Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 359: Thoughts are difficult to calm (two in one)

(Thanks..... Actually, I don’t want to thank the spicy chicken orange for the reward of 16,400 coins. This goods difference is 68 starting coins, deliberately, hehehehehe, I think my waist hurts.)

Lin Chou’s burden is more than just a major mission such as maintaining world peace.

There are also things like food, clothing, and support for the family, etc. When the husband has a whole house to be cleaned, it is embarrassing-very busy.

In fact, apart from the “local products” that Shan Ye might look for (no, definitely!!!) that Lin Chou would look forward to or upset, there was one other thing that made Lin Chou very hesitant.

That was Chi Chi. Although Chi Chi's emotions were not expressed, they were still discovered by Lin Chou.

Who is certain Lin, climbing the stove at the age of three, hitting up with a young lady at the age of sex, and twelve-year-old Tu Wu Xiaohei... cruel, cruel eyes and poisonous hooks, you can tell whether this person is a virgin from the degree of wear on the high heels , The self-styled "Master of Three Alleys" in the three alleys of Pythagorean, Echo, and Horseshoes, can not see the melancholy and sadness in the eyes of a little girl in the film?

Huh, it's funny! !

——Okay, the time for selling melons is over.

The main reason is that Lin Chou's lost plates in the past few days are measured in baskets, which makes him feel distressed. If this girl is not in menopause, then it must be something in his stomach.

After thinking about it, Lin Chou would know what she was worried about.

Needless to say, the verbal conversations of hunters coming and going in the small pavilion revealed that even standing on the back mountain and looking northwest, people with good eyesight can vaguely see the abrupt color, and an area suddenly changes from a continuous dark green. It has a light greenish grayish color, and almost shows a perfect oval shape, very regular.

Last time, Lin Chou ploughed a place in Zu Mountain for thousands of miles around him, so much movement, almost a sensation, not to mention the closer Yanhui Mountain.

Later on, people who joined the fun spotted the iron wire black python, and the place now is probably comparable to the construction site.

Two tiankengs, one large and one small, are located in that direction. The tiankengs have not been discovered.

Lin Chou calculated the time and distance, and felt that he hadn't been there yet.

After all, it is far away and there are towering giant trees and boulders everywhere, so it is not so easy to walk.

Tiankeng has nothing to do with Lin Chou, that's Big Breast Sister's hometown.

Even if the people of the tribe are more willing to regard her as a sacrifice, there are always feelings and memories that are hard to give up and will not be changed by people or time.

To put it simply, what kind of concept is the homeland, that is, I can scold myself anyway, but if you scold someone else, try it?

——Lin Chou can also fully imagine the consequences of a large number of hunters encountering the savages at the bottom of the sinkhole.

Does the three-foot-long alley live in harmony? No one thinks that that kind of thought will stay in the mind of hunters for more than half a second.

To a certain extent, the hunters who took the initiative are indeed Mingguang's heroes. They defend their homes from living corpses and animals, but no one is stupid enough to believe that they are good men and women.

For the sake of being stronger, for higher status, for everything... People who dare to fight in the wilderness with their lives-even if things like kindness exist, they won't take much weight.

The only rules and taboos are just to prevent yourself from being buried by other people's malice. Only when you are crushed and you come and go can you achieve endless life and maximize the output of benefits.

By the way, the big breasted sister has been in the small restaurant for a few months to wash the dishes, to say that she has no feeling... Bah!

It's just that certain Lin doesn't feel about her, and the plates still recognize people, don't they? Even if the plates don't recognize people, then they have to be cleaned, right?

Where can I find such an excellent, cheap and capable labor force?

Is it possible to find another one. Doesn't that handsome book pay a salary, and don't pay a salary?


Gumbling disappeared for many days without appearing, and Chi Zhi became more anxious.

It can be seen that perhaps she regards her faith as the only life-saving straw.

After all, there was the place where she became the "blood god" in her heart.

Generally speaking, this kind of place is called "the birthplace of the gods" or "sacred place" by believers.

There is no doubt, no profanity, no infringement.

Lin Chou sighed, Chizhi's thoughts he could understand a little bit.

If you don't come back for a day, Chi can only stay in the small hall and wait for it.

This has nothing to do with Lin Chou, but comes from the piety of a believer, Chi Zhi once said when he left his tribe,

"Pray for the girl, only follow the footsteps of the blood god."

Chizhi also proved her words with actions, no matter how hard Lin Chou made things difficult, he never left.

But now, Lord Blood God asked her to wait here, she couldn't leave.


He sighed and sighed again, feeling that he was almost finished sighing all his life.

