Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 273: Cooperation (Kiss and congratulate the new guardian!)

(Thanks to the book friends for waiting for the kiss and rewarding the 11,400 starting point coins, the promotion of the book protector, I am grateful, and a big meme is given. I would like to congratulate you on this chapter.)

The attention of the two strange birds shifted to the side of the wolves, and the hunters could almost see the standard strokes of Chinese characters in the eyes of the two strange birds, which were written brightly,



The long howls of the wolves came and went one after another, and the eyes were shocked, and the expression seemed to question why humans appeared here.

The expressions of the hunters will be much richer, watching them all the time.

Not only to guard against wolves and strange birds, but also to find out where the members of the scout team who should be broken into pieces are hiding.

The wolves hesitated for a second, divided half and rushed towards the strange bird, while the others rushed towards the hunters.

In an instant, the man and the wolf were fighting together.

The battlefield is like a meat grinder. Under the weight of quantity, the strength of an individual cannot be perfectly demonstrated.

There is no word fair at all on the battlefield. A Tier 3 advanced power-type awakened person is covered with a substantial armor-like light of origin, easily smashing two huge waves into mud.

But then dozens of giant wolves immediately threw him to the ground, blood spurted wildly, and half of his broken calf was thrown out.

Wolves are united to heinous creatures. Several wolves fought desperately to bite around a target. No matter how they were blocked by the companions of the besieged hunters, even if the giant wolf was smashed into two parts, its front body could still survive For a few minutes, biting a target regardless of recklessness, never let out a mouthful.

The hunters from the periphery smashed several wolves to death, and looking at the man, he was no longer human.

Even so, there was no time to be sad, because the next batch of giant wolves launched another charge.


On the other hand, the fight between the giant wolf and two strange birds is more like an ant colony besieging an elephant.

The claws and wings of the strange bird, each peck and bump, and even every sharp and unmatched feather is a fatal threat to the giant wolf.

Numerous giant wolves attacked the strange bird one after another, or were torn to pieces, or beaten to death, and some were directly cut into rag dolls by the feathers of the strange bird, and hung softly on the turbulent feathers. , More than one or two.

But the sharp claws of the giant wolf had little effect on the strange bird, and they couldn't even leave a wound.

The wound of the larger giant bird being bombarded by the source crystal made the wolves red eyes and desperately attacked the wound.

There is the focus of the strange bird's defense. The sharp, sharp and flexible hook-shaped wings rip a giant wolf into pieces like melons and vegetables, and it can't stop the madness of the wolf pack at all.

A giant wolf was cut into two pieces by sickle wings from its waist, and its internal organs rolled to the ground.

But it doesn't matter, its teeth are still there, hanging on the wound of the strange bird and ripping off a piece of flesh.

At this time, he fell back to the ground contentedly, swallowing the pieces of meat with the blood spurting in his mouth, and then the pieces of meat slipped from the belly that had long been gone and fell into the mortar.


A bird's claw fell from the sky, crushing its head like a rotten watermelon.


The wolves and the crowd had long been separated from each other, fighting everywhere in the camp. The blood gathered on the ground until a puddle of blood gathered on the ground, until there was nothing to install, and then flowed a winding crimson stream, along the edge of the swamp and immersed into the swamp.

The surface of the swamp was dyed pink with blood, and a series of bubbles appeared under the surface.

Immediately, a piece of rotten wood slowly floated to the surface.

The surface of the deadwood is carved with "patterns" that can only be formed by wind and rain for countless years. However, this piece of deadwood suddenly opened a pair of golden eyes, and sternly commented on the coast of the swamp.

This is a swamp giant crocodile that floats on the surface of more than two meters. It is the best hunter in the swamp and also the most competent hunter.

If any hunter is willing to take a closer look, he will surely find countless crocodiles disguised as rotten wood, quietly dormant in the mud on the shore.

However, the hunters have no time to get distracted.


The three giant wolves pounced directly into the swamp with a hunter.

One person and three wolves raised huge splashes in the water,


The surface of the water was tumbling like boiling, and the giant wolf and the hunter wailed miserably at the same time.



It's not that the crocodiles are attacking.

The nearest crocodile was ten meters away, and its eyes were not opened—the prey is too far away, it is not worth it, and it needs to wait for bigger, more and better prey to be delivered to its mouth.


A whip shadow instantly wrapped around the hunter's chest and directly took him away from the water.

The swallow was very close and used a long whip to save the hunter's life.

"Thanks, thank you..."

The hunter fell to the ground, weakly thanking the swallow.


Swallow opened her mouth silently, took a step back subconsciously, and a few drops of cold sweat came out from her head.

The people around screamed, and the eyes of the hunter were full of sympathy and sorrow.

The hunter was unknown, so he tried to look down, and saw that his lower body was no longer a bit of flesh and blood.

From the chest down, there are dense white bones, pale like a carefully carved marble specimen.

A long black and green snake-like fish squeezed out from the gap between the ribs and fell onto his hand with a "pop".

Heiyu opened his mouth, and its mouth was full of barbed teeth, with hundreds of them.

"Ha ha."

The hunter exhausted his last bit of strength, squeezed the fish into mash, gave a low laugh, and gradually lost the luster in his eyes.

"There is an ambush in the water, please don't go near the swamp!!"

"There is something in the water, **** it!"

"Don't go near the swamp!"

Several shouts came from the battlefield.

"***, throw the wolves into the water and let the things in the water solve them!"

Hunters brighten their eyes and throw wolves into the water, which is much easier than killing them.

"Puff through."


The sound of falling into the water one after another, there are wolves and some people.

As long as you get into the water, you only have time to make a scream, and then there is no sound.

The hunters look at the swamp more terrified than the wolves. God knows how many **** fish there are in the water.


The real hunters have just begun to act. The dead woods floating on the water opened their eyes one after another, and the cold-blooded eyes of cold-blooded animals announced their existence.

The giant wolves that were thrown nearby and the fish hanging on them were top-flying, and huge mouths pierced the surface of the water, swallowing them in the blink of an eye.

Each crocodile swallowed at least four to five giant wolves, and then dived silently and disappeared.

Except for occasional dark green fish jumping out of the water, the swamp returned to a state of dead silence.

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