Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 608: Old kid

Prince Leng took a deep look at Lin Chou's pocket, but didn't say much, instead, the smile on his face could flow to the ground.

The old man is happy, very happy.

Leng Han frowned and looked at the way his father and grandfather looked. He always felt that there was something wrong but couldn't tell. He just sat there quietly and watched silently.

Prince Leng was so happy that he turned his attention to Leng Han somehow, then stopped smiling, rubbed his eyebrows.

"Hanhan, we will have dinner in a while, so let Xiaolin take a look around? Speaking of which you grew up in your ancestral house when you were young, but your room still looks like you left when you were young."

Leng Han blinked and stood up suddenly.

Prince Leng shouted,

"Huh? Hanhan, where are you going? Xiaolin is still here."

Leng Han said lightly,

"Change clothes."

Prince Leng nodded again and again, "It’s good to change clothes, good to change clothes, that Xiaolin, come and accompany me to take a look at this-hey, I’m getting older, and I can’t keep up with this eye. I spent a lot of money on Don’t be fooled by the treasures that a few old guys scoured back..."

Turning the corner of the stairs, Leng Han rushed through the ancient awkward corridor, and ran into Xiaowu Xiaodie head-on. The two girls said in surprise,

"Miss, what are you in a hurry...Oh!"

Leng Han dragged the two of them away-there was wind under her feet, and the two girls screamed like a human-shaped flag without touching their feet.

He fell on the door with a "touch".

The front of Leng Han's room faces the small waterfall on the top of the mountain. The huge French windows are directly embedded in the obsidian wall. There is also a large enough balcony outside, and a stone table is placed in the balcony.

The light in the room is bright, and it is more filled with the gorgeous light and fog unique to the source crystal, but it is just a decoration——

Leng Han's face turned red imperceptibly,

"I'm going to change clothes, you two will clean up the house."

Xiao Wu looked blank,

"Miss, we cleaned up this house three times a day..."

Leng Han stepped into the changing room.

"If you ask you to clean up, you can clean up, which is so much nonsense.

The voice behind has changed a bit,

"Put away those dolls, all!"

Xiaowu Xiaodie almost fainted, and looked around the room, looking at the thousands of big and small plush bears with dark skin and red faces in various styles.

"Miss, please forgive us. Take these bears. There is nothing else in your house... Even your bed is made of Kumamoto bears..."

Just heard a loud bang in the fitting room behind the obsidian wall,

"Xiaowu Xiaodie! Believe it or not..."


The door opened.

Lin Chou poked his head in and scanned for a week, the expression on his face changed from doubt to surprise to speechless.

"Two, this is your lady's room? The old man asked me to come up... the old man can't remember the room wrong, right?"

The corners of Lin Chou's mouth twitched, and the feeling of being stared at with countless white eyes by the stuffed black bears all over the room was quite subtle.

Pitiful, who dares to believe that Leng Han’s room is actually in this style?

Xiao Wu yelled,

"Mr. Lin, yes, this is the lady's room, come in quickly!"

"Boom! Click!"

There were a few more explosions.

Lin Chou was stunned, wondering,

"what sound?"

Xiao Wu blinked.

"There is no sound, oh yes, the lady is changing clothes inside..."


The loud noise seemed to be accompanied by the sound of teeth grinding.

Lin Chou didn't come in or out, and asked in a low voice.

"Your lady changes clothes... has always been such a big move?"

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, and jumped playfully to draw Lin Chou in.

"Mr. Lin, sit down first--ah! Just sit on the big bear. Miss used to sit on that one before."

Lin Chou, in a cold sweat, was pushed by Xiao Wu Xiaodie into the "bosom" of the big bear who was so tall and sat down. He said that he was a cold tyrannosaurus. When he was a child, the plush toys were such a simple and rude race.

Under so many warm gazes, Lin Chou was uncomfortable, "Or I will..."


The door of the changing room was pushed open, and Leng Han, who had changed into a pure black dress, walked out with that shadow leopard fur cape.

Lin Chou was stunned.

The corners of Lenghan’s skirt at this time fluttered her hair like a waterfall, her cheeks were like ice sculptures, and her jade arms bullied the snow. The pure black mid-length leather boots and long skirt shawls perfectly created a cold aura, and the whole person was like It is a pencil sketch of a character on a clean white paper, only the difference between black and white, simple and gorgeous to the extreme.

Although he didn't understand why Leng Han suddenly changed his clothes, Lin Chou said sincerely.

"The skirt is very beautiful, why do you always wear heavy armor and military uniform?"

At the same time, trying to ignore the entire row of identical boots on the shoe rack behind the fitting room door.

Leng Han raised his eyebrows and glared at Xiaowu Xiaodie. The two girls were not afraid at all, and quickly slid away with a smile.

