Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 598: Don't do this, eat it?

Chi Zhi's method can be said to be more a little bit sharper than Lin Chou's, and he quickly handled the remaining red-headed centipedes.

The next thing belongs to the category of self-learning. Everyone took the prepared bamboo sticks or wooden sticks to string the big centipede, squatted on the fire and started roasting, turning it from time to time.

After roasting for about ten minutes, Lin Chou used a knife to remove the carapace from the abdomen of the centipede.

Don’t look at these ugly big guys on the outside, but the ring-shaped meat inside is white and crystal clear. Compared with the coconut crabs eaten on the island, it’s not falling at all. After being grilled on a charcoal fire, it’s a whole piece. The centipede's flesh slightly shrank and separated the gaps from the carapace, and some clear oil was dropped along these gaps, and there was a nice sizzling sound immediately, and the smell of burnt fragrance was tangy.

Lin Chou rubbed his hands, grabbed a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth.


When the centipede grows to this size, its meat quality can be said to be quite perfect, full of aroma and texture, just like eating good lobster tail meat.

Although it is inevitable that it still carries the special fragrance of insects, this volatile lipid aroma is partly evaporated and partly covered in the meat under the heat of charcoal fire, giving people a mysterious taste. -Primitive and wild.

Several people started their hands one after another. Pieces of white meat **** were taken out of the carapace, and they ate them steamingly.


"Mad, I knew it."

"I'm on the wrong channel? Survival in the Wild has become a gourmet class?"

"The cruelest thing in the world is to eat other people's food on the screen and eat the food in your own bowl."

Qin Wuyong kept the camera at the chickens over there so he could not die.

"Do you see it? Boss Lin got it back in the morning, a fat big hen, so you don't have to worry about dinner, haha."

There was another crusade.

After breakfast, everyone was full of energy.

Qin Wuyong promised the fans to build a simple house that can accommodate four people before dark, while Lin Chou would go around looking for his target.

His interest in this gold mine stems from an extremely rare fungus-Maojian mushroom, which is also called golden mushroom or fairy mushroom. It has a golden color and a soft texture and is very fresh.

The reason why Maojian mushroom is rare is that it has extremely strict requirements on the growth environment. It is said that it only grows on the piles of waste minerals rich in soil and humus after 50 years of gold mining in gold mines. It is also said that it can also be found in bare gold mines. No one knows the exact growth of this mushroom.

But one thing is certain, this kind of mushroom does not grow in gold mines.

Everyone knows the hard dish "Chicken Stewed Mushrooms", but a few people have learned that the combination of Maojian mushrooms and chickens is like a thunderstorm in the sky.

It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi sent people to mine gold in the deep valleys of the Daxingan Mountains in the northeast. 60 years later, the Oroqen people living in the deep forests of the Daxingan Mountains accidentally discovered a special mushroom growing on Maojianshi, the gold-mining site. The individual is very small, but the fragrance is very strong, the taste is delicious, and the taste is excellent.

Due to the scarcity of production, local officials used mushrooms as a tribute for the royal family to enjoy. A simple chicken stew with mushrooms was too much for the royal family members to eat, which was a myth.

The world's most thunderous combination of fire, chicken stewed with mushrooms.

The chicken is already in place, can the mushroom be far away?

Cough, the above is purely Lin Chou's metaphysics.

He fluttered lazily on the hammock, and even the roasted centipede that he ate just now was sent by the big breasted sister. It seemed that he hadn't played with its new toys yet, so Lin Chou had to go by himself.

His goal is the largest sand piles on the east side of the green space. The piles of sand that have experienced decades of wind and rain may have been in the shape of towering towering with edges and corners, but now they are like poached eggs that languish and decay on the ground. In a huge area, weeds and luxuriant grass are sparse.

After approaching, I can see two conveyor belts that have not rotted slantingly and half buried in the sand. As for the other machines, they have long been completely buried. In short, no one can see this honor. A place where magic mushrooms with the labels of "tribute" and "state banquet" grow.

Mushrooms are a rare type of fungus that is positive for the sun, so there is no need for conditions such as shady to grow, and even the place where they grow the most is the top of the mineral pile.

But after the cataclysm, the sun has disappeared. I don't know if these elves will be furious.

When Lin Chou climbed up the sand pile, he discovered that the **** after gold panning was not only sand, but also some loess and crushed ore mixed in. There was only a layer of soft yellow sand on the surface, but the inside was compacted land.

