Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 655: Escort, escort! !

Wandering Moben also wanted to wait for the dogs to eat and drink enough to give him a small holiday for his hand-picked dog king. As a result, Huskies are often more...naughty than anyone imagined...

The satiated Erhamen, Sa Huan, rolled, buried his bones, digged holes, demolished walls and hugged his thighs, and completely forgot about the dog king.

Wandering Moser shrank his body more than two meters, trying to compress his tendon into a relatively safe size, whispering,

"Linzi... hurry up, let's go, before they remember me... I feel like I haven't seen a bed for two centuries... I still want to go back to your place and drink two more bowls." Where's the hot pig's blood soup, a few more ambitions..."

Su Yourong looked pitiful, Shan Ye said with disdain,

"It's so useless, don't you know that Lin Zi only recognizes money but not people?"

After finishing talking, he deliberately swept his dirty fur coat up and down with disdainful eyes-well, this is also the most common way of friendly communication between hunters.

The wanderer patted the "fur" on his body,

"Hey, I really have money—Lin Zi, look at this, can you make it?"

The wanderer threw out a pile of stones, and Lin Chou took a look.

"I'm going... Sapphire?"

Although the source crystals of some alien beasts during the cataclysm had more thrilling and beautiful colors, this did not affect women’s pursuit of ordinary gems, such as gold, diamonds, beautiful jade and gemstones, even if there is no scientific research institute value, it will not be too much after all. Close to the people.

It is said that a lucky guy once picked up a rough emerald the size of a thumb somewhere in the wilderness, a very pure top gem, and sold it for an amazing price of hundreds of millions of circulation points.

The wandering demon waved his hands again and again,

"It's not a sapphire, it's an amethyst, it's just an amethyst with better color."

When the wandering demon said that, Lin Chou also felt that the color of the few finger-sized gems in his hand was slightly wrong. He thought it was the purple light of the sapphire against the flames, but it turned out not to be.

Shan Ye picked up one and looked at it decently,

"It's pretty, where did it come from?"

The wandering demon refers to the dogs of Sahuan,

"Marmots, I have chased these guys for so long. They weren't chased for nothing. Marmots dug very deep caves. They seem to love mountains with mineral veins the most. Some strange things can always be found in their caves. This amethyst is relatively common. I once saw a gold mine in a marmot cave, but the gold content of the ore was too low. The light color looks good and it is not worth refining."

Shan Ye sighed,

"Mad, as expected, three hundred and sixty lines are the top pick-this thing should be quite valuable. Looking back, I will ask the white rabbit to help you inquire, don't you like to enter the base city? Let him help you out. ."

The wandering demon smiled,

"That's good, that feeling is good."

When a few people were about to move forward, there was a roar of motors in the distance, and the shining car lights directly aimed at this side and drove in the direction of the few people.

Shan Ye said, blocking the dazzling light,

"My mother, it's really rude to be a young man now. I'm going to put it aside. In this situation, I didn't bring anyone to break the teeth of these boys."

The wanderer said,

"Come here directly? Don't even send the signal... Do you want to cheat us?"

Just like when Bai Qiongshou and Lin Chou met for the first time when they were chased by wolves, they had to carefully consider this. This was a wilderness, and if they encountered a bad temper, fighting directly would obviously exceed the possibility of helping.

Lin Shou is not a hunter. He doesn't want to know whether it is malicious or what is in it. He just swept his eyes.

"Huh? It seems to be the official hunting team of the garrison..."

There is no dangerous situation behind this group of hunter convoys, and the armor of the vehicles is as clean as new, not as if they have experienced battle.

The convoy came at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and soon stopped in front of a few people.

When the first person in the car got off, Lin Chou was taken aback.

"Leng Han?"

Leng Han twitched the corner of his mouth, he should have laughed.

"I saw it rolling from a distance, so I let the convoy drive over."

After waving his hands, the convoy of the garrison roared and left.

Lin Chou said,

"You have been on a mission again these few days, how come you came back from which direction-to the Tiankeng?"

Leng Han nodded.

"There are some problems that need to be dealt with. The scientific research institute has observed traces of animal tides. It is strange that the hunters haven't mentioned the phenomenon of large-scale gathering of alien beasts in the past few days?"

Lin Chou scratched his head,

"not sure..."

Leng Han fixedly looked at the campfire and the stone pot with scent remaining,

"What are you?"

