Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 565: Not like wind and light makeup

Lin Chou squinted,

"This is a restaurant, not a wholesale department."

As soon as the potted plant's eyeballs turned, he dragged the speaker out of the huge treasure bag, and when he pressed it, a huge roar immediately echoed over the entire Yanhui Mountain.

"Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the largest leather factory, Jiangnan leather factory closed down!"

"Boss Lin Sorry, the bastard..."

The strange rhythm is catchy, and the entire Yanhui Mountain is enveloped in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, and countless people are lying on the ground laughing.

"Stop it!"

Lin Chou roared.

The potted plant raised its head and sounded.

"Lin Chou bastard, **** Lin Chou, you are not you not you are not human!"


Lin Chou held back for a long time, "Believe it or not you who surnamed Pen will blow me down, you might die?"

"Ha ha!"

"You are not you are not you are not human!"

Stepping forward and pressing off the speaker, Lin Chou dragged the potted plant into the dining room.

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Chou tried to squeeze out a fairly friendly smile, "Ah, serious business!"

The potted plants retreat again and again,

"What are you doing, irritated and irritated? Auntie is a serious person. Tell me about things that are not serious. Do you want me to take care of you?"

"Well, of course, it's a different story if we discuss the issue of the bride price. The Lun family doesn't want much, a sixth-order source crystal, tens of kilograms..."

"Stop! What a mess, what I want to say is something that can make money!"

"I heard that the things you cooperated with Kushutang are selling well?"

Looking up and down Lin Chou with the potted plant,

"Why are you asking this."

Lin Chou coughed twice,

"Well, here I am, there are some secrets about ancient makeup, are you interested?"

The small mouth of the potted plant opened into an O shape,

"It's not enough for you to bring down the Xue family, are you starting a cross-border strike now!"

"Brother Chou, you're a chef, why don't you cook well at Lun's family?"

With a blush that hasn't been exposed, Lin Chou said,

"How can it be said that it is a cross-border? I don't know if I know that the ancient makeup of the cataclysm, the blush, the blush, the blush, the absolute ancient prescription, the quality and the quantity, or a word!"

The potted plant said suspiciously,

"If you can make something like this, it must be marketable. Tsk tsk, the ancient makeup before the cataclysm, used to deceive...hehe, selling to those idiots is perfect, but..."

Lin Chou waved his hand,

"No but! You wait and see!"

Lin Chou took the knife and went out, and returned after a while, with a huge hive in his hand.

Cut the hive along the edge, cut off the hive cover and fix it in a bucket, then put the bucket in a water tank and rotate it vigorously. After a while, the honey in the hive will run out.

Bonsai and Wei Qingyu and sister Xingxing all got together.

Wei Qingyu asked,

"Xiao Linzi, do you really know how to make rouge?"

Lin Chou put the hive in a clean casserole and boiled it with water.


Wei Qingyu’s big eyes were full of surprise.

"These are all things that women love, how can you... incredible."

Lin Chou smiled,

"This is my old business, I will naturally."

The potted plant wondered,

"What kind of business, is your family used to do this thing?"

The hive gradually melted into light yellow grease in the water, Lin Chou pointed at the pot and smirked.

"Rouge gouache can also be listed in the food category."


Everyone is speechless, hello, Boss Lin, are you a serious bullshit?

Lin Chou said,

"Don’t believe it? I’m not saying this. If I have the final say, the rouge will be listed first in the Red Mansion Cuisine. Brother Bao loves to eat this'dish'. If he doesn’t eat it for a day, he won’t be able to eat it all over his body. strength."

Wen Zhongjiu snorted,

"Hey, Lin Zi, do you still have research on this? Red Chamber Cuisine?"

Everyone was at a loss,

"What do you mean?"

The potted plant rolled his eyes,

"Brother Bao likes to eat'vegetables'? Is that what the girls like to eat'vees', right? Jane Duke!"

Lin Chou shook his head again and again and sighed again and again.

"I said forgive me, you girl has a problem with the definition of food, it's too one-sided and too narrow."

The potted plant's eyes widened and pointed to his face,

"I'm one-sided? I'm narrow-minded? You are arrogant!"

Regardless of her, Lin Chou filtered the boiled honeycomb liquid layer by layer and put it in a wooden bowl, leaving it to cool.

Find out the dried roselle, rose and comfrey, add a small half bottle of olive oil, seal it, and put it in a hot air box.

Roses and Roses are not rare things, they can be seen everywhere, even the back mountains of Xiaoguan, but the shortcoming is that the roses and wild roses grow close to each other, and the color of the rose is not pure, and it is slightly more obvious. The weak pink color of the rose.

But Lin Chou for this bottle of olive oil really feels distressed. This thing is just a word, expensive, expensive!

Ten minutes outside, ten days have passed in the hot air box, and the petals have already soaked.

The colors of roselle, comfrey, and rose petals are immersed in each other, and the mixed liquid of olive oil and flower juice inside is dyed into a black purple.

