Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 781: On the Sense of Being

"so what!!"

Liu Renjun's face was full of hideousness, no longer the gentleness he was before, and he stretched out three fingers.

"Three million, a full three million civilians are in my hands, you know that if I think about it, they are willing to die for me!"

It's a shame to say that, except for the blood corpse group, Liu Renjun can now come up with good cards besides ordinary people or ordinary people.

Ordinary people are the foundation of Mingguang. Liu Renjun does not believe that there will be any two hundred and five in Mingguang high-level who dare to ignore these three million people. If they are not there, even if this beast tide passes through, everything of Mingguang will be in an instant. It collapses in time, saying that a hundred years of regression is light.

After occupying an uptown area, Liu Renjun was almost deeply moved by the ruthlessness and shamelessness of the high-level Mingguang, who would have expected them to do so amazingly. There are two or three cats in the entire uptown area, almost half of them. There are no valuable guys—look at what people are left in that place, big families, small families, rich families, and richer families, damn!

Liu Renjun could think of using his tail vertebrae. If someone like that is held as a hand card, no one will take a second look. Even the property of the held fellow will be happily accepted the next day. The beams of their house will soon appear on a post-disaster reconstruction construction site in Mingguang.

In the two hundred years of Mingguang, Shangcheng District has been completely undefended. The ghost knows how many families like this easily disappear. They all say that they are rich and unkind. You have to look at the attitude of Mingguang's high-level leaders, even if you just think about it. It makes people feel chilly in the back.

What's more, the city walls had already collapsed. How could the two super gift bags that he had worked so hard to toss over without even hearing a sound?

This is not physical!

Liu Renjuan couldn’t figure out how Mingguang did it. He had studied almost every awakened information he had on his hands, and he thought about it carefully before he figured out such a unique scheme. No matter what, two neon dragons will have to do it. It's a little bit fruitful, 300 tons, even if you throw it into the black sea, you should set off a few meters of waves!

Over there, General Ye Lao gave Liu Renjun enough time to think, and Fang replied,

"Little friends, we might as well sit down and talk, oh, I think you seem to be waiting for someone, in a hurry?"

At this moment, countless evolutionists on the second wall came out with a word mmp, mother of a big watermelon, that’s why they are generals, let’s stand here staring-see Liu Renjun’s expression, Ye Lao’s words are Every sentence is poking my heart!

Liu Renjun raised his hand, took a deep breath to stop the suffocation of his chest, and then put his hand down-he didn't want anyone to see the perfect planner Liu Renjun needs to caress his chest to stop the heart's colic.

Liu Renjun's face reappeared with a smile,

"Heh, General Ye, would you like to come out and see?"

He was betting that the guys in Northwest Wolf City were only consciously "late". Those guys were bloodthirsty and would not refuse to run over to make up at Mingguang's most critical moment. The reason for being late was nothing more than that. It's just as timid as a mouse, fearing the tide of beasts and wanting to take advantage of it.

So what? His analysis will never go wrong!

Wait for the **** soldiers of the Northwest Wolf City to descend from the sky, and see how Mingguang's guys deal with themselves.

Therefore, Liu Renjun didn't mind waiting for a while at all - he could wait and wait, the longer he waited, the better the situation would be for him.

And Mingguang will completely fall into the dark and **** abyss step by step.

At the temporary command post, General Ye Lao stood out among a bunch of messy voices, with a man and a woman, two old servants who couldn't move on their old roads.

"Lao Ye, no, we should consider the long-term plan, and the long-term plan!"

"Yes, yes, that blood corpse... you have seen the report from the research institute, it is terrible!"

General Ye Lao waved his hand.

"Whether it's Mingguang or Liu Renjun, it needs a little time to buffer. Heh, I'm just an old guy. He can do what I do. Wait, I'll go and chat with that little friend for a while."

"By the way, let people go to the Gao family quietly by the way..."

After a few steps, General Ye Lao turned around and said,

"Well, if I can't come back, I will remove Ye Ming's **** title and put it in the base city. Until I give birth to ten grandchildren, the door is not allowed to let him out. Tell him this is Lao Tzu's order, dare not to listen, and directly beat him to death."


General Ye Lao shook his head as he walked out.

"Oh... I really can't live up to it... I'm so worried..."

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Liu Renjun and General Ye Lao moved a table and put tea on the table, and they chatted happily against the gate of the second wall.

