Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 689: Save people

The garrison is not here this time, the old general Ye Mingye—the old man has suffered from a backache since he came back from the sea last time, and he has been embracing himself to cultivate at home.

The visitor was a black-faced man who had never seen him before, his face was full of beard and he didn't even wear a uniform, and his eyes were fierce.

This two-meter-tall, one-and-a-half meter waist muscular bump came up with two big mouths, and the nose and mouth of the driver comrade who had broken two legs and half of his **** bleeds, and his teeth fell by half.

"Wipe... finally saved it, and then slap me to death... unlucky..."

As soon as Lin Chou wanted to stop him, Sikong and Shanye held him back.

My eyes are already blind...Oh no, it’s the burned-out comrade driver, as if he felt the call of infinite love hidden in his two big mouths, and he woke up after arousing his spirits and crawling around his black-faced thighs. , Weeping with snot and tears,

"Captain...Is the captain you? Captain...oooh...It's really you! It's my's not that I'm blind, neither can you nor Captain Deng Yuan. .. woo woo..."

The black-faced spit star sprayed the poor driver all over his face,

"Hold it back to Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu's soldiers have no spoils! Like a man!!"

The driver supported the ground with one hand, raised his body hard, and roared loudly,


"Lao Tzu asks you, who is it that hurt Lao Tzu's soldier?"


Lin Shou was dumbfounded,

"Fuck, this is fine too?!"

I have to say that the discipline and glory of the garrison soldiers are really amazing, and sometimes they can act as adrenaline.

If there are people who dare to ask about these trivial messes when it’s a common hunter, the possibility that the person involved dragged the 18th generation of the interrogator’s ancestors and exploded together in situ - instead of asking both questions with him The beloved God personally received the same.

The Black Face Captain became more and more angry when he heard it, and several 360-degree turns and whip legs drew over. The driver comrade was kicked and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, but instead became more and more vigorous.

"The whip of this comrade captain can still invigorate blood and remove blood stasis? How come he gets more energetic as he kicks..."

Fortunately, the black face finally gave up fighting with the driver’s classmates, and squeezed a smile out of his slightly messy beard and walked over.

"Thank you Lin... Sir and everyone, who saved me."

Lin Sorrow,

"Uh...Where...Obviously you can whip your legs well..."

The black face stretched out his hand and shook his hand with Lord Lin Choushan, Sikong.

"The Second Hunting Team of the Garrison, Han Shen."


The three faces froze.

Cold... shit? Are you serious? !

Han Shendao,

"I've heard of Mr. Lin's name for a long time, but he has never seen him because of his busy military affairs. This time, Mr. Lau Lin is here."

Lin Chou waved his hand,

"Just call me Linzi, it's important to save people...The few people in the car can only be dealt with when Leng Han arrives."

Han Shen smiled bitterly,

"Yes, there is also that... the chicken. I hope that a few people will never mention it to others."

Shan Ye murmured,

"I'm still a guest under that chicken's butt--hasn't your boss mentioned this?"

Han Chen struggled with a face and brewed for a long time, before finally squeezing out a sentence.

"Cough cough cough... Huang... The prince is well-informed, and he is incomparable in the next Wufu."

Lin Sorrow, "..."

Sikong, "..."

Fuck, this diplomatic rhetoric is definitely sold now!

Shan Ye's old face was blue, white and black, and he froze there without saying a word.

What can you say to our Lord Shan, Ai Qing flat?

Fortunately, when the topic was terminated, the topic terminator himself happened to appear.

Lin Chou suddenly smiled,

"Huh? Leng Han, why did you arrive so soon..."

Leng Han froze for a moment, then twitched his lips, and gave Lin Chou the most vivid smile by her own standards.

I'm still a little nervous,

"I...I...on the way..."

Han Chen twitched the corners of his mouth. On the way, I thought it out because of you...

However, this guy is an old You Tiao who has been in the garrison for decades, and he instantly changed into an unusually serious expression (Well, according to reliable sources, Lieutenant General Leng himself, the guy who hates hippie smiles the most, breaks his leg at every turn. , Break his leg at every turn! The most amazing thing is that every time he returns his grandma is not the same leg!!), obviously the military rank is more than Leng Han, and I was surprised that a standard military salute came first.

"Lieutenant General Leng, don't gossip, please save my unsatisfied soldiers first!"

Looking at it from the perspective of Huang Dashan and Sikong, it was obvious that Leng Han's legs moved unnaturally, which seemed to be a prelude to a violent kick.

Leng Han nodded, walked to the ugly off-road vehicle and looked at the five people still alive in the vehicle.

"They were lucky. The attack was not a frontal hit, but not far behind the rear of the car... The flame was extinguished in an instant, but the least injured of them all lost at least 40 catties. The amount of meat, if you peel off the metal, I'm afraid their internal organs will suddenly flow out of their stomach...According to my perception of metal, they can maintain their vitality by sealing the internal organs and various...liquids inside."

Black face Han Shen blinked his eyes.

"Lieutenant General Leng... what can you say... a little bit easier to understand? I'm an old man, I don't understand!"

Leng Han frowned.

"That is to say, the parts of these people sealed in metal, especially the part of the body secreted or leaked oil, water, blood, and tissue fluid in the belly, rely on these tissue fluids and the original source free in them to maintain the internal organs. If the metal is stripped off, these liquids will no longer exist."

"They...will die?"

Leng Han nodded.

"The chance of death on the spot is very high. After all, they can almost be said to be a skeleton-even their brains are half-done, and their survival depends on the hard support of the evolutionary body. Without the ability to digest, I am afraid that the essence of the magic plant The effect is minimal."

Han Chen is also a little fictitious, "This..."

Lin Chou spoke at this moment,

"Or, leave them a little metal'coating'? I have a dish, which is pig blood soup. It does not need the digestive system to digest and absorb. It can support their current state. There is another dish. .. It’s a bit slow to make them grow their limbs again, but after all, the bones are still there, and it’s easy to grow more meat and fat."

Leng Han raised his eyebrows.

"That's fine, but are you sure it's useful?"

Han Chen suddenly became excited.

"Really? What kind of dish is so powerful?"

Lin Chou knocked on the empty iron bucket-it was previously filled with pig blood soup.

Han Shen immediately made a decision,

"Lieutenant General Leng, then I will trouble you! It has become like this, it seems...there is no other way."

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