Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 791: Axe in Class (Part 2)

To talk about the current state of the warlock-emmmm, it is not easy to express, because just now this goods came to the money while it was hot.

To be precise, it was snatched from the paw of Lord Billowing.

Lin Chou was really taken aback when he watched Billow and was about to put the whole money in his mouth and chew it, and shouted on the spot.

Fortunately, the warlock's eyes were quick and his hands quickly apparated, and he took the opportunity to take two bites by the way.

mmp, Kuokun is just such a bloodline ability. If it converts the gravity field into a strength value, it won’t even get 8 million points. Mingguang, those guys who are expecting Kuokun as an air defense system, will have to cry on the spot. .

What? Did the warlock steal it? Oh!

God knows which skills the Uncle Warlock has been sealed off or which skills have been changed and what attributes, Lin Chou didn't even have time to look at the warlock and "boom" for a while.

However, seeing the appearance of the silver flame beauty who is nearly ten meters high suddenly dancing on the chubby head, it should be an explosion of attributes, right?

Lin Chou smoothly squeezed the peeling gray mist produced by the apparition, and it didn't feel much to the touch.


"As expected, it was made according to the model of Sister Qingyu... It's much more beautiful than the green fel fire..."

The potted plants mumbled in a crying voice,

"Even the phantom limbs and **** are so hot! Can it be swollen..."

Uncle Warlock was very angry, very angry.

The low-level evolutionary's presence in front of the high-level evolutionary is usually regarded as a provocation, and the rolling adults still have a sense of territory-taking advantage of my warlock's weakness to regain the blood, any big cats and three or two daring to come to your warlock uncle’s territory and jump 'S in the wild?

Insult this warlock with such crude and lowly tricks one after another and **** mental storm? !

——So Master Warlock rolled up his sleeves and put down his hood.

Use a little more professional adjective to describe the current state of the warlock:

Muscles, majestic hair.

He has a male dog's waist and can run horses on his arms.

——Of course, the above are the visual effects of the astral simulation.

There are really two ponies running around on his arm.

The two huge curved horns are burning with fiery fire, and the silver flame beauty is fluttering in the flames. Every movement is full of exotic style, and even the subtle expressions on the face are full of charm. There is more aura flashing in it, like a living thing, it seems that the increase of mental power has an unexpected effect on the silver flame beauty.

The warlocks under the silver flame beauty are not so harmonious:

This is a very weird, foggy muscular man. From outside the striped pectoralis major of the gray process, you can directly see the deltoid muscles of the back - there is not even a bone under that muscle.

The flames in his scarlet eyes scorched people, and Liu Renjun's spiritual storm was directly wiped out with a wave of his hand.

The outbreak of this undifferentiated and large-scale mental storm is as conspicuous as a filthy beast pulling **** under his eyelids to a mental power such as a warlock, and it makes him nauseous-or Twice in a row.

There is nothing worse than this behavior, no!

Tigers don’t send cats. Are you in critical condition as an uncle?

The rough voice of the warlock is still the feeling of 10,000 old estruses showing the love that is so affectionate, he said,


Liu Renjun, who was in a violent state, could still hear a faint "hello" of less than twenty decibels, which was similar to the noise of electric current.


The fel fire on the two giant horns of the warlock rushed directly into the chimney of the steel furnace.

An old evolutionary grabbed a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and licked it.

"Well, he has successfully angered Master Warlock."

The evolutionary on the wall was shocked,

"Oh, this is going to be the rhythm of an **** wave."

"Tsk tusk, I was still thinking about that person's spiritual talent, I'm afraid that no one can cure him... Why did you forget Lord Warlock... It's been a long time since I've seen Lord Warlock and someone singled out."

"I'm going, I'll go, why did the uncle Warlock come? This, this... how does he dare to ignore the uncle Warlock?!"

"This stuff is dead."

Well, the so-called heads-up... everyone knows...

Among the Mingguang Evolutionists, there are many people with muscle bumps in their brains. Of course, there are also brain cells like Shan Ye that are directly in the shape of a sharp axe.