After the melted hive is allowed to cool down, it is re-layered and condensed into a layer of yellow beeswax board, with clear water and some impurities underneath.

Put the beeswax in a small cup with water and add the purple oil to melt it for a second time, add pearls, dried roses and a little corn flour to the stone mortar, put a bunch of thread in it, and grind it together.

"Hey? What line is that?"

"It's silk."


After grinding the contents of the mortar finely into powder for slippery hands, add a spoonful of melted beeswax solution and continue grinding. Add the beeswax solution several times in between until the paste in the mortar shows a bright rose red color. , Into the wide-mouthed cup.

Hold the small cup a few vigorously and smooth the surface.

"Rouge cream, absolute food grade."

Seeing this thing, everyone opened their mouths and looked at each other.

Lin Chou took out a few packages from the cabinet and put them in a stone mortar to grind them.

The potted little face was a little dazed, "What's this again?"

Lin Chou glanced at her.

"The cheapest medicinal material used in the alleys to treat malignant sores is made into pills with vinegar or directly applied. The effect is very good. It is commonly known as Indigo Naturalis powder. It is powder ground from the stems and leaves of medicinal materials such as Malan Isatis and Bluegrass. "

"Where are the other two packs?"

Lin Chou sighed.

"Neither bamboo charcoal nor charcoal can be recognized? They are used for barbecue!"


Grind the three things into fine powder, add olive oil to melt the beeswax and add it to the powder. He doesn't add much. The powder in the mortar is slightly sluggish but still keeps the granular powder.

After Lin Chou installed it, he stroked his eyebrows.

"This is Meidai."

Then I went to Houshan and picked some plump rose petals. I twisted a green lemon back, put the petals in a mortar, added two teaspoons of alcohol, squeezed the juice of a quarter of the lemon, and mashed it into a puree.

Lemon juice can play the simplest antioxidant effect and prevent the decolorization of the mashed flower paste.

Put the rose flower mud into a gauze bag, twist out the juice, and boil it in the sand pot.

Take a thick yellow piece of paper, the so-called Spring Festival couplet paper, soak the paper in the flower juice to completely color it and remove it to dry in the shade, brush the flower juice over and over again and then dry it in the shade.

"This is a lipstick. Dip water on your lips when you use it and squeeze it lightly."

Three small cups are placed side by side on the table, rouge, eyebrows and lipsticks.

Everyone looked indescribable, only the women present had bright eyes and even a little fanatical.

Wei Qingyu said with a smile.

"Brother Lin, okay?"

Lin Chou raised his hand, "It just so happens that Sister Qing Yu can try."

Wei Qingyu thought for a while, immediately got up and went to the well to wash her face, and returned without makeup.

The plain-faced Wei Qingyu's skin is still as white as jade. She sits at the table and gently lifts up a little bit of rouge with her hands to spread it on the back of her hand. When the pale pink and reddish color is just right, she rubs it on her palms and dabs her cheeks. And now.

Men can't see it, they just think it looks good, but for women, it's completely different.

This color, this brightness, this style...

"Wow, it's so good, and it's so good."

"Sister Qing Yu is so beautiful."

Wei Qingyu smiled like a flower, took the mirror and took a photo, "Well, the color will be good, Lin Xiaodi's craftsmanship is good."

Lin Chou smiled without saying a word, referring to the lipstick,

"Try this again."

Wei Qingyu dipped some water and spread it on his lips. Two plain white jade hands twisted a piece of lipstick and placed it on his lips, gently pressing.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and then quickly backed away.

Wei Qingyu in a blue dress is like a beauty in ancient poetry and painting, in a boudoir show building, leaning on the window and wearing makeup.

The rose-red color on her lips was like the light of spring, slowly dissolving, endless.

Wei Qingyu said,

"Brother, do you want to come and help your sister to draw eyebrows?"

Lin Chou turned around and ran away.

Wei Qingyu hummed softly and took out the fine-haired eyebrow pencil he carried with him.

Nodding eyebrows, Gou Wanyue.

The potted plant muttered unconsciously,

"It's also a woman... Grandma, why can't I make this feeling? This guy is more feminine than a woman..."


Wen Zhongjiu suddenly folded the fan, smiled and said in a low voice,

"Yu but Yunyi Mingyueyan, light Zhu Fu face brocade is a dress.

In ancient times, beauty is often jealous, unlike the wind and light makeup. "

Everyone’s eyes focused on him, warmly drinking,

"Send with feelings, and send with feelings."

A heavy cough.

Wei Tianxing stared at him with eyes like hooks, his expression seemed to be cannibalistic.

"Cough cough cough..."


The next moment, the audience was full of high and low coughs, and no one spoke for a long time.

The warm smile turned into embarrassment, and he sat back in his chair and drank bowl after bowl.

"Drink, drink to death, you have a double-skinned face!!"

On the other side, Lin Chou talked about the distribution of benefits with Bonsai Dasha.

The potted plant came to Lin Chou's side,

"This business, grandma aunt admitted."

