Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 784: Finally shines (below)

As the water vapor gradually dissipated, the people really saw the situation in the cauldron:

Every piece of meat in the pot is like a combination of the purest rainbow twisted into fine silk threads and then woven into muscle texture. The strands are crystal clear, and at the same time glowing with a thrilling light.

Any piece of meat is shining like a gem, very delicate.

It is said that Shen Daru has a piece of invaluable jade "Broiled Pork", and he would not easily take it out for friends to watch. Today, everyone is an eye-opener-this pot of meat is just taken out, and it must be a hundred times more magnificent than that jade. Right?

The pieces of meat float and sink in the eye-catching color of magma, swaying out circles of gorgeous color precipitation.

The broth is not transparent, but more colorful light is refracted upwards from the bottom of the pot, like a light bulb of several kilowatts is placed inside, and the light that penetrates is spread on the surface of the broth, so this pot of broth More and more mysterious.

No one on the scene could keep calm after seeing this scene-I'm afraid it was used to fool people. This is the elixir of the elixir of jelly and jade, and everyone believes it.

Lin Chou swallowed the waterway,

"It seems that someone told me that the more beautiful mushrooms are, the more toxic...then this pot of soup..."

A bunch of potted shots aimed at the cauldron is the whole set of long shots, for fear of missing any frame.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, shocked, curious, shocked, and unbelievable. They all waited for Lin Chou to give an answer.

In the past, although the food made by various food chefs in the base city has magical effects, there is no such thing as this pot of meat with its own lighting effects. So, why don't you try with a bgm?

Wei Tianxing’s full-eyed fanaticism quickly faded, changing into a tragic and solemn expression, and he said quickly.

"I'm coming! You are still young, there is still a long way to go in life, do it and cherish it... But the old man is a man who has tasted the poison of life, I do not go to hell, whoever goes to hell, like this extremely dangerous thing Please give it to me, let me try this pot of meat for everyone! You don’t have to persuade, the old man has decided, if there is a long and two shortcomings, please take care of my baby girl—— Oh, yes, my daughter, you have a will in your pair of embroidered slippers in our shoe cabinet, if I really hang up which one will hack to death for me, the whole family property of the squat surnamed Wen will be divided into half, and all the contents are true and effective. Just passed!"


The amount of information is so great that when a group of people's brains are still in a mess, Wei Tianxing rushed to the pot when they didn't react.

But it was a pity that Lin Chou blocked him back.

Lin Chou used a spoon to scoop a piece of meat into his mouth, smacking his lips, and toasting the soup by the way.

Then, his face became extremely weird.

Wei Tianxing was in a hurry,

"You... boy, are you okay?"

Lin Chou did not speak in a daze.

This frightened everyone,

"Fuck, don't be really poisonous!"

"You are saying something..."

After a while, Lin Chou smiled bitterly and shook his head, and filled himself with a large bowl of meat.

"It's nothing, it's just... a little unexpected... try it out."

When everyone saw that Lin Chou didn't seem to be a sign of myocardial infarction with foaming at the mouth, they hurriedly rushed to you to fight for me.

It's been a whole day, and I didn't eat anything except for some yellow mud stew at the beginning. I was already hungry.

Shan Ye was the first to grab a bowl, pick up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, saying in his heart,

"Misty grass Misty grass, it's so awesome, this special piece of meat looks like an enhanced +13 special effect, I am afraid that every piece of meat has been enchanted?"

After one bite, Lord Shan was immediately embarrassed.


The thick gravy splashed, and the meat was fragrant and unspeakable.

There was absolutely nothing to say about the smell, but—he didn't bite.


Everyone made the same sound, and it felt like everyone had suddenly become a large group of old men and grandmothers who had just inserted dentures and chewed up the rubber bands seriously.

No one spoke, everyone was struggling to fight the neon dragon meat in their mouths.


Wei Tianxing chewed while talking.

"This neon dragon meat is so powerful, it doesn't bite off even if you just chew it off? Hiss...not only does it keep on biting, why does the taste in this meat get more and more full?"

"Well, it's fragrant and spicy. The last thing the forest put in is the branches of wild pepper? This taste is too domineering!"


"This is the best cauldron stew I have ever tasted. There is no one."

Lin Chou shrugged, this was obviously an aura added.