Just such a group of people gather together. It is as natural as eating and drinking water without confirming their eyes. It is as natural as eating and drinking. It is not too much of a challenge to fight life and death. Not only the evolvers are used to it, but the ordinary people are in the street. I won’t be surprised to see it on the show, it’s serious to find a small bench Maza and watch them happily.

The upper part can't control this, um, I don't bother to control it.

If you don't kill people, you love toss and toss and go, and you don't know where to make progress.

The old man who eats melon seeds,

"What a long time, there were eight guys who challenged Master Warlock last year!"

"Huh? Why never heard of it!"

The old man Guazi disdainfully said,

"Hey, that's your ignorance."

"Uh...were beaten up?"

The old man smiled,

"They were all killed!"


The people around him took a breath.

The old man added,

"Oh, I remembered it wrong. Seven of them were killed-the last one choked to death while eating meat sandwiches on the way to the venue."

Mahler is a big watermelon, no wonder there is no sound of wind coming out!

"No matter what happens?"

The old man of melon seeds clicked his mouth to feel the saltiness of melon seeds,

"Well, don’t care. Uncle Warlock’s unpaid taxes and fines are now ranked first in the entire base city, including those big families—a total of 189,867,434. One hundred and fifty-four circulation points."


Lao Tzu is wrong, even breathing is Lao Tzu's fault!

In fact, most Mingguang people do not report any malice to the "black households" who do not enter the city, the nomads in the wilderness, various tribes and so on (although they still cut with knives and axes during conflict), but basically nothing biased.

Mingguang is very receptive to foreign illegal households. The process of setting up a Mingguang account is basically over an hour or so. Even when Mingguang has just established a relatively small population, it has adopted certain methods that cannot be used.

Can you imagine:

A group of Mingguang evolutionists squatted in a small black room with their arms and net sleeves frantically shouting slogans such as "effort, struggle, population, future, more children and fewer trees", and then formed a group to engage in MLM in the wilderness. .. Uh, no, the gang went to the wilderness to talk about the "black households", and when the truth was unreasonable, they immediately stunned the opponent and carried them back to the brainwashing with a body of tendon and original armor.

This leads to the extremely complicated composition of Mingguang. This is how the famous "Pilaso" family who was beaten up on Lushan Mountain came to Mingguang.

Having said so much, in fact, there is only one meaning I want to express:

Isn't it better for everyone to love each other and the family in such a big world and so few living people?

The world has become such a ghost, and the entire human race may be cold at any time. Do you want to do this? !

If possible, Mingguang is willing to accept anyone to live in the city and welcome with his hands and feet—but not in such a way at least.

It's okay to have dinner at the table, but you have to lift the table so that everyone has no food, this is a bit **** good!

Then another meaning came out,

"Master Warlock, hammer him!"

"You're so tender~"

"Anus him!!"

I have heard that there have been some specializations in the art industry, and you who are in the professional field of the spiritual field can't control it.

But no one wanted to go up and fight Liu Renjun while holding the nosebleed with one hand, it was not shameful enough.

Face is indeed a good thing, who doesn't want it?

Especially for Master Warlock, who has been unpopular with Mingguang's first number in the sky for more than two hundred years, when are so many people cheering for him and cheering for him?

Most of the time when they saw him, half of the people could not wait for his parents to give birth to six more legs and then they could run sideways. The remaining half were caused by broken ankles, maddened sheep, and anemic shock. .. In short, it is impossible to run.

Master Warlock is called a joy, that’s called excitement. Good fellow, just say that Master Warlock is always running and the sun is shining, okay, good, since I have Lord Warlock...emmmm, and Lin Shou, I have been enveloped by Lord Warlock. The dark cloud above his head was completely dispelled by the bright fel fire. Hey!

Master Warlock was full of enthusiasm, carrying a horse race on his arm to dance a storm of swordsmanship for everyone, and smoothly threw the two ponies, pia, that were about to lose their shape, to the ground.

Hand over,

"Hehe, concession, concession!"

Won a round of applause.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, Liu Renjun really wanted to yell "Who are you riding on a horse, snakeskin, crazy!" What kind of a ghost is this one who just popped out? It's almost inexplicable, is it a clown?

