Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 288: Full of Mountain (Part 2)

"Get a living thing here."

Huang Dashan solemnly ordered.

Soon someone caught a rabbit, and Shan Ye threw the rabbit on the vines.

The rabbit, who was almost scared, became quiet in an instant, and even lowered his head, licking the dust, as if eating juicy and delicious grass.

Shan Ye pointed to the rabbit's feet, and saw that the spikes had pierced the rabbit's four hooves, and blood dripped.

"This is... the magical poison?"

Someone said.

I saw the vines creeping slowly, forming a small bulge under the rabbit's feet. Those hideous spikes were more like a big mouth combined. With a soft sound, the rabbit was instantly twisted into a mass of meat.

Everyone found a few places to dig up the floc at random,

"I have it!"

"Here too."

"It's all that kind of stuff."

Shan Ye led people back to the bottom of the valley, gritted his teeth and asked,

"Who the **** can tell me, what the **** is that?"

Everyone looked at the hilly area as far as they could see, with a little cold sweat on their foreheads.

The one who fell last picked a cut vine with the tip of a knife,

"It seems, something resembles the alienated Quillaja tree?"

Almost everyone has heard of or seen the saponaria tree, which is also commonly known as the saccharia vulgare. Its branches have almost no leaves and are covered with sharp spines. The fruit is the lentil-like saponaria.

Those thorns are very sharp, almost like the iron brier growing on the tree.

After being stabbed and stabbed by it, if it is not treated in time, it is very likely that the entire piece of flesh and blood will be corroded.

"Notify the big troops."

One person picked up the radio intercom,

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention, keep moving forward in the valley between the hills, do not get off the vehicle, there are dangerous enchanted plants everywhere under the soil layer of the hills, and the reconnaissance team has lost five people."

The man put down the intercom,

"Master Shan, really don't let the big troops withdraw? I'm afraid there will be some changes."

Enchanted plants that can hunt and kill live prey on their own are not uncommon, but they seldom form such a scale. Just thinking about it makes people stand upright.

"Retreat, where to retreat? After exiting the swamp, there are all these hills. Go back, get in the car, and rush out of the hilly area as soon as possible."


After returning to the car, Shan Ye's face had never been ugly.

"what happened?"

Shan Ye sighed and recounted what he had just discovered.

Just listen to the commander’s voice on the radio,

"Please pay attention to all personnel, try to pull in as far as possible, keep a distance from the hills, and the convoy behind follow closely, don't fall behind, and rush out of the hills at the fastest speed!"

Hundreds of cars lined up in long lines in the hills and valleys, winding through.

An hour later, the swallow, who was always observing the surrounding situation through the car window, suddenly screamed.


I saw all the hills set off waves at the same time, slowly but very firmly moving to the bottom of the valley, and gradually accelerated, the monotonous brushing sound overlapped, forming a huge roar.

These waves covered and merged with each other, becoming taller and bigger, like a mudslide rolling over the ground, quickly swallowing everything along the way.

Needless to say, there was a noisy roar from the walkie-talkie, and the speed of the convoy increased again, roaring and galloping forward.

In just a few minutes, these waves have completely grown into a high wall more than 20 meters high.


"Be careful!"

The pangolin weighs more than 20 tons, and the armor covering its entire body is the product of the fusion of the second-order or higher monster and metal, which is extremely strong.

The body swayed twice at the moment of contact, quickly stabilized, and tore a gap in the sea of ​​vines.

The endless vines slapped on the car body and made a harsh rubbing sound, as if the metal was being cut apart.

The light suddenly dimmed, and the windows around the car were covered by vines, and occasionally a little light could be seen through the gaps.

Bai Qiongshou held the direction basin tightly, the front of the car almost reached the rear of the car in front, and roared through the intercom,

"Follow the car in front of you, don't fall behind."

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words were spoken, I saw a large cluster of vines digging into the exhaust pipe of the vehicle in front, and the vehicle in front made a few chuckles, and the flame stopped moving.

"Oh shit!"

Bai Qiong first slapped the steering wheel, "Boom!", with a loud sound, the pangolin collided with the vehicle in front, and Bai Qiongshou's sole accelerator did not loosen.

"Liu, find a good direction, the pangolin will push you behind!"

The pangolin roared forward against the car in front, but its speed slowed down.

What convoys and orders became empty talk, one after another armored vehicles overtook the Pangolin and rushed forward.

The two cars behind the Pangolin were obviously underweight. They swayed and were overturned to the ground by the sea of ​​vines, and were immediately submerged.

After a long time, Captain Liu’s hoarse voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Thank you."



The pangolin suddenly looked like a patient suffering from epilepsy, and its body shook wildly.

"Oh, our exhaust."

Shan Ye leaned over to Bai Qiong's head and pressed a button.

"Joke, this is Lao Tzu's pangolin!"

Everyone just felt the seats under the buttocks heat up, and the Pangolin made a huge roar, and endless fire spewed out from the exhaust pipe, under the chassis, and beside the wheels, and the entire Pangolin became a monster spitting flames.


There was a crackling sound everywhere. Although the plants did not burn, they were cracked by the high temperature, and the pangolin instantly disappeared within 100 meters.

Bai Qiong was stunned,

"What is this, when did you modify it?"

Shan Ye proudly said,

"The source crystal combustion-supporting agent, military grade, the flame temperature is one thousand eighteen, **** the gas, run fast, the combustion-supporting agent consumed by this thing is nine thousand circulation points per second!"

Bai Qiongshou couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"The surname is Huang, how long it took Lao Tzu to make up for you, how long can this thing last?"

"About a minute."

"Go ahead!"


Relying on the heat of the flame, the Pangolin pushed Captain Liu's car, roaring to the forefront, scorching countless vines along the way, clearing a path, and the pressure on the convoy that was struggling to move forward was relieved and immediately took the opportunity to keep up. .


When the one-minute time limit was about to arrive, the windows of the car suddenly lit up, and the Pangolin had already rushed out of the sea of ​​vines.


Everyone in the car cheered.

After dashing forward for dozens of kilometers, the convoy completely threw the vine sea out of sight, and then stopped.

Captain Liu got out of the car, sculpted a large group of vines from the exhaust pipe, exhaled a deep breath, walked to the front of Huang Dashan and Bai Qiongshou and bowed deeply.

"Old Liu owes you his life."

The expression on Huang Dashan's face is very strange, "Well, I have to think about how to collect interest on this debt."

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