A pot of glowing stew might have fascinated the eyes of these guys. Lin Chou himself had eaten a piece. Except for the more meaty taste, the more the meat tasted, the taste of this neon dragon was really average. A place that shines.

Huang Dashan was suddenly stunned and waved in disbelief.

"How do I feel... kind of weird..."

Then, an earth-yellow light burst from the palm of his hand,

"Kacha Kacha"

Shan Ye's whole person and a small area around him quickly petrified under the light, covered with a layer of hard stone shell, he looked fat all around, opened his mouth, crackling stone fragments fell straight down. ,

"Fuck... this this this is..."

Everyone was stunned.

Then they felt that there was a strange force in the body that could be driven,

"I also seem to..."


For a while, the light of various colors burst out from everyone.

After the light ceased, they couldn't help but laugh when they looked at each other's appearance.

"Fuck, fat guy, you... why are you green?!"

"Damn, where do you think you're so good, Zi Bu La Ha is like an eggplant."

Only Wei Qingyu stared at her hand,

"Dad...look at it exactly the same as Neon Dragon's neon technique?"

Not only the hands, but Wei Qingyu's whole body has become a colorful glass sculpture.

Everyone could see the extremely agile and subtle expressions on her neon face, the lightly trembling colorful eyelashes and the hazy light reflected in the pupils, as if there was no change at all except for the perception.

Compared with Shan Ye who flicked and dropped the stones and scum, Wei Qingyu appeared to be stunned and solitary.

Everyone turned their eyes to Lin Chou.

Lin Chou whispered in an unbelievable tone.

"Uh... it's actually neon technique-pirated."

"Red orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, from low to high, from a single color to a multi-color neonized'stone skin'. The hardness of the'stone skin' is different. Obviously Qingyu sister is the top seven colors. Provides 15% more defense, which is 1.5 times the amount of defense. Every time one color is reduced, the defense power is reduced by 10%, and when the second color is 10%, it is exactly doubled; only a single color is not a “neon” but a “stone skin”. It ranges from 10% to 70%; the disadvantage is that while strengthening the defense, it will also increase the weight accordingly. As for how much you have gained, you still feel it yourself."

Who cares about that!

"How much did you just say...? An extra 1.5 times? Not 1.5%?"

Everyone knows that Lin Chou's 200,000 circulation point starter is only a 30% defense, and it has more than five times this time?

A group of people's eyes are as hot as flames.

Lin Chou hurriedly waved,

"It has nothing to do with me, it should just be the inheritance of Neon Dragon's talent."

Lin Chou broke off a stone from the cuff of the Lord Shan, and crushed it to powder.

"There is no way to compare the defensive power of the Neon Dragon itself. This piracy is a bit low. It is actually calculated based on the evolutionary's own physical defense."

Wei Tianxing groaned,

"Could the Neon Dragon's neon technique itself be such a calculation method?"

Lin Chou shook his head.

"Impossible, even the neon technique that can be turned into a solid gravitational field is not so weak."

Everyone nodded, but they were still very excited.

The terrible neon technique of the neon dragon body?

Are you kidding me, don’t think about it at all!

Lin Chou pondered for a while, and added,

"Oh, by the way, you can repeat the activation every time you eat, the color is random, until the top seven colors, it will not drop-hehe, first congratulations to Qingyu sister, one step is in place."

"I can only see so much about the pirated neon technique now. After you have used it for a while, don't forget to let me know if you find something special so that I can add it to the menu. "

After speaking, he squeezed his chin and fell into contemplation.

"I feel that the level of neon technique may have something to do with the degree of numbness and spiciness. After I go back, try a few more times. There may be unexpected surprises."

A group of people were silent for a while, Wei Tianxing waved to call in the logistics people,

"Preserve the meat in the pot and give it to other people. Each person will take a small bite. Divide as many portions as possible, and count as much as you can... They will know the benefits after eating."

After speaking, he made an apologetic gesture to Lin Chou,

"Don't blame Fatty, I'm good at advocating, but this dish... is too timely."

Lin Chou doesn't have any comments.

"Yes, then let me cook a few more pots, no matter what, I have to divide it up."

Wei Tianxing was moved and rejoiced and felt that Beier had face, patted Lin Chou on the shoulder, and said nothing.