"Ha ha."

Potted road,

"Brother Chou, can these makeup ingredients be replaced? I mean, replace them with high-end materials... You know, if you want to sell it, you have to sell it as a luxury product, as a mood and nostalgia."

Lin Chou thought for a while, "It's totally possible."

"Okay! That's it. Tell me what materials you want. There are cosmetics in the base city, but this kind of rouge gouache... but there is no. I will go back to do packaging and publicity. First, firmly pinch this gimmick. Let’s talk about it...what kind of **** years, if you have a patent right, don’t worry, Brother Chou, and go with your aunt, grandma, if I have a bite of meat, I won’t miss you a bite of soup, wow..."

"It's not very long, but it's pretty beautiful!"

Lin Chou sneered,

"You are in charge of raw materials and sales, and I am in charge of production, fifty-five."

Potted plants subconsciously have to reason with Lin Chou. What are they going to do?

"No bargaining!"


The potted plant looked at Lin Chou's firm face tangled.

Lin Chou squeezed out a blank piece of paper,

"If you don't do it, don't do it, just shoot and break."

The potted plant is still hesitating, "..."

"Then sign and deposit."

"What do you mean?"

"Sorry, this handsome is afraid you won't admit it."

I will endure!

Reminiscent of the soothing Yuanjing ticket, the potted plant took a deep breath and signed the name.

After filling up the paper with the various rules discussed by the two of them, Lin Chou replied uneasy.

"I'll make up the details later."

The potted plant left angrily, but with a heroic smile on his face.

Lin Sorrow was refreshed.

Well, what a beautiful day, the sun is bright...


There was a loud noise outside the door, and then someone scolded,

"Spicy chicken. Spicy chicken through and through. If you don't have the skills, you still learn how to behave like others. I think you are stupid."

"What is it? It's so miserable. My wife has lost everything. I haven't paid the tax due this year..."

"Brothers, beat him up for me."

Lin Chou hurried out, "What's the situation? Why did the fight start?"

A man with black eyes and bleeding nostrils took the opportunity to rush out of the crowd, drove into the car and ran away.


Several hunters sipped together.

"Anyone can get a ratio of zero to ten, and I can also do it. I'm really ashamed of Nima, bah bah bah! Bad luck!!!"

A hunter said,

"Ahem, Boss Lin is embarrassed, he didn't deliberately want it... mainly because this product is too irritating."

Lin Chou asked,

"What the **** is going on?"

The hunter stepped forward and glanced at the arrogant earring man at the desk.

"Hey, that rich second-generation, ordinary man, and the dude who is not a fart, threatens to pick all the evolutionaries... This kid does not mention it. There are indeed two tricks to play. This time, it's just a **** thing. A winning streak."

Lin Chou snorted,

"You won nine games so quickly?"

"Who can say no? The evolutionary body's physique, reaction and brain flexibility are stronger than ordinary people, and he is about to be his first ten-game winning streak. Who is willing?"

"The big guy has been arguing for a long time. Originally, he wanted to let the one who was the most excited about hitting people go on the court. Who knew that the one who ran away just rushed up first? No matter... Oh, his **** old man. The kid didn’t score a goal, Boss Lin! It’’s...crazy!"

Lin Chou scratched his head, "He won again? That's not right, I didn't receive a ten-game winning streak."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Lin Chou said,

"Didn't you read the above rules? A ten-game winning streak is achieved. There are hints on the scorer and streak rewards."

The hunter looked back and saw a red line slowly emerging on the small blackboard, ticking off the handwriting of the earring man's name and points.

After his name and points disappeared, a new line of writing appeared in the original position,

"Cheating, the points are cleared, the game is prohibited within half a month, the crime of co-cheating is increased by one, and it is forbidden to purchase any liquor from Lin's Xiaoguan for one year. If there is a second cheating, it will be listed as Lin's Xiaoguan unwelcome The customer list was attacked and expelled by Nepenthes mutants."

"The final interpretation of this competition belongs to Lin's Xiaoguan, and no appeals will be accepted."

Finally, all text disappeared.

The list below is moved up in turn, the first name becomes the wandering monster, and the points are two consecutive victories.

The hunters who were in anger were all stunned in an uproar.


"what's going on!"

The eyes of the person in front of Lin Chou were wide and round,

"Boss Lin, you machine..."

"There is no error."

There was a burst of blood on the face of the hunter, and a grinning smile appeared.

He spoke to Lin Chou loudly, his voice could be heard in the audience.

"Boss Lin, give each of my brothers a salted chicken and a case of beer. It's chilled. I'll treat you!!"

Lin Chou said,

"Thank you for your patronage, credit card or cash?"

The hunter smiled and glanced back at the people meaningfully, "Who is the **** thing to bring out so much cash, of course it is to swipe the card."

"Swipe at the counter to check out."


When the two turned to enter, there seemed to be someone crying out from behind.


The hunter smiled, "Boss Lin, is the weather nice today?"

"It's really good."

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