She bowed her head, "Thank you."

Suddenly Lin Chou didn't know how to speak.

"Uh...cough cough, nothing...then what, it seems that Mingguang is a little hot holding the shawl this season..."

Leng Han gave Lin Chou a white look.

"When you sent it, you said that Shadow Leopard's shawl is warm in winter and cool in summer."


Lin Chou scratched his head, did I really say this?



The two said almost indiscriminately, and they were stuck again in an instant.

Then, Leng Han's eyebrows were raised higher and higher, and he almost stood up, his eyes were icy cold and his anger soared.

Lin Chou was taken aback, **** it, won't you get angry right now?

In his horrified gaze, Leng Han picked up a Kumamon bear casually, and saw that the poor Kumamon bear had frozen into a frozen lump in a fraction of a second, raised his hand, and threw it out.

"Boom! Click!"

The door of the room was smashed into a big hole in an instant, and the fragments flew everywhere. Prince Leng and Earl Leng half-awkwardly showed their figures behind the big hole in the door, and greeted the two of them naturally with their heads under crushed ice.

"Oh... what... Hanhan, your dad and I want to tell you two to go downstairs for dinner..."

"Yes, yes, eat, eat."

After speaking, the two slid quickly, and Prince Leng’s angry roar came from the corridor.

"Asshole, just forget it, you can also be discovered!"

"Who knew Hanhan's ears are so good..."

"Dare to talk back? If it weren't for you, I might be able to hold my grandson today, idiot!"

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense...hanhan her..."

"Boom! Boom!"

When Leng Han heard this, he blushed with blood, and stomped his feet. The metal "streamer" spread out in an instant, and he rushed out from the door with the whole person. Then, there were earth-shaking screams and roars from downstairs.

Lin Chou hugged a Kumamoto bear with a face of ignorance, and muttered,

"Brother Xiong, why don't we go down together later? I'm a little scared..."

It took a full ten minutes before Lin Chou went downstairs.

There was no abnormality in the hall—except for a few obsidian floor tiles that were a bit new, and Prince Leng, Earl Leng, had dozens more bags on their heads.

Well, basically, Earl Leng has already gained weight.

Prince Leng glanced at Earl Leng with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said to Lin Sorrow with a smile.

"Come, come, Xiaolin, take a seat, come, come, serve food, have a drink!"

The servant quickly put a table full of dishes, said Prince Leng,

"Originally, I was thinking about borrowing some cooks from my old friend. Kobayashi, you are a food chef. When I heard that it was you, no one dared to come... It was just a bite of everyday meals, haha. "

Earl Leng murmured aside,

"What does it have to do with this kid? Who doesn't know that the most lack of cooks in the entire base city is our home and the Wei's home."

The rumors of Fatty Wei's exhausted cook have not been a day or two, it can be said that it is enduring and happy.

As for why the Leng family lacked a cook—Lin Chou didn't even dare to laugh, but dared not say anything.

Mr. Leng started to open the colorful snake king wine made from the jar of little green snake gall that Lin Chou brought, and said,

"Xiao Lin, don't look at Han Han, you know that you are yelling and killing. In fact, this girl is shy and tight-if you don't believe it, let her try not to move her fist. This girl is not good at talking, young people's world Our old guys don’t understand, just play around. If there is something about this girl that makes you unsatisfied, you should be beaten or scolded, and you don’t need to save face for the old man-if you can’t beat him, you just come to the old man. Me, huh! Women, you can't get used to it!"


Old man Leng flew to the other end of the hall in an instant, Leng Han caught the falling wine jar with one hand, put it on the table blankly, and smoothly pushed the glass of wine he poured to Lin Chou.


Lin Chou was cold and sweaty.

That's it? Still looking for you? Are you being beaten up in a team? !

"Ah, what... I don't know how to drink..."

Old man Leng patted the non-existent dust on his body, and returned to the chair casually and sat down.

"Man! How can I not drink! Huh... I drink... The little girl is looking out. Before the door is closed, she knows that the good things of the old man have been pushed out... Alas..."

"Crack, click."

A thick layer of ice spread along the old man’s legs. The old man shattered the ice layer and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Come on, try this dish, this is my favorite dish, braised anglerfish-if you say this fish, it's the best fish in the sea, especially anglerfish, blanch it with water and simmer it afterwards. , Stew until the fish liver is melted, and the liver particles are evenly hung on the surface of each piece of fish. It is best to eat. If the angler has no liver, it doesn’t matter if you don’t eat it. I’d better take this bite, Xiaolin. Ah! You are welcome!"

Earl Leng also said,

"Eat boy, what's wrong with dismissing my cold food?"

