Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 850: Eh, where's my fish?

The thread in his hand moved and pulled straight.

Lin Chou was overjoyed,

"Have you taken the bait?"

With his great power, let alone a few fishes, a small hill can be easily leveled. He doesn't pay attention to any skill and demeanor. The fish hooked under the brute force will be pulled over with little room for resistance.

The cable keeps shaking,

"With this strength, I feel that this fish is at least four or five hundred catties..."

At this time, Zheng Ou started to throw the hook for the second time, and cast a disgusting look at his beard.

"Hehe, don't it be sardines?"

The beard is angry,

"Do you think that everyone is as dark as your face, and such a good bait actually catches a sardine?"


(Actually I am Zheng Ou, the Ou of Europe!)

Seeing that the cable under the sea surface was about to go out of the range of the crater, a large number of bubbles suddenly rolled out of the sea surface, the sea water surged, and at the same time, Lin Chou followed with a light in his hand.


Pill, Lin Chou's face was suddenly distorted.

After all the cables were retracted, the head of a yellow-lipped fish was indeed hung on the hook.

The whole part of the back of his head disappeared, and the fish flesh attached to his head was like rags.

Zheng Ou was stunned,

"Ripped off by...? By that big octopus?"

Lin Chou jumped off the boat with a dark face, and carried away the Gada duck and a few wooden barrels, which had already been scared, and tied the wooden barrel to the duck with a rope and released it.

The duck was also stupid, just escaping from Lin Chou's clutches, and swam to the depths of the crater simply, the barrel behind it was fluttering and shaking.

At first there was no movement. As the duck swims farther and farther, the tentacle monster in the sea can't stand it anymore.


A tentacle broke out of the water and drew it towards the poor duck... the wooden barrel behind him.

"You are waiting!"

Lin Chou grabbed the tentacle,

"Come on, look at my Lin's windmill!"


The tentacle monster hiding under the water obviously failed to react, and was thrown out of the water by Lin Chou. Accompanied by the whistling wind, the octopus monster with tentacles two hundred meters long flew directly into the air.

The surrounding sea surface of half a kilometer was dented downward by the invisible weight, and Lin Chou was seen rising into the sky like a cannonball.


Hundreds of tentacles of the octopus monster broke apart in hundreds of directions at the same time, and the body burst open very simply, the ink was everywhere, and a large piece of seawater was dyed black.


Zheng Ouqing couldn't help but pushed back two steps, the terrifying fist wind stung his eyes.

Wu Zhonghou's mouth opened into an O shape,

"The strength of this guy... Malgobi, I really feel that my fifth-order is fake, fake hey!"

As soon as the octopus monster died, the entire waters of the crater shook suddenly, as if a stone was thrown in a small pool, and layers of water wave from the center.


More than a dozen water breaking sounds sounded almost at the same time. The tiger sharks and strange fish mentioned by Xiao Hong all showed up. Without exception, their bodies are very large, but they don't have any grade aura at all.

They swim quietly in place, seeming to be waiting for something.

In the center of the waters of the crater, a small island full of silt on the bottom of the sea quietly surfaced, and then two big ao peeked out from both sides of the small island, waving screamingly, and the rising waves were several meters high—and Accompanied by a very strong Tier 3 strange animal aura.

According to Lin Chou's professional analysis of 360 degrees without blind spots, well, this is at least a green-named elite monster.

He couldn't help taking a step back, not because of fear, but—

", Nima..."

Not only Lin Chou, who was close, but also the faces of everyone on the sea hunting ship anchored far from the crater began to turn green or pale.

Zheng Ou’s expression was like seeing a ghost, holding his throat in pain,

"Fuck... ugh... scabies crab... your uncle..."

This smell not only attacks people's sense of smell, but also makes people feel that even the respiratory tract has been smeared with a layer of chili oil. It is sticky and painful, and it can be called a biochemical weapon.

Xiao Hong covered his mouth and nose with a towel soaked in water, and his voice was dull.

"Tier 3 sea beast? It's rare...why...why I don't want to take it back and sell it...why..."

Meng Xiang also spoke.

"Sister Hong, if you get it on the boat, I will jump into the sea immediately. If there is it on this boat, I don't have it, I don't have it!"

"Yes, there would be no us!"

Even the towel soaked in water couldn't stop the horrible smell, Xiao Hong's whole body was shaken by the smoke, and she shook her head vigorously.

"Don't worry, I...I'm still young and want to live well."

The nearest Lin Chou's tears burst directly, and he couldn't stop it, rushing.

——Brother, you give me a chance to do it again, what kind of big yellow lips and small yellow lips, I promise to turn around and leave and never come back!

——Why didn’t I bring Naxiang red bean fruit? ?

Lin Chou gritted his teeth secretly, and when he comes out to wander around in the future, he must bring twenty catties of red bean fruit. You can breathe the fragrance and remove the peculiar smell by putting it around.

Helpless, now I can only bite my teeth and bite my scalp, the smell is smelled, who dares to let me suffer from the pure black iron rooster Lin? !

Taking a step out, the waves surging, like a somersault cloud under Wukong's feet, holding Lin Chou forward, and he came to the big crab's side in a short breath.

Even if the thighs subconsciously hold their breath, the stinging stench of the eyes and respiratory tract will continue to hit.

Grab the big claw of the scabies crab,

"Fuck me..."

This is the first time that Lin Chou has used all his strength--ah no, he almost used the energy to suckle.


The scabies crab, which had just appeared for less than three seconds, rushed into the sky at a shocking speed, and the outer shell rubbed against the air to ignite a fiery flame, disappearing into the sky like a meteor.


Celebrate the whole world!

There was nothing to say next, the only Tier 3 sea beast was easily disappeared by humanity, and all the