Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 799: Gangster, my name is Huang Dashan (Thanks for waiting for the kiss!)

The great spiritual leader told us:

In terms of running away, running away is impossible. You can't run away in your life, and you won't be able to do business. It is to grab this kind of thing to maintain your life like this.

So after Lin Chou's clothes were torn into rags, in addition to calculating in his heart that they would also be added to the compensation, he had a bold idea.

Speed ​​has always been Lin Chou's weakness. Even when Bai Qiongshou ran, Lin Chou might not be able to catch up. It was just that the one in front of him was a bit too much. There was a clump of visual residue at all, and he almost couldn't even see it.

The only thing Lin Chou could do was to lift a shovel a little sideways to block before Zhu Ge Tiexin rushed up, and that was all.

When Zhu Ge Tiexin pulled out a long series of afterimages and pointed out the pitch-black fingers, Lin Chou bowed his head and made an action that made everyone **** in the air. He didn't hide this time, but slammed toward him. We are greeted by the front—take it with your face!


The whole Langshan seemed to tremble with a dull impact. The stone material similar to Langshan underfoot cracked through countless hideous cracks. The so-called spring water in the holy spring was all blasted into the sky. Thick fog is rolling.

The whole Langshan cursed everywhere, crying and howling—the spring water in the eyes of a few Koizumi could have a high temperature of more than 90 degrees.

"Boom boom!"

A series of roars.

After the mist dissipated, the Langshanren were stunned by the scene in front of them.

What holy spring, what altar, all disappeared.

A huge deep pit appeared at the location of the original holy spring, and there were also smaller pits in the pit, and the hot spring water gradually gathered at the bottom of the pit.

At the foot of the Wolf Mountain, there is no holy spring where the big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate. It is estimated that it will become a whole lake in the near future.

And their leader Zhu Ge Tiexin, like a dung beetle that couldn't turn over, was held high above his head by Lin Chou, roaring and struggling.

emmmm, to be precise, it was Lin Chou who pinched the arrow on Zhu Ge's back, making him immobile.

Lin Chou rubbed his cheeks,

"Fucking... actually scratching me, mad, you old man, scratching me?!"

For a while, the community is excited,


"Shameless villain!"

"Take advantage of the danger!"

"Let down the leader!"

"Go together, kill him!"

Lin Chou shook his arrow, and the leader's roar grew louder.

"Hey hey hey, why am I shameless when I hit level six? Are you shameless? Huh?"


Lin Chou glared over,

"To shut up!"

"If it weren't for your idea of ​​sneaking up the light just need to do it, I've got you to provoke you? Good guys still play air-to-ground blows. Meteor don’t need money?! You’re cool, Do you know how much money I lost!!! Huh???"

A wolf mountain man stupidly followed,

"how much is it..."

"One thousand one hundred and ninety-five thousand nine hundred and eighty plus seven thousand six hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and seventy circulation points! Round to one hundred million! You know!"

Lin Chou's eyes were all red, very serious, very serious.

Well, the points used to repair the small hall plus the circulation points are multiplied by ten. This is the lower limit of compensation stipulated by the system, and there is nothing wrong with Lin Chou's algorithm.


The scene was surprisingly quiet, and I didn't know if everyone in Langshan was doing math problems or what.

Then, their eyes converged somewhere.

The person who spoke just now suddenly panicked, weak and weak,

"Fuck... I really just ask casually... he he he..."


"Oh? This... Lin Chou, right? I know you!"

The hairs on Lin Chou's body stood up at the same time, his body resembling a bearing that hadn't been used in a hundred years, he turned around creakingly, and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

This is an old man dressed in animal skins with weird oil paint all over his body, looking at Lin Chou with dizzy eyes, and holding an old cane as a cane in his hand.

Unlike everyone in Langshan, whose backs and waists were like iron muscles, this old man was thinner than Lin Chou, almost as thin as dry, but just such an old man gave Lin Chou a dangerous instinct that he might die at any time.

Lin Chou quietly swallowed his saliva,

"Hehe, Big Brother Mud Howl, my name is Huang Dashan!"

The old man said amused.


"When the two armies are fighting, even if they don't cut their orders, Mr. Lin is also the first person Mingguang came to my wolf city. Old man, I am not going to act like that."

He glanced at Zhu Ge Tiexin, which was hung on a white horse hunting arrow like a banner.

"A good arrow, even if the old man doesn't shed the sacred object, it can't resist it."

Lin Chou's eyes rolled,

"who are you?"

The oil paint on the old man’s face squirmed like a dense swarm of insects,

"Didn’t Mr. Lin just hear it, old man, from Neilang Mountain, the same place as the Black Army’s coastal defense line and Luan Mountain Queen’s City."