Leng Han's attention to these two sentences has "inadvertently" fallen on him several times.

Yes, it's just that the buddies haven't adapted to your old Leng family's way of getting along with each other?

——Before this guy thought his resistance was strong enough.

Lin Chou nodded and smiled reluctantly, before the chopsticks were stretched out.

"Come on, boy, have a drink with the old man."


One gritted teeth and stomped feet, one cup was gone.

"Good boy, come again!"

"Come again!"


Lin Chou has fallen to the ground.

Mr. Leng put down the wine glass in his hand, got up to hold Lin Chou's head, took a glass of wine and poured it down, the wine spilled most of it along the corner of his mouth.

"Huh, this won't work?"

He glanced at Leng Han and nodded in satisfaction.

"Children are affordable. Don't drink if you can't drink. Whoever, Xiaowu Xiaodie, help our uncle go upstairs to rest - Hanhan, you go up too."

Leng Han frowned and looked at Prince Leng, did not speak, and followed him.

Earl Leng suddenly became anxious when he saw his daughter's figure disappeared.

"Dad you..."

Prince Leng poured a glass of wine happily, "The wine Kobayashi brought here is really good, don't you taste it?"

"It's not... Dad..."

Prince Leng snorted,

"What is it called, eat."

Earl Leng grinned, "Dad, it's not appropriate for you to be this way. If this spreads out, Hanhan doesn't even want to face it, why would you..."


Prince Leng looked at his son like the second fool next door.

"The silly boy who brought you to the door, don't do it for nothing, Hanhan has no objection, you are arguing and arguing."

Earl Leng's eyes widened, "Then I can't let Hanhan send him up..."

"Boy Lin drank like that, what do you think he could do? You don't know the girl's temper, I'm happy that they are cooking rice and cooking mature rice, is it possible? I think you are sucking in the haze with the sea breeze. Is your brain rusty? The brain that depends on doing things, your set, save it!"

Earl Leng murmured, "My suit? My suit..."

Prince Leng took a sip of wine comfortably,

"Han Han's vision is pretty good, I'm up to this point, haha... If the two little guys are both Han Han's temperament, Tentengu's brain must be typed out. This Xiaolin, I think it is good."

Earl Leng received a reprimand for no reason, and said dissatisfied.

"I can't do it. I heard that this kid can even put down a Tier 6 alien beast. If Han Han follows him, he won't scold him, and he won't be able to beat him. If he gets into trouble, the girl will suffer more."

Prince Leng looked at him up and down,

"You are dead? You can't help you? Oh, yes, you guys can't fight either-so what's the use of you as an old man? It's better to recognize a Chinese cabbage as a dad, and you can do it when you are hungry. Take a bite out of your gluttony."


Prince Leng said again,

"People have also watched. Don’t be annoying with your family. If you look at you, you’ll be annoying. Go back to your place and do what you need to do. If the two of the Niu family dare to fool around, don’t blame Lao Tzu. Don't miss his old love of the cattle family."

Earl Leng smiled bitterly, "Dad, don't you know that Niu Lanqi's nature of admitting death is not ignorant of Niu Lanqi, who was able to turn over the base city decades ago, is it still the same now? I'm a soldier, what can I do to her? Let's talk about it, you But her elders—"

Prince Leng didn't scold anyone this time, and thought about it seriously.

"Well, then, you tell him that Yuesao miss her, and ask her to go to Yuesao to make a suit the next day."

Earl Leng spit out a sip of wine,

"Dad, don't you slap someone in the face, you..."

"What am I? Are you Lao Tzu or I'm Lao Tzu, the little girl has a movie, but it won't be a good thing, Lao Tzu is embarrassed to clean up her, she must recognize her own aunt and grandmother?"

Earl Leng's face glowed and grumbled.

"Good thing, why don't you miss me..."

Prince Leng said with his eyes crossed.

"You want to have a half-life in Hanhan, don't you still have the wealth laid down by Lao Tzu? Get out! Get out now, I'll be annoyed to see you!"

Earl Leng stood up with a black face, quickly picked up two jars of wine and ran away.

Prince Leng almost died of anger,

"Asshole, give me back Lao Tzu's wine! What if you have a lady on the sea, do you want to use it... I said your father, you dare to run? Stop!"

Earl Leng Sayazi galloped, her breath full of breath echoing in the depths of the mountains and forests.

"The grandson is standing now!"

"Earl Leng, little bastard, next time you dare to sneak back to see Lao Tzu without interrupting your dog legs! Steal Lao Tzu's wine? You deserve it too!!"

Earl Leng snorted, patted the wine jar like a baby, and felt satisfied.

"Old kid, little kid, really...when we come back next time, don't you remember this is still something wrong, huh, scare me, I have not been beaten these years."

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