Lin Chou was just an ordinary man with a hairy boy. He knew best except Alley in his life. He was unfamiliar with the entire Mingguang, and occasional hopes would be rubbed off by reality a little bit.

Well, the meaning of "friction" is to bring one object into close contact with another object, moving from one point to another, moving back and forth several times.

In short, it was very cruel and very bloody.

Since the poor father lost his life due to the mutation, Lin Chou has supported the Lin's Xiaoguan alone and barely survived.

Even the aunt Yuzi had deducted the food subsidy of the "Dawn Project" for various reasons. My father and grandfather had to endure the name of the designated implementation unit of the Dawn Project after the store bought by two generations of talents. Can't be thrown away by him.

To this end, he has to go to the living corpse shooting range as an attendant to supplement the shop.

Until now.

This kind of experience cannot be erased and cannot be changed. Perhaps the character given to him is the kind of petty and ruthlessness of the petty citizens in silence, and there can be no more.

He had never thought of opening such a strange little restaurant. He was lucky and fearful.

What is calm and cold is fart.

It sounds good, that means being in danger, not being confused, and having a good mind, in fact, it is barefoot who are not afraid of wearing shoes to catch ducks on the shelves.

Extending the head is also a cut and shrinking the head is also a cut. This is my ability and ability.

Take the ones that can be taken, and those that can't be taken, ha ha, it's not unpredictable.

It sounds rascal, but when there is no other way, this is the way.

Later, there was a pitcher plant, a hair ball, a rolling, and so on. He even became a powerful monster, but this did not give him enough sense of security.

All kinds of weird awakeners and curses, strange beasts or magic plants... and even the so-called Yongye Great Will and other very unreliable existences can cause harm to him, or even kill him.

It is an animal instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil, no one wants to be troublesome, and the origin of the big breasted sister is precisely this kind of trouble, and it is still a big trouble.

Although the entire army of the assigned task force was wiped out, although there was no splash, it was only the surface.

The academy’s talking and laughing room was framed into an empty shell, so with such a big action, or deliberately going to a place like the Lin’s Xiaoguan where birds don’t shit, why?

Even Lin Chou is a little suspicious and ghostly.

It feels like watching a horror movie before the cataclysm. What should a good ghost movie or horror movie look like?

——Scheming is full of routines, watching a top ten, every shot can make the man scream like a lady, let the lady smash the display like a man, regardless of whether it is finished watching When I turned off the lights and went to bed after watching, I felt that the whole room was crowded, and all the **** shadows were the shadows. Long Night Mann’s mother never had to worry about my loneliness anymore.

If at this time, if there is such a big change under the eyelids, the whole tribe pops out, doesn't Mingguang have to explode the nest immediately?

A genius will know what the **** is there in the wilderness of people, beasts, or things that have not been discovered by Mingguang!

The human heart is not only separated from the belly, speculating and pondering, it can make people go beyond disaster or go smoothly.

The big breasted sisters are so alike to the people of their tribe, the same tall and eye-catching figure, relatively strange behavior, if you get a few words like blood **** from the people under the tiankeng, promise Lin Sister Chou and Big Breasts immediately had a mess, and the **** green-haired potted plant.

Once a person feels that he has been caught, he will go into chaos.

Lin Sorrows thought about it, but no matter what, he felt that he really had to go this trip, not just because of the employees' working conditions.

At the very least, you should give yourself a vaccination, and deal with troubles when you come to your door.

With this thought in mind, he dragged out the little sheep that had been covered with a layer of ashes.

Red light, turn on the throttle.


It was still that weird and weird voice.

The little sheep tore a path in the yingying green grass and walked a few kilometers along the natural corridor, rushing out of the remnants of Yanhui Mountain all the way to the northwest.


Shuai finished washing the dishes in the kitchen and swept a pile of debris into the trash can.

Back to the coconut tree hut, looking out the window in a daze.

Si Gouzi apparently didn't know anything about certain emotions, so he wailed twice, with all his hoofs up to the sky, his tongue was thrown out, and his expression on his face was festive.

At this time in the past, Chi would only be amused by its appearance, give it some food or play for a while.

Today, however, Chi just stared blankly at the north outside the wooden window, motionless.


Si Gouzi was unhappy, and called twice, hoping to be cared for.

Chi's pupils shrank suddenly and suddenly stood up.

Si Gouzi was taken aback by her actions, and ran away with his tail between them, knocking down a debris.

The new "neighbor" obviously heard the movement here and asked in a low voice,

"Eldest sister, are you calling the little girl...what's the matter?"

I have to say a strange thing, Yeluan and Yefeng are obviously afraid of Chi Chi.