In this scene, everyone was stunned for a while-what a lunacy is not counted, now two of them ran out, how is this whole? !

Not to mention that every second on the second wall is pregnant with ghosts and drags one second to one second, and Lin Chou is in big trouble here.

Of course, the trouble did not mean that the warlock was mutagenized by Miss Wei, but that the evolvers couldn't hold it.

The tide of beasts is endless, and the manpower is endless.

After a whole day of fighting, even if it was three squads going back and forth, the speed at which the evolutionary learned the origin and the physical fatigue could no longer be hidden.

The defense line of the Mingguang Three Walls is really too long, but there are only more than one hundred thousand evolutionaries, and the throughput of the beast tide on the city wall has reached an astonishing level at every moment.

However, surprises also followed.

Continuous high-intensity battles and pure high-level alien beasts’ energy replenishment allowed the original source in the evolutionary body to accumulate and activate to a certain limit. Almost every two minutes on the city wall, an evolutionary breakthrough stage position, and there are one everywhere. A tired but jubilant face.

It is an extraordinary enjoyment to watch others break through, especially when the next breakthrough is likely to be yourself.

And then a team under different banners did not know where they came out, there are the Xue family of Bafanglou and the family of different food shops...In short, all the teams are all famous food chefs named by Mingguang. Coming.

Old Xue didn't see it, but the buckets of soup made by Old Xue's pros had already been opened and the fragrance was scented everywhere.

"Heroes of Mingguang, made by Master Xue from Bafang Tower, the hazel chicken and mountain ginseng soup that nourishes the body and quickly restores energy and spirit is delivered!"

This year, wild ginseng is not a rare and valuable thing. Anyway, it is completely different from before the cataclysm. They are all pure wild ginseng, emmmm, which is naturally raised. It is rare to be able to produce artificially cultivated ginseng now.

The effects of restoring physical strength and the degree of deliciousness are real. The evolutionaries who changed their defenses went down and drank them, and they were full of praise-nonsense, if anyone has eaten the large pieces of meat that the gang processed before, boiled and mixed with mud and sand. If you eat this with wild vegetables, those who can not swallow your tongue are considered reserved.

Hey, Boss Lin said he was ashamed that he didn't think it was because he would do business.

Uncle Warlock squatted half-dead toward the root of the city wall with his cuffs in his hands, and he was almost putting a broken bowl in front of him. In short, he was born with no love.

After thinking about it, Lin Chou suddenly felt that Miss Wei and Lord Warlock were still a good match-emmmmm, at least more suitable than Wen Zhongjiu, he didn't know that Fat Master was not satisfied with this combination.

Wei Tianxing squinted Lin's sorrow with his eyes.

"I said you kid, what's the bad thing about holding back?"

Lin Chou answered the wrong question,

"Fat man, I have a question... When did Miss Wei and Warlock meet?"

Wei Tianxing tilted his head and thought for a long time.

"It seems to have happened more than ten or twenty years ago, when Qing Yu was still young, what happened when she learned needlework with her grandmother Yuet?"

Lin Chou "emmmmmm" for a long time, revealing a smile that made Wei Tianxing feel quite disturbed.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, just just ask casually, don't worry about it."


Wei Tianxing's lungs are going to explode. Why do you keep Lao Tzu's mind from your expression like this?

People, men, and middle-aged and old men often have an instinct that seems to originate from the depths of their souls. This thing is not rare, but anyone with a daughter can often produce this kind of similar to "there will always be the people who will kill me." Emotions.

Well, that is, "There are always a few stinky guys who don't look good and don't have hairy bills in their pockets, who are generally inconsistent, but feel good about themselves, who want to be my hairy son-in-law."

Very hateful, very terrible, very disgusting.

In short, I can’t even think of this kind of thing. The fat man is now so fat. Just turning his thoughts in that direction, he feels that his three indicators have suddenly jumped up a lot, from three high to three. Huge height.

Whether it’s a caring little padded jacket or a sheepskin army coat, the one that is properly placed in your own home must be called the pearl of the palm. If, in case, one day, the little padded jacket is really worn by someone else, no matter who it is, the proper one must be called The Pearl is in the dust!

What Wei Tianxing fears most is this kind of vision-the instinct derived from the soul tells him all the time, covet, this is the covet of Hong Guoguo!