Without waiting for Lin Chou to speak, he said leisurely,

"The ancestor beast can't last for an hour, and it will be delayed for a while. I am afraid that this life will be gone. Does Mr. Lin put his iron heart down first?"

Lin Chou stepped back,

"Do you treat me as a fool?"

"Oh? Hearing Mr. Lin said that the iron-hearted reckless behavior caused a lot of damage to Mr. Lin? Since material can be used to compensate, Mr. Lin probably doesn't mind collecting the source crystals, right? After all, Langshan didn't use circulation points. habit."

The old man chuckled, with a strange expression, especially the squirming oil paint on his face, which made Lin Chou's scalp breathe.

"As for the bones of Tiexin's eighteenth generation ancestors, they should be hung on him if they are not completely rotten. If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, he can take them away."

As he spread his hands, he held three brilliant source crystals in his palms, and at the same time, there was a sound of heavy objects falling from under Lin Chou's feet.

"In this box is a thousand square source crystals with a standard volume of 1~2. According to your Mingguang price, the price of a cubic centimeter of standard source crystals is 100,000, and one thousand is exactly worth 100 million circulation points."


Lin Chou is so embarrassed, what's the situation? !

I couldn't help but shudder in my heart. If this kind of **** plot appears in the movies that are usually put in the alley, it basically means that the dragon set drama is going to be completed and can receive a box of lunch and chicken drumsticks. Hey!

The old man suddenly put away his smile and looked at Lin Chou with deep meaning.

"I also hope that the little brother will give Mingguang a message to the person in charge. The children in the family are ignorant, confused by the treacherous man, and tried to provoke trouble after stealing a little from Neilangshan. Fortunately, it did not become irreversible. It's a big mistake, Wang Mingguang, Haihan, and one more thing, neither the Wolf City nor the Inner Wolf Mountain had any intention of being an enemy of Mingguang and the Black Army.

As for the meteorite matter-the meteorite was also sent with bright light. Inner Langshan will order the holy relic to no longer be recovered. Presumably, with the ability of bright light, the things obtained from the sacred insect can completely make up for all losses. "


The child is ignorant? pick a quarrel? !

Let me go, this old guy is 10,000 times shameless when he opened his eyes and talked nonsense!

The old man continued,

"In addition, the old man would like to ask the little brother to greet the surname Zhao alone. Is the old injury healed? If he dares to come to my inner wolf mountain and mess around, the old man will definitely make him look good!"

"Hehe, you have to bring him the original words, verbatim, and the few small things Mr. Lin has in his hand are the old man's gift to meet the children, how about?"

No matter how you look at the old man's expression a bit hideous when he said this, he couldn't hide his hatred.

"The surname is Zhao? Zhao...Qingcang?"

The old man's face stagnated, and it felt like the name was something disgusting and dirty, and it felt nauseous when it was mentioned.

"Children, can you pull out the arrow of the blast furnace on behalf of the old man? I am afraid that the things of the Gao family are not friendly to us outsiders... After the children are pulled out, the old man will have his own way..."

Lin Shou's gaze shifted back and forth between the old man's face and the White Horse Hunting Arrow-jealous, this old man was very jealous of the White Horse Hunting Arrow!

Lin Chou smiled innocently and harmlessly, and agreed neatly.



Lin Chou didn't give the old man a chance to react at all, and the hand that was holding the arrow suddenly used force - this time he didn't keep his hand, and he almost used the energy of breastfeeding.

The old man glared wide,

"Little boy, dare you—"

"Boom! Click!"

The center of the bizarre stone held by the belt and arrows on Zhuge Tiexin's back exploded with a cross-shaped martyrdom halo, which was torn apart.

The white horse hunting arrow that was released from the **** burst into an unparalleled majestic aura, and the turbulent waves of light repelled everything around it like a sea wave, even the old man was no exception, being pushed a full 100 meters away.


In the next moment, Lin Chou fished Zhu Ge Tiexin, and his whole person and the box full of Origin Crystal disappeared silently.

The White Horse Pursuing Arrow turned a corner and shot it at the old man who had suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Ge Tiexin who was unconscious.



With a weird feeling of weightlessness, Lin Chou's figure instantly appeared in the abandoned gold mine.

A series of system reminders that Didi Di keeps refreshing on the retina:

"Drip, host attributes are improved."

"Drip, host attributes are improved."

"Drip, host attributes are improved."


Needless to say, these are all improvements that the system does not include in the attribute list.

"Dip, congratulations to the host for making recognized delicacies. The cauldron is secretly made of neon dragons. The first time you make it, you will get a 120% special effect bonus, eliminating some negative effects.

Skills: Neon (pseudo). "

"Dip, congratulations to the host for making recognized food and money meat. The first time you make it, you get a 120% special effect bonus, eliminating some negative effects, and all attributes are +89.