As soon as the sky lights up, the surface of the sand pile has begun to emit amazing heat. The steaming heat is distorting the air. The weeds growing on the sand pile look like old and dry. They can only be found when they are uprooted. The root system is unusually strong, often extending several meters down.

It is famous for its light and little rain, but fortunately it is located in the depths of the mine, and the air is extremely humid, which makes it a good time and place.

Lin Chou took the stick and moved it around in the half-dry grass, refusing to miss one.

It is undoubtedly very painful for Mingguang people to guard the glutamate condensate that can be seen everywhere-all kinds of wild mushrooms cannot be eaten. After the cataclysm, almost all mushrooms are highly poisonous. Mingguang people The types of edible mushrooms found are definitely not more than five fingers, and each of them has an extraordinary value.

It's obvious that a gangster-level food chef like Xue Zhen has to lower his face to ask for a few chicken sprouts from Lin Chou's place.

If you can find this kind of rare in the world... Well, saying that it is rare in the world is not against peace. First, Mingguang has no gold, and second, Mingguang has no mushrooms.

At least Lin Chou thought so, this thing can be regarded as a treasure at the bottom of the box just like the nine dishes in Jiu Shan Palace.

I have it, you don't, this is the capital.

Even if the Fuck system throws the small hall pia on the wilderness more than two hundred kilometers away from Mingguang, what can it do, the competitiveness is still leveraged?

Therefore, whenever there is news of a certain rare ingredient, he will search for it at all costs-this is a reasonable and reasonable leave, and no one can stop it.

Finding mushrooms is a technical task. Maybe they are hidden in a certain hay nest or not showing up under the sand. Open the sand cover to remove the weed grass. After the whole morning, Lin Chou's search scope is only limited to the first place. On a sand dune.


The sand underfoot surged, and a yellow-green lizard more than half a meter long broke out of the soil. He rolled his eyes and stared at Lin Chou for a while. Suddenly, two people stood up and strode on the ground with both hind legs. Sayazi ran to the other side of the sand dune, at an amazing speed.

Lin Chou sighed disappointedly.

"It would be great if it was a crocodile. Sand lizard meat is too woody."

"Oh oh oh!!!"

A roar suddenly came from the lake camp a few kilometers away.

Lin Chou drew his ears and shouted,


"Oh! Ooooooooo!"

The violent wind of "huhu" was getting closer and closer, Lin Chou looked up, and the **** thing was getting closer and closer in mid-air.

"Spicy big watermelon... the airdrop is coming? What the **** is this..."

No need to ask, it must be rolling to come up with this lazy way, Lin Chou quickly opened his arms to pick it up.


He didn't have a billowing force field to slow down. He only heard a muffled noise. The billowing black thing suddenly broke into several large pieces, and the pink juice and bright red flesh exploded like fireworks.

"Hey, I'm going, it's really a big watermelon."

Lin Chou's watermelon juice messed up all over his body-this place is really not someone's vegetable garden?

Sitting on the top of the sand dune very happily, it was cool and sweet...After half a watermelon, I continued to look for mushrooms, but until the sky was completely dark, there was no surprise, so I had to return to the lake because his stomach had already begun. Rebelled.

The campsite has changed a lot. There is a big bamboo wooden house on the shore of the lake. The pebbles are used as the foundation on three walls and one side is open. It looks quite solid. In addition to a few hammocks, Qin Wuyong also built two simple stoves. The stone pot used last time is placed on the top.

"Ha, be surprised!" Qin Wuyong was very proud.

Lin Chou nodded affirmatively, "Great."

Xiao Xiao akimbo said,

"Then is my watermelon delicious?"

"Very sweet, I haven't eaten watermelon in a long time..."

Xiao Xiao said,

"Sister Chizhi and I found it in the back! There is only one melon seedling, and I gave you two watermelons in total, hum."

Qin Wuyong said,

"I've searched around, and there is indeed only one. God knows how this thing grew. It is reasonable to say that the beach is wet with mushrooms. The watermelon should not survive... It is unexpectedly sweet."


Lin Chou pulled Qin Wuyong over, "Wait, you say... mushrooms?"

Qin Wuyong looked blank,

"Ah yes, little yellow mushroom, what's up... Oh yes yes yes, I forgot, boss Lin, didn't you say what mushrooms you were looking for!"