The fat master resisted his heartache, and suddenly suffocated a word after tangling for a long time.

"You kid...Although it's a bit greedy, but it's...After all, it's too rare for my baby to be such a beautiful and excellent girl, but you can consider... barely passing, um, what are you going to do with the cold girl? "

Lin Chou took a gulp of blood on this fat uncle's face, damn, this is not just a generation gap, okay, it's already in communication across the dimension wall, right? What the **** did this fat man just make up for?

In short, after a mess of exchanges, the topic was completely distracted.

Wei Tianxing glanced at the back.

"Boy, don't you go to have a bite of soup?"

Huang Dashan, the shameless goods, grabbed a bucket from nowhere, carried a bucket full of soup as a host, and greeted acquaintances with his fate.

Lin Chou sighed. There is no such thing as going home to cook in this tide of beasts all over the mountains. There is also a sunfish at home and a neon dragon hanging outside~!

It hurts when I think about it. How long is it to be a boss?

Huang Dashan hadn't forgotten the warlock who had funded himself a soup and a meal when he was impoverished, sitting in a row at the base of the city wall holding a big bowl and potted plants.

"Come and have a bowl of soup and a bowl of soup to replenish the vitality."

Regardless of whether or not the warlock was caught in the air, the answer of the warlock himself is quite representative.

"Don't drink it! I heard that hazel chicken and mountain ginseng have beauty effects..."

Huang Dashan returned for a long time, and the **** was thinking about it, so he couldn't help but persuade.

"Hey, you see everyone Bai, physically disabled and strong... It doesn't seem right. Anyway, you learn from others. Besides, Master Warlock, you were originally a spirit body. Boys and daughters are true to you. Is there a difference?"

The warlock looked up, very excited,

"The difference is big!!"

I added one more vaguely,

"The woman is coming to my aunt..."

Huang Dashan, you, me, me, him and him for a long time, finally couldn’t help laughing and became a fool.

"Well...Langli Baitiao Bai Shiba has a way not to come to his aunt for ten months. Will it be free of charge? Let’s find out?"


Um, with the current popularity of Bai Qiongshou, it is estimated that this method would have to be booked in advance from a large number of women in the base city.

When Huang Dashan thinks about it, he sings in his mouth, Niang Xipi, this thing is really a skill? Why is it so popular!

The trio of people, you look at me and chat with each other, and they are very enthusiastic, looking at Lin Chou and Leng Han here with a dull face, but after all, the warlock seems to be really not as desperate as before-this should be a good thing ?

There was a sound of rock cracking from the top of the city wall, and then a giant, ugly toad-like beast smashed down together with a figure, and fell to the side of Huang Dashan with a bang.


Bone cracking sound.

As soon as it landed, a surging source of coercion diffused.

Just listen to the figure under the toad, sucking in the air and saying,

"Mountain... Lord Shan... You are not authentic, why don't you... pick me up..."

Chen Qingyu crawled out from under the toad with a broken leg, grabbed the soup bowl from Shan Ye and drank it.

The Lord Shan is righteous and confident,

"You can pick it up, but I don't know if you can break the step without falling like this."

Chen Qingyu lay on her back, waiting for the vigorous vitality to restore her broken leg, with a rather casual expression.

"I... was smashed by this toad, do you understand that smashed!"

Huang Dashan asked,

"I said, where's your wife?"

Chen Qingyu looked around and scratched his head.

"It should be at the north gate, we met just now."

Chen Qingyu complained,

"Mingguang people are really stingy, they are reluctant to use the active crystal cannon, don't you need money for manpower?"


Chen Qingyu seems to have nothing serious besides spending money and not being afraid of his wife. The scene is human, so Shan Ye and others have a good relationship with this kid.

When they came, they really thought of packing Lin Chou away (although many acquaintances insisted that this was sent by the black army to give Lin Chou a gift and walked the back door to behave), and now I feel at ease and live in the bright light. Well, just take the initiative to participate in the posture of defending the city in the beast tide, and everyone has to raise their thumbs and say that the second generation of black J is really good.

Chen Qingyu saw Lin Chou and smiled.

"Boss Lin, Master Lin, seeing you here means you don't have to eat that pot of meat that can be used to build walls?"

Shan Ye muttered,

"I seriously suspect that this kid fell from here on purpose."

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