Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 455: After hearing the news (five watch!)

One     The next morning, Lin Chou had a bun in his mouth, his face was cozy.

His "illness" is finally healed, and he can feel that the monster that swallows everything in his body has been fed, and the unbearable hunger that tortured him all the time has finally left him.

"Hiccup~ It's cool!"

After so many days, I finally feel full, and the feeling of bulging belly is really wonderful.


The roar of countless motors came together from far to near, and a minute later, a long dragon of vehicles drove into the courtyard of the small hall.

The buns in Huang Dashan’s mouth spurted out all at once.

"Fuck, it's the end of the world?"

None of the cars that appeared in the yard were wilderness chariots. They were all the most common civilian models in the base city. They were flashy and could only travel in the base city and could not get out at all.

Just come to a monster of the same rank, and you can chew them like a biscuit with nothing but dregs.

"What's the situation? Don't kill me? Organize a group to go sightseeing in the wilderness and commit suicide?"

The door of the lead car opened first, and a woman staggered towards Lin Chou while supporting Su Qiang.

Su Qiang's face was blue and white, but his eyes were surprisingly bright. When he was so far away from Lin Chou, his legs knelt on the ground with a bend.

"Boss Lin! Brother Lin! Master Lin! You are my savior living parents."

When the woman supporting him saw Su Wangyi kneel down, she also knelt down, tears streaming out of her eyes, and her whole body was already weak.

Lin Chou went up with a shot, and the kicking Su hoped to almost dive into the soil.

"Good luck, get me up."

Su expected to chat, then became excited, dancing and dancing.

"Chou, brother Chou, I...I have broken the order! The second-order high-level! Directly past the low-level and intermediate-level, I feel that the original power in the body is still about to move up to now. It seems that there seems to be the possibility of breaking the order again at any time. It's simply incredible."

Lin Chou frowned and looked at Su Wanghan.


"Future Chef God’s poisonous chicken soup task is completed."

"The task designator, Su, is expected to advance to 3/2 and over-complete the task."

"Under the guidance of the wise Shenwu of this system, any two hundred and five can steal chickens successfully, cheer, pray!"

"mission rewards,

The Medal of Recruiting Bees and Butterflies can take effect without wearing it.


1. Recruit bees and butterflies.

2. When the host wears this medal, the charm value is increased by 2.5 baselines. "

Lin Chou didn't have time to study, because a group of uncles and aunts from Wuyang and Wuyang behind Su Wang had already rushed up.

"Boss Lin, Mr. Lin, I'm Tamarind, the housekeeper of the Luo family, our son..."

"I am Ren..."


A group of people laughed and told someone to take the opportunity to reach out and grab Lin Chou's clothes. If Lin Chou reacted quickly, they would have really succeeded.

Lin Chou was chattering, what the **** is this **** thing.

Shan Ye roared,

"Calling your grandma, it's all **** shut up for me, whoever squeaks, drag it out to feed the dog!"


As if hearing the words of Lord Shan, Si Gouzi rushed out from a corner, aiming at the crowd with a large tuft of Harazi eyes.


It is estimated that the hairballs came to dislike these old men and women who have more bone stubble than meat, but the four dogs do not dislike it-dogs love to chew bones, raw cooked fried fried fire roasted young and old Hard and soft, everything is acceptable!

When did a group of representatives of the major families who were pampering themselves in the Shangcheng district have seen such a ferocious and majestic beast, they looked terrified and immediately lost their voice.

Shan Ye was very satisfied with the cooperation of the four dogs and kicked the buns that fell on the ground.

"Here, reward you!"

Si Gouzi uttered a babble, showing disdain.

Then asked,

"My Lin Zi is shy, you guys, what are you doing? You, you say first!"

It was the housekeeper of the Luo family who was named, and he was overjoyed when he heard that.

"Thank you, Lord Awakener, I'm Tamarind, the housekeeper of the Luo family, let's eat chicken, eat chicken!"

Shan Ye has a black question mark on his face,

"Eating chicken and looking for Marty, what are you doing here, rolling, all **** grandpa."

Tamarind huh,

"What kind of horse? That's the case. This adult and Master Lin. We heard that Young Master Su Wangcheng has successfully advanced after eating the medicated salt-baked chicken made by Master Lin. I don’t know how important you are. The price of plate-making salt-baked chicken is so high? Are there any requirements?"

Lin Chou shook his head.

"That's a tailor-made dish for Su Gongzi. The others are not suitable. Please come back."


When Lin Chou said that, everyone was anxious.

"Master Lin, don't, don't, what price Su Gongzi will give you, we will double it, and only ask for a chicken, really!"

"Yes, yes, please, my young master, we have been stuck in the second order for fifteen years, if we don't advance..."

"Master Lin..."

This thing has nothing to do with him. Lin Chou even seriously suspects that the so-called enhanced remake of salt-baked chicken is a gimmick made by the system.

After Lin Chou asked the system, he repeated again,

"I'm sorry, everyone, the salt-baked chicken with the enhanced remake is really not suitable for others, please come back."


Tamarind thought for a while, then suddenly said,

"Master Lin, dare to ask if this ordinary salt-baked chicken also has this effect?"

Lin Chou nodded,


"It's just that the effect is not as good as the special salt-baked chicken, but its basic function, that is, the function of activating the source, is still there."

Tamarind is overjoyed,

"Bring me ten, I want ten every day!"

"I want twenty!"

"Bah, do you have so many evolved people in your Ren family? You need twenty. It is said that each person can only eat one salted chicken per day, right Master Lin?"

Lin Chou nodded,

"Indeed, the second effect can only be minimal."

"It's minimal, which means it's still effective?"

"This... the same can be said."

After a lot of noise, Lin Chou rubbed his forehead.

"Everyone, you guys, my energy is limited, and the number of salt-baked chicken I can make every day is not too much, so please come back first, let me think about how to meet everyone's needs as much as possible, is this always okay?"

Tamarind Road,

"Yes, yes, Master Lin is right. Master Lin is so young and promising, how can he delay the business for the little things I am waiting for? Well, this card is the latest silver card launched by the base city, so let’s put it here first. Every time the family members come to pick up the goods, they will charge a certain amount of money into it, and Mr. Lin can turn it over again, haha, goodbye!"

"I have this one."



Without giving Lin Chou a chance to react, a group of grandpas and aunts walked away in a moment, leaving only a large pile of shiny silver cards.

Huang Dashan coveted the card in Lin Chou's hand.

"Hey, these guys are very generous. If you want to open such a silver card, you have to top up one million in the minimum amount, two hundred and fifty-one salted chicken, enough for his mother to eat for a lifetime."

Lin Chou's hand trembled, and there were fifty or sixty cards in his hand.

Uh, how much should it be? ?

Lin Chou fell into a happy smirk. Well, there might not be too much money in this life like this one day, right?

Huang Dashan turned around and entered the house, and within a short while, the strange song that made his scalp numb came out.

"Big girl Meidi, that big girl wave~! Big girl..."

Only the four dogs were dumbfounded,

Damn it!

Wait a minute, have you forgotten something important?

Ben Wang has been waiting for a long time, what about the bones? ?

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