Without saying anything, he dragged Qin Wuyong away, "Where, take me over."

"Oh, oh, let go first...Oh, boss, you've gone in the wrong direction, over there... over there..."

When the two of them arrived around Gua Yang, the sharp-eyed Lin Chou immediately spotted a few small yellow mushrooms growing on the sand.

Their stems are like chicken legs, the bottom is thick and the top is thin, and the umbrella cover is round like a golden bead, but the color is slightly dim, and the faint fresh breath is lingering around them.

The **** system suddenly popped out,

"Maojian mushroom, also known as golden mushroom or fairy mushroom, is a third-order advanced enchanted plant with associated parasitic system.

There must be gold mines where this mushroom grows, which is unusually rare.

Very fresh, soft and tough, it is strongly recommended to include it in the restaurant menu and #@¥! #¥"

A bunch of garbled codes that have not been seen for many days, for a long time, the slutty system "returns to God",

"Di, if you find the growth community of Maojian mushroom, you can set up independent coordinate points and protection measures for the growth of rare food materials. The price is 1,000,000 points, and you can use the shuttle door to go back and forth."

No matter how dark Lin Shou's face is, there is no such thing as a black-hearted system.

"The coordinates of the place where the sea stone flower grew last time were only 100,000!"


"Fuck, you are blind! "Independent coordinate points and protective measures for the growth of rare ingredients", do you understand the protective measures? This system also needs to ensure that the mushroom garden is not damaged and adjust the temperature, humidity and even the content of metal minerals here to ensure that Mushrooms thrive, do you know how much effort this system has to put in... you..."

Lin Chou said quietly, "If we don't set a coordinate point."

"Wait for your mushroom to be destroyed by humanity. If you leave here, you can't grow this mushroom anywhere."

Angrily rubbed his face.

Qin Wuyong watched Lin Chou's expression change rapidly, and asked cautiously.

"Boss Lin, is it..."

At the same time, the system now reads, "Are you sure to establish coordinates and protective measures?"

Lin Chou gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

One million points, simple, fly with wings.

Calm down and take a closer look at these mushrooms. They are scattered on the side of the melon seedlings. They are not dense. Each mushroom is no more than a knuckle high and very small, but the umbrella cover is round and full, with a few drops of dew hanging on it. , The peculiar umami smell hits the face.

Qin Wuyong was puzzled,

"Ah, boss Lin, these mushrooms... are very important? Don't you all have chicken sprouts!"

The system crackled a bunch of words on Lin Chou’s retina.

"The establishment of the coordinate point is completed, and the protection measures will be completed at 12 midnight. The space here will be in a hidden state. According to the statistics of this system, there are three growing colonies of trichome mushrooms and 1,124 mature trichome mushrooms. Please be strict with the host. Control the amount of picking."

Lin Chou uttered a little lost.

"Of course it's important. You'll know after you taste it. Pick the bigger ones and go back to cook them!"

After Qin Wuyong heard this, he didn't care about anything, he was full of energy.

The two quickly picked a small pile of mushrooms,

"Enough, go back."

Qin Wuyong pointed to the ground,

"That's enough, don't pick more?"

"...If you pick it again, it won't grow out next time."

"Oh... just put it here? I don't know which **** will be cheaper in the future..."

Lin Chou choked and rolled his eyes, without saying much.

"Walk around, numb."

Qin Wuyong followed up, opened the live broadcast that had already been closed, and said thiefly,

"Hey, Brother Wuyou is back again. I just made some good things with Boss Lin. I have a hunch that I will definitely have some earth-shattering good food out tonight!"



"It's on again, and I'm about to fall asleep."

"What a good thing, don't sell it."

Someone can't stand it anymore,

"Mmp, please don't be like this. I've been greedy for several meals and then eat again? Didn't you just say that you just build a house today?"

"Mother, let people not live, is there any reason, I have spent the years in the base city without useless brothers to eat well!"

Qin Wuyong coughed twice,

"Shhh... don't panic everyone, don't panic, do you think Mr. Lin is here? I guess he is here specifically looking for this thing. Although I don't understand it, it should be very powerful. Let Boss Lin open a small lecture hall for everyone..."

Then he took a step forward,

"Boss Lin, we still have three old hens, chicken stew with mushrooms at night?"

"Hmm..." Lin Chou thought for a while, "I want to change it, but I can't live up to the good stuff."

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