"Oh, a group of marmots came over there and cut off the stream at the back of Yanhui Mountain. I came to deal with it and had dinner by the way-these dogs are under the management of the wandering demon. Don't do it!"

Leng Han raised his eyebrows.

"Puppies are still pretty cute."

What little dog?

Where is the puppy? !


Is Cold Tyrannosaurus talking about those two huh who are biting each other with blood?

What the hell...

Leng Han said nothing.

Lin Chou knew what was going on as soon as he saw this posture, and he saw this expression a lot.

"Go, go back to Yanhuishan-a few new Gamba lambs should be dry. You must have never eaten lamb with this flavor. The bacon has several legs that are in good condition. Haven't you had dinner?"

Leng Han pursed his lips, making a sound like a mosquito,


"Go ahead, let's go, don't be stunned."

There were two more people when I returned, but there was nothing to say.

The main reason is that Leng Han's aura is frozen there, and everyone else is busy keeping out the cold, where there is still the mind to talk and chat.

Su Yourongse shrank and hid her face on her naked waist.

"Sister Chizhi, she is..."

Shan Ye teased and whispered,

"That's your future teacher, it's not good to behave!"

What can I say in a low voice? All the evolutionists are present, and the ears are better than the spirits.

Leng Han's ears moved, and his face was coated with a layer of pink, but he didn't hear it.

Chi Chi thought about it for a while and said,

"Women, very powerful women, but they are a little short of body."

Lin Chou stumbled.

The cold sweaty eyes pointed directly at Chi, and the icy aura lingered.

"Who do you think is of poor stature?"

Chi is not afraid,

"Just like your tablet, in our blood **** tribe, it belongs to the third-class disability. If you want to be hidden at home by your elders, you can't go out to see people, shame!

Seeing that the two who had never been able to deal with each other were going to fight together, Shan Ye dragged the wandering demon straight back.

When the two girls fought last time, the wheel of the little treasure of the mountain master was killed by half, and he was scared.

Lin Chou rolled his eyes silently and stepped between the two of them.

"Hurry up, it's midnight, and I can't even eat dinner when I'm late!"

Well, the two of them gave Lin Chou face to let go of the dispute.

(Or is it the face of dinner?)

After returning to the small hall, the hunter who had been tired for a day had already stopped in the yard, it was quiet and peaceful.

Wu Ke, who had also been busy all day, turned around like a headless fly. Seeing Lin Chou and the others came back, it was the same as seeing a large freshly baked meatloaf falling from the sky.

"Eh, Brother Sorrow, you are finally back... and can you eat dinner..."

"What's the matter, are you hungry again?"

Wu Ke first greeted Leng Han respectfully.

"Lieutenant General Leng... can't you be hungry, I, I haven't eaten this day..."

Lin Chou scratched his head, "How do I remember that you had at least four meals today?"

"Nonsense! Me! Wu Ke, the most industrious and pragmatic scientific researcher of the Academy! Dedicated to work to make a small and indispensable contribution to Mingguang Base City, and I cannot extricate myself from it. Where can I have time to eat!

"Yes, you say yes..."

Lin Chou was busy tossing food, when Leng Han came, of course he had to eat ham.

"Huh? Where's my knife and fragrant square plate?"


"It's clearly in the cabinet."

It happened that the wandering demon and Shan Ye were sitting at the same table and chatting. Hearing Lin Chou's words, he couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong? What plate?"

Lin Chou said,

"It's a special square plate made of raw-sliced ​​ham, I remember it clearly put it here."

Shan Ye suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Wh, what plate?"

Lin Chou looked for it and said,

"You don't understand it, but it is a square plate made of two thousand years of age. It has been continuously used for hundreds of years. It is soaked by the fat of ham and has a strange fragrance on it, leaving this way. Dish, my raw sliced ​​ham is not a perfect dish."

Shan Ye groaned, mmp, just watching Lin Chou use it for cooking, I thought it was a seasoning...what's the origin of this?

But the boiled meat is so fragrant, I just drool when I think about it.

Speaking of it, after cooking it the last time, those boards seemed to be bent, holding a grass!

"Ah... I can't help letting Si Gouzi gnaw sneakily... That thing is rare? It sounds like it should be very valuable..."

Lin Chou said,

"That's not it, this board can support a cuisine before the cataclysm, saying that the value is not worth it!"

Shan Ye was sweating.

