Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 507: Fight

Niu Lanqi's non-emotional voice seemed to wash down in a cold current.

"Not only the light, everything you know, this ocean, this land, and even the rules of this world will be rewritten, and humanity will completely lose the right to survive."

"You useless, dirty maggots, the Black Army has given you enough soil and fertilizer, but you can't even grow a few good seedlings? What kind of **** have you sent in the past three years?"

"You don't know anything, but you still want to reduce the share of the black army. What is Mingguang doing?!"

Wei Tianxing said coldly,

"These are nothing to do with Lin Chou."

Mo Hongniang limped up from the back mountain with blood in her mouth, her body was full of dark green mud, and she was very embarrassed.

When Zhao Er saw it, he punched the mask with a punch, his eyes flushed instantly.

"Auntie, you, why are you here, how are you, are you hurt badly?"


The two agreed, and everyone's jaws snapped to the floor.


This name is not used casually in Mingguang. You can have little aunts, aunts, and aunts, or you can call some elders aunts, but you can’t call them together—because in Mingguang, there are only three words for "little aunt". It represents a meaning, the second mother who is younger than him, that is, the stepmother.

"Like a big trough!"

Mo Hongniang Zhao Er's little aunt? Isn't that the wife of Zhao Qingcang? ! !

Uncle Zhao grabbed Niu Lanshan’s neck with his backhand,

"How dare you hurt my little aunt like this. Tier 6 is amazing? You can prepare a better coffin."

Niu Lanshan swallowed his saliva,

"Really your little aunt? Sister, do you know this?"

Niu Lanqi took a sip.


A group of great masters from the base city, look at me and I look at you,

"What's wrong?"

"Whole fart, run."

"He won't care who beat his daughter-in-law when the infamous old pick-up arrives..."

Everyone only hated their parents for giving birth to seventeen or eight legs, and all of them became masters of light skills.

Some people think it’s wrong to run halfway,

"What the **** am I running? I drove here... Forget it, it matters..."

In a blink of an eye, the people of Yanhui Mountain went to the empty building to luxuriate.

Niu Lanshan said with the last trace of luck,

"Zhao Er, tell me that Elder Zhao must be in retreat, right?"

"Unfortunately, Ziyu was injured a few days ago, and my old Zhao is wrestling with that little slippery head."


Niu Lanshan sat down on the ground,

"Then...Does Sister Lin also know that my sister is here?"

Zhao Er sneered,

"Aunt Lin has been in retreat for many days, but based on the relationship between Aunt Lin and Aunt Lin... I'm afraid Aunt Lin is already on her way."

"Oh my God!"

Niu Lanshan cried out, raised his head and shouted,

"Sister, elder sister... the big thing is not good, sister Lin is coming..."

"What kind of funeral, come here, I'm afraid she won't make it? Shut up!"

Niu Lanshan was stunned.

"Sister, are you serious?"

Niu Lanqi struggled anxiously.

"Damn the net, that kid woke up and didn't let him let me go."

"Niu Lanshan, are you a fool? Why don't you just get me out?"

Zhao Er hugged his arms and talked coldly.

"I said don't don't want it, I'm still very honest."

As soon as Niu Lanqi was about to curse, the sky suddenly darkened, but she was facing down, and she couldn't see what had happened.

"What's the matter? Why is it suddenly dark?"

Niu Lanshan's eyes widened in astonishment, Zhao used to build a pergola.

"Hey, this posture really has no aesthetic principles."


The snake body weighing dozens of hundreds of tons of golden thread slammed on the mask, and the billowing man stood on the head of the snake, waving the bear's paw.

There was a distorted sound of steel in the void, and Niu Lanqi let out a scream, and the color of the shackle light net became thicker, almost dark green, and the speed of extracting the source suddenly accelerated to an unbearable level.

"what happened!!"

At the same time, Jin Xian Jiao opened his mouth boldly.

An extremely blazing gold thread spurted out of its mouth, and the air sneered and burned around the "golden thread".

Niu Lanshan panicked and drew in his arms.

"Zhiqizhiqi, Wuzhiqi~"

He roared,

"Sister, Hai!"

Niu Lanqi gritted her teeth.

"The water of the ruins, let go."


The sky of Yanhui Mountain seemed to have cracked a fierce scar, and huge waves fell from the sky.

It is also true and illusion, forming a vast ocean of nothingness on Yanhui Mountain.

"Zhi Qi, come on."

The quirky little guy plunged into the "sea" with a fierce man, and turned into a behemoth with a long neck, manipulating the waves and attacking.


Screamed in disdain, and waved the bear's paw.


The gravitational field did not arrive as scheduled, and Zhi Qi immediately plunged into the sea.

When Billowing saw the sea water, he struggled to fly up, and he turned into several water dragons, tightly bound it, and the huge mouth of Sensen also bit towards the billowing neck.


Zhao Er frowned.

"Do you really want to do it?"

Niulan Mountain Road,

"Should they let them hurt my sister?"

The silhouettes of the two disappeared instantly, and a hundredth of a second later, they appeared above the spherical mask and crashed into each other.

Seeing Zhi Qi's huge mouth getting closer and closer, Zhi Qi's scarlet eyes showed a trace of triumph and excitement.

However, it seems to have forgotten...

Zhi Qi's huge body hidden deep underwater has been coiled around by golden thread scorpions and suddenly tightened.

"Crack, click."

With a series of creepy bone fractures, Zhi Qi wailed and fell down.


Gugun took the opportunity to get away, roaring in shame.

Since Mr. Gungun made his debut, he has never been so wronged.

Zhiqi and the Golden Thread Jiao are coming and going under the water, but the gravitational field of Billowing Lord can't produce any effect, and he roars with anger.


Zhao Er and Niu Lanshan collided again, and Zhao Er vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Sure enough, Tier 5 is still not as good as Tier 6."

Niu Lanshan's eyes were shining,

"Walking with me for a few rounds with a fifth-tier body is enough to be proud of myself. I am worthy of being the Zhao family."

Gumun, who was unable to find a suitable person to vent his anger, immediately stared at Niu Lanshan, who was pretending not to be far away, and waved his palm.

Niu Lanshan screamed


I felt that an indescribable pressure on his back instantly blasted him out, and touched his hand back, his hand was full of blood.

"But the little bear who has just entered Tier VI, watch me kill you and drink."

"Emperor, withered bones make incense!"

As soon as this statement was made, a horrifying gust of wind passed between the heaven and the earth, and loess graves were raised on the ground at the same time, and there were even stone monuments in front of them.

Streaks of pink smoke rose from the tomb bag, bursting with fragrance.

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