, I will take your skins and use it as a rag to wipe the car!"

"Hey, new man, take off your clothes!"

Shen Dalu had a chill, how can this young man be well...

"Ahem, boy, I'm too old now, and I can't get your tricks...or else, would you change someone?"


Boy Ji became annoyed and said, "What is the mess, I let you take off your clothes! There are not enough rags! You are responsible for the tires, hurry up... You can't finish wiping before dark, I hang you all on the fence to feed the mosquitoes!"

Shen Daru curled his lips, but Lao Tzu was the one who applied the insect repellent!

Boy Ji sneered. These gangs of people in the base city Pan Heng had no idea what mosquitoes in the wilderness were.

Shan Ye pointed to the huge tires of the Pangolin, "Did you see the cone blade on it?"

A group of car wash boys looked at a loss. Although the cone blade looked sharp and textured, there was really nothing to see.

"That is the mouthpart of a mosquito."

Damn it!

A group of people got goose bumps one after another. This cone blade is more than three meters long and thicker than a human leg. Tell me this is the mouthpart of a mosquito?

Boy Ji said very kindly, "There is a kind of mosquito in the wilderness, called the giant star mosquito, flying in the sky, looking like blue stars from a distance, the lines on the body and wings will emit a magnificent and unusual blue light, hehe... They will lock their prey firmly with their arthropods, take the prey into the sky with them, **** up the blood and then throw the prey away... Whoosh... bang!"

Boy Ji smiled and said, "Well, your kind of prey is too thin, and it is estimated that it will be pierced...Well, it doesn’t matter, it’s okay to pierce a few more times. A person has seven or eight catties of sweet and sweet blood. It’s worth the trouble.”

Shan Ye suddenly felt that this boy chicken was quite appetizing, and he grinned very festively, "Well, good, work hard, Lao Tzu looks good on you."

Hundreds of bodyguards lost the enthusiasm to hold their own boss after shouting, and being watched by a group of hunters unkindly, they watched their boss suffer from a distance, and smiled bitterly at the corners of their mouths.

Shen Daru stood by the stream, sweating profusely, his body simply could not support working in the hot weather.

"This little brother, the old man is getting older, and the old problems on his back can't withstand this toss. You can let me rest for a while. If there are 10,000 points in circulation, I will give it to you..."


What responded to him was the mighty sound of the nine-section whip, and the pebbles at his feet were immediately broken into eight petals.

Shen Daru shivered and stopped, wiping the car.

Wang Mian washed his face in the stream and said happily, "Watching Wuyou brother's live broadcast every day, isn't he also a hunter before? How come I have never mentioned that the wilderness is so interesting, fun. .."

Shen Daru rolled his eyes, held his waist, his sweat fell into the stream with a crackle.

"Ooh, it really doesn't work anymore. If this goes on, the old man will die here... my waist... this little brother, you can just let me go."

Boy Jie disdain, "Lying and find a better reason, it's the same every time, how can I believe you!"

"It is more worrying if the reasons are different each time. I use the same reason because I have persisted."

Shen Daru straightened his body, his eyes were ethereal and serious.

"Although I don't want to say it, but I'm dying."

"I'm not like you, I can live a long time."

"Time is my enemy."

"I mourn every minute, and every second is a precious record of the passing of my life."


Shan Ye babbles, although he must have never heard this, but why does it feel like deja vu?

This tone of voice, this force of pretending...

Boy Ji opened his mouth wide, his eyes were moved and sincere.

"Sorry, I didn't know how miserable you were..."

"En," Shen Daru nodded as if pecking at rice, "then I'll go find a shade, take a break..."

"But you TM explain to Lao Tzu, what do you mean by ‘living’?"

"This...this is a misunderstanding!" Shen Daru promised, slapped his chest, "Actually, I want to say that I'm lingering, using the wrong words..."


Wang Mian couldn't hold back it and sprayed.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Shan Ye patted the boy on the shoulder, "Master, I tell you that death is tranquil. When a person is dying, maybe it is not as negative and sad as you think, otherwise, how can there be a return to the light? this phrase?"

Shan Ye is mighty, Shan Ye has written a great art!

Boy Ji looked at Huang Dashan with admiration.

"Myths!" Shen Daru's beard curled up, "You are arrogant!"

"Oh?" Shan Ye smiled, showing twelve chilly teeth, "how do you know it's not?"

"Why don't you feel it yourself, come back and talk to us?"

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