Qianlu Skills (the only one):

Randomly seal one to three of the most proud bloodline abilities and alienation skills of the person who eats this dish, and transform them into one of the selectable primary attributes according to their power, including but not limited to mental strength, vitality, physical strength, and strength, if not selected , It is automatically filled to the highest value of the attribute, and the duration is six hours.

The stronger the ability, the higher the converted attribute value. The specific numerical reference quantity: skill power, promotion amount and essential height.

Note: ji, this ji is not the other ji.

In addition: it is sold at most once a month, and those who eat this dish will no longer produce effects within one year. "

"Dip, congratulations to the host for arranging ingredients reasonably, comprehending part of the essence of cooking, and producing rare and precious dishes that ignore the ranks. It is fully recognized by the kitchen **** system and included in the kitchen **** menu. Special reward: a high-level lucky draw opportunity, intelligence The value is +7, and I hope that the host will continue to work hard."

"Do you want to use the premium draw immediately*1?"

"Di, the infrastructure of the Yanhuishan Pavilion has been repaired."

"Di, the host's strong will was detected, and the benevolent system adult specially imported twenty-one mouthfuls of springs at a low price, which has been placed in the host's pre-designated location, deducting 210,000 points, and 1.21 million points in circulation. "

After a while.

"Di, all the anger chasing missions have been completed, and the system will be rewarded with 0.1% integration and 100 points.

The system integration degree is greater than or equal to 10%, and the system mall will be opened on time at 12:01 tomorrow.

Since the host borrowed the hands of others to complete this task, which violated the system's true intentions, the main points rewards were cancelled and 1,892,748 additional points were awarded. "

"Di, does the host need to exchange the standard source crystal, one sixth-order source crystal, and two fifth-order source crystals into circulation points in the list? The system will award some points as appropriate!"

Lin Chou glanced at the list subconsciously. The original long string of refreshing numbers only left less than 3 million points and more than 16 million circulation points, which suddenly became gross.

"I reject!"

"No exchange!"

"Mud rolls!!"

"Reward you**!"




Then the system really hides consciously.

Lin Chou sat down on the ground, only to realize that he was drenched everywhere from his chest to his back, and the sweat on his forehead ran directly into his eyes, which was very painful.

"Huh...If you don't die in catastrophe, you will have a blessing..."

He suddenly reacted,

"Eh? Wait...Zhu Ge Tiexin, dead?!!!"

Blast furnace guy, is that awesome?

The old fellow in Langshan gave Lin Chou the feeling that by twisting Wei Tianxing, Kong Yiwen, heavy wine, etc., would not necessarily be able to pass the anus, but Zhu Ge Tiexin still died?

How did you die? !

Lin Chou quickly left the matter behind, because he had been blinded by the light of a thousand standard source crystal cubes in the box.

"Fuck... One hundred million source crystals with circulation points, plus two Tier 5 and one Tier 6, how much is this worth... By the way, I haven't seen a Tier 6 source crystal yet... pretty."

Lin Chou had seen the fifth-order source crystal broken diamonds worn by Miss Wei and Miss Jiang, and the sixth-order source crystal in his hand was even more amazing.

Each of its faces is composed of regular triangles, not only the surface, but also the inside of the source crystal. The endless regular tetrahedral cells and regular triangular faces plus bright ridges and vertices look like a bunch of The infinitely refracted colorful light is locked in the source crystal, and at the center is a group of incomparably bright spots of light, as if it can absorb the soul of a person.

A string of fragmented and angular rays of light flowed out from the surface of this sixth-order source crystal, winding like a galaxy universe.

Lin Chou can guarantee that the most magnificent gems in this world are not uncommon, and even the two fifth-order source crystals are eclipsed in front of it like roadside stones.

The original power surging in this source crystal made Lin Chou feel like holding a nuclear bomb in the palm of his hand, but the trickle-like light spots seemed to have a bewitching strange power, making him involuntarily calm down— —Or obsessed with it.

Lin Chou looked at it for a while, and hurriedly put a few source crystals into the box and locked it, so that he didn't dare to look at it again.

"Mad, obviously not a woman, a straight steel man, hey, how can you be so interested in shiny things..."

What Lin Chou didn't know was that the time he consciously stared at the sixth-order source crystal was only a short while, but in fact it had been as long as two hours, and his expression was dull from beginning to end as if he was mentally retarded.

Then he took out a bunch of pale bones from his pocket, and Zhu Ge Tiexin's blood still remained on it.

After all, these gadgets were hung directly on him instead of clothes, and were torn off by Lin Chou.

One of the irregular prismatic bones is particularly special.

The surface of this bone is warm and moist like jade, and a thin bloodshot flowing tactfully inside the bone, looks more like the color of jade, very strange.

If Lin Chou was right, this was the key to Zhu Ge Tiexin's ability to survive without eating for ten days.

He is very interested in this bone.

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