In view of the fact that there is a big flame woman standing on top of this head that is not easy to provoke at first glance, and waved to disperse her mental storm is actually more nasty than it looks, Liu Renjun sneered and found it interesting.

"Who are you, report your name! A certain Liu Renjun has never encountered a spiritual talent, nor does he kill an unnamed ghost!"


Liu Renjun said,


His expression suddenly stiffened, and his voice changed like a drake caught in his neck.

Master Warlock is really famous and terrifying!

Liu Renjun's almost green face suppressed the surging mental storm in his head, hehe with a dry smile,

"Jiu...Jiu Yang Da Ming, you... you... just called me, did you... know?"

A boo.

This person is afraid that he doesn't even want his face.

But... when everyone thought of the guy who was choked to death on the road by the old man Guazi, the eyes that looked at Liu Renjun couldn't help but bring a bit of same (xing) love (zai) into (le) points (huo). ).

Master Warlock smiled slightly, with a simple and honest expression, and the beautiful silver flames above her head were eye-catching.

"Mental storm, right? Huh?!"


The silver flame beauty on the top of the warlock's head suddenly let out a cry of tears, but everyone who heard it subconsciously clamped his legs, his face flushed.

Liu Renjun was different, he only felt that a great majesty was directly crushed on the sea of ​​his spiritual power, as fast as thunder.

The mental power competition is a hundred times more dangerous than the fist to the flesh fight, and the victory or defeat is only in a single thought.

However, the mental shock from the warlock was even thousands of times more terrifying than the mental storm generated by the mental power he had raised several times for some reason. Before it was approaching, he had already had an irresistible idea.

"Oh, it turns out, can anyone really reach this level?"

Liu Renjun completely gave up the resistance, no matter what, he was not afraid of being tortured out of his mind.


Liu Renjun only felt a numbness in his mind, and the pleasure was surging like a tide, and there was no reason for a moment.

But what others saw was this:

Just listening to the beauty of the silver flame on the top of the warlock’s head, the Qingming in Liu Renjun’s eyes instantly turned into confusion, and the whole person’s facial expressions became... trivial. After an inexplicable tremor, his entire face was actually covered. A kind of brilliance that can be described as "sacred"-just like a sage based on a moral commanding height.



"This...what's the situation..."

Yes, that's right.

If Mr. Zhou Zhou were there, he would be able to recognize at a glance the "death climax" named by his own humble apprentice full of awe.

Not fatal, no harm, but...

Liu Renjun awoke from the confusion, a strange cold and slippery sensation prompted him to look down at his legs.



"Is there...Is there...Puff~"

Well, take back the above remarks, to some extent, this is indeed a fatal crit injury.

"Don't do it!!"

Just when everyone was in a daze, a loud roar awakened everyone.

Lin Chou hung on the dazzling shovel, whizzing from the west of Mingguang, and when he flew to the gate of the second wall, he let go of his hands and slammed into the floor tiles beside the warlock.

Climbing out of the big pit, patted the ashes on his body, Chao Liu Renjun looked around for a few times before he breathed a sigh of relief, looking up and down the warlock.

"Are you okay? Do you feel something is wrong?"

Warlock:? ? ?

" both ate this handsome food, I was worried...forget it, now it seems completely fine."

Lin Chou did a kind of useless work. It seems that sometimes some worries about Gouyue's slutty system are completely unnecessary.

"Go away."

Saying that he waved his hand very handsomely, and made a gesture of catching the gods.


Thirty seconds passed without any movement.


Lin Chou muttered embarrassingly,

"Mad ran away inadvertently, it might have to fly for a while..."


Then he tied himself tightly with the big iron chain that was attached to the shovel, and threw the shovel out again. The iron chain creaked, and as the shovel flew away, the straightness of the shovel instantly made Lin Chou "swoosh". Followed and flew out.

The evolvers were dumbfounded,

"I go..."

"It's bright..."


Someone shouted,

"Hey, boss Lin is playing with swordsmanship, Li Shizhen's skin."

In the end, he really heard it.

With the sound of a shovel breaking through the air, Lin Chou's sudden arrogant voice threw it to the ground.

"If the sky doesn't give birth to me, someone Lin, shovel the way forever like a long night!"

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