Lin Chou, who had been busy looking for things, didn't pay attention to Master Shan's words, but Leng Tyrannosaurus's suspicious gaze had swept across Master Shan's body - even in the bones.

Penetrates into the bone marrow and produces cold all over the body.

I said!

Escort, escort! !

Lord Shan is a bit square.

Lin Chou whispered,

"I won't be gnawed by the four dogs... Forget it, luckily this handsome still has some stock."

Yelled in my heart,

"Beep, beep, **** system, give this shopkeeper a board!"

Pretending to feel it, Lin Chou threw the thickly bundled board onto the chopping board.

The Lord Shan is completely dead,

"This... is that the thief you said was pulling the precious board... inventory? Didn't you really come in wholesale by ton?"

Lin Chou coughed and cut the camphor bark rope that was **** with the board.

"What do you know, do a business and love a business, it's okay if you don't have a little preparation? Doesn't it seem that the boss is very professional?"

It's quite professional...

Shan Ye was thinking about it for a while to go back and quickly destroy the corpses. Lin Chou knew that the incompleteness would cost him 8 million yuan. He is now very poor.

I made a table of dishes neatly, and bought a portion for Wu Ke by the way.

Lin Chou ceremoniously recommended Paye made of Gamba sheep,

"Leng Han, try this one that you haven't eaten first. This is Payer. Don't look at it smells bad, it tastes delicious! It has the same meaning as stinky tofu..."

The matured Payer has clear flesh-colored ruddy fibers, with some snowflake-like gray-white markings, and the strong smell can be smelled far away from the table.

Lin Chou scratched his head,

"The dried lamb that Sister Qing Yu ordered last time happened to have Gamba lamb in the store, so I made a few. You can try it first, how about it."


When Lin Chou was talking, when he turned his head, the torn shreds of Paye pork on the plate was gone!

Leng Han wiped the corners of his mouth casually,

"Anything else?"


"Yes! There are many more!"

Leng Han nodded.

"Herbs taste very good, and the more spicy flavor is even better."

Lin Chou nodded and took notes, and by the way tore a plate to the wandering demon and Shan Ye.

The wandering demon couldn't help covering his nose, looking very interested,

"Oh, this smell is really exciting."

Based on this taste alone, it is estimated that it cannot be associated with the beautiful red, white, and greasy shreds of pork on the plate.

He was not polite, just grabbed a hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

The sound of almost completely dehydrated mutton shreds breaking in the mouth is very clear, and it tastes full of chewing. The special meat and herbal flavor inspires a full mouthful, lingering and sweet, and it is daunting when it is not seen.

"Fragrant! This is a good thing!"

"But as Lieutenant General Leng said, it is indeed less spicy."

Shan Ye was unwilling to say,

"You guy, save me some... I haven't tasted it yet..."

Leng Han was eating the dish carefully cooked by Lin Chou with ham, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, looking very happy, but the exhaustion between the secluded eyes and eyebrows was beyond the salt storehouse.

"What's wrong, tired recently?"

Leng Han shook his head and nodded.

"The scientific research institute said that it was observing the traces of the animal tide. The garrison sent dozens of hunting teams to the wilderness to check but no information was found. This month, they have traveled almost 800 kilometers centered on Mingguang. My brigade Not here's troublesome."

Leng Han's brigade? What she said should be "I want you to die for three thousand"...

Lin Chou said,

"Beast tide? Mingguang has several beast tides every year. Why do you pay so much attention this year?"

Leng Han rubbed his eyebrows and looked at the ham on the plate. He seemed to lose his appetite when he dialed around.

"This year is different. There is a lot of trouble in the base city... the rebels... you also know... Moreover, there has been an unobservable haze sinkhole at such a close distance in the base city. Most of the main force of the garrison has been sent out and is already exhausted."

"If it's okay to find some traces of the animal tide, but I can't find anything, I always feel that something bad is about to happen."

Leng Han suddenly said,

"By the way, have you used up the things for you?"

Lin Chou nodded quickly.

"It's easy to use, thank you very much."

Leng Han didn't say a word, just glanced at him faintly.

Lin Sorrow scratched his scalp with an embarrassment on his face.

"Although you have Billowing and that golden thread flood, it is a wilderness after all. If the tide of beasts really comes, I will notify you in advance. You'd better go to the base city to avoid it."


Regarding this, Lin Chou personally felt that it was unnecessary, but he didn't have much to say, but he just nodded noncommittal.

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