Chi just ignored him and walked to the backyard a few steps.

At the other end of the mountain stream, there seemed to be a black and green flag traversing the wilderness at an alarming speed, after which it sprinkled mud all the way down.

At the very front end, it was a small, conspicuous pink object, which looked like the nose of some kind of cute creature.

Chicai seemed to have thought of something, walked to the front door and saw what she had just overlooked.

The guests in the small hall have seen this thing more times than the boss, the magical blackboard with its own stand.

The words above are sharp like knives and chisels (but still ugly):

"The owner of this shop needs to replenish raw materials and is temporarily away for a few days."

Chi only stunned.


At this time, Sikong and Xiao Wu walked up with their backs on their shoulders.

Student Xiao Wu still held half a steaming sesame cake in his hand, and the two said as they walked,

"Well, the biscuits are really sweet, crispy and crispy. This meat is simply too tender. The fat inside is like jelly, and it's not greasy at all. What kind of meat is this?"


"Beef? Horse meat? Donkey meat?"

"Ha, this is rat meat!"

"Old.... vomit...."

Poor Wu Ke's face turned green, and he couldn't say anything when he pointed to Sikong who had just recovered his brother.

Sikong looked at Xiao Wu like that, very proud, and walked towards the dining room with her leg raised. The big breasted sister subconsciously stepped forward and stood in front of Sikong.


Four black-clothed bodyguards rushed out from nowhere, and surrounded the big-breasted sisters to protect Sikong.

Sikong angrily said,

"Get out, blind your dog, get out."

"My son, it's dangerous, she's not clear..."

Sikong kicked it over.

"To shut up!"

The bodyguard who was kicked hurriedly shook the color to the surrounding colleagues, and a group of bodyguards reluctantly retracted the eighteen weapons, retreated, but still did not dare to leave too far.

Sikong thought to himself whether all these **** had paste in their heads, as the **** knew that he would cause trouble for this young man, and he would have to deduct a year's bonus for a long memory when he returned.

He rubbed his face and joked,

"Hey, lady boss, what's the matter?"

Chi only staggered one step, revealing the small blackboard that was behind her, and tapped her finger on it.

"Closed today."

Comrade Xiao Wu couldn't care about the nausea anymore, and his wailing was very sad.

Sikong looked at the small blackboard, and then at the big breasted sister.

His face was relieved at first, then it turned into a deep consternation.


What did my son hear, shouldn't it be "stupid, stinking man, get out" Barabala?

She, she, she really answered this son? !

Sikong admitted that at that moment, he thought a lot, and he thought very deeply.

(This eldest sister whose name I have been reading incorrectly is not interesting to my son, right?)

(Although this figure is really burly...but this figure is simply too no no...this son is definitely not that kind of person!)

(Well... definitely not... Oh, what an annoyance!)

The big-breasted sister raised her eyebrows and squeezed her hands. It was a few marks larger than a normal woman, but her fingers with surprisingly long proportions exploded with a crisp explosion.

All of Sikong’s bodyguards seem to have relived the fear they had when they walked out of Mingguangzhengximen for the first time, the evil wind blowing in the wilderness, and there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes lurking in the grass all the time. When coveting every muscle and every bone in your body, the feeling of hairs trembling and breathing trembling.

This woman, who is not even an evolutionary, has such a terrifying aura, she really has a murderous intent.

"Cowardly and foul-smelling male creature, what are you looking at, put away your disgusting nasty thoughts!"

"You, why don't you leave?!"

-It is closed today, that is to say, they are not guests. So, maybe the boss will not mind, as long as the blood stains are wiped off afterwards, right?


However, Sikong, who was the first to bear the brunt, let out a sigh of relief, his face was sunny and windy.

(That’s right, you said I wouldn’t worry about it.)

He picked up the student Xiao Wu who was still in horror, turned around and left.

"Walk around, my son is happy today, I will take you back to the base city to have a good meal, my son's car, I promise you haven't seen it before!"

The poor student Xiao Wu almost didn't get scared to pee his pants just now. He really didn't know that this big sister who had been immersed in the world of washing dishes was so vicious, it was ten times more vicious than the most ferocious animal he had ever seen .

After a long delay, Xiao Wu yelled.

"I said, what are you doing with me, let me down, I can walk by myself... and, where are we going?"

A group of bodyguards yelled,

"That's right, son, hurry up and put this skinny monkey down. Don't get tired of your bones. Just let us rough people come to this little thing. Come and I will carry this stuff for you."

"Go away, no matter how weak this young man is, he is also an awakened one. How much do I need to breathe for hundreds of thousands of catties?"

"Yes, yes, but..."



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