Everyone knows that after the animal tide, this young dieter’s status in the base city is going to be a big step up-what is the concept that the overall defense power of a hundred thousand evolve is increased by at least 10%, especially in In the beast tide, there is almost no difference between directly increasing the chance of survival by the same amount!

Shan Ye is responsible for cutting the meat. This product is really "satisfying as a hair". Did you cut all the meat into the size of peas? I didn't forget to raise my head and ask.

"Eat it will be effective? Am I cutting a bit too big..."

Lin Chou nodded solemnly.

"Actually you can be a little smaller..."

Still young? No matter how small it is in your mouth, can you still find it!

Lin Chou laughed,

"Just kidding, one bite is enough, I guess about ten grams is enough to produce an effect."

The Lord Shan bared his teeth, looking at Bi Lin Chou, he felt distressed.

"Ten grams multiplied by one hundred thousand people is one million grams, so there is no whole ton of hundred thousand people's neon technique, we just give it so for nothing? The prodigal is not so defeated. What?!"

After practicing potted plants for a while, he succeeded in mastering the neon technique of yellow and green.

Hearing that he was very disdainful,

"When I go out, don’t talk about knowing my grandmother. I can’t afford to lose that person. I’m so impressed with Zhu Zhechi that it’s not useful for you. Think about it with your undegraded tailbone. Brother Sorrow this time. Sex provides everyone with physical defenses ranging from one to fifteen percent, but please note that not everyone can be as lucky as Sister Qingyu to the soul. If I remember correctly, it ranges from single color to double color. The effect is 30% worse, right? Is Shifu's want to change into'neon'? Is Yishi's want to change into two, three, four, five, six or seven colors? This is a life-saving thing, so many fools!"

Huang Dashan was suddenly stunned.

"I... said... the forest is going to make a profit?"

The potted plants showed a cunning look,

"Eh? It's random, right... Brother Chou, don't forget to let Master Warlock sit down and return to the mountain, hehe, grandma, I still don't believe it..."

There was a chill in the crowd.

The warlock sits down, let these 100,000 evolvers try their luck one by one? ?

——You are so daring, you are lacking in virtue!

Looking at Lin Chou's expression again, it was a look of surprise and a sudden enlightenment. Everyone felt that the eyes were dark, and the head of Hulunbeier's girl film was lost on the spot.

Huang Dashan seemed unfinished,

"Is there a limit on the number of times? How about 20% off for the first time in a day, the original price for the second time, and double the price for the third time? Hehehe..."

Lin Chou rolled his eyes.

"What do you think, so many times it's impossible-it's still not clear, and I need to go back and see it later."

One is that Lin Chou thinks about the long flow of water, and the other is that the urinary nature of the slumber system will definitely be turned back even if the animal tide is not present now, so of course you can't say it hard, otherwise what will happen?

Shan Ye blinked,

"This thing is so rare, it's still a question whether this neon dragon can meet the next one after eating it...hehehe...we can't suffer."

The eyes of a group of people wandered back and forth between the Lin Chou Huangdashan potted plants, as if they were wondering who would be more reasonable to shoot to death first.

——Knock inside, eat lemon!

Who on earth brought these three **** together? What kind of sins did we Mingguang evolve ever commit in the past life!

Kong Yi suddenly turned his head and said to an evolutionary member who belonged to the Generative Committee,

"Who, don't tell Qin Yuanfeng what happened today, if he knows about this, the fragile brain nerves can directly collapse and reorganize."


It's okay for Kong Yi not to say it, when he said that the group of people laughed out of breath.

Talking about gloating,

"Tsk, I want to say that Secretary Qin really broke his heart for our boss Lin..."

"Yeah, it's hard to make Lin Zi spend a lot of money on the auction floor, and he will make money back when he turns around. Secretary Qin's heart is afraid of dripping blood."

"Happening is really enough...Isn't it just one person? No matter how young...cough cough, how much can you save?"

The person who was named by Kong Yi and who was named by the surname gave a wry smile and whispered quietly,

"Everyone, have you ever seen someone who only made a suit at Grandma Yue's for half a year, and the remaining half of them didn't leak out?!"


Lin Chou cast his eyes wide,

"I can really hear it."

There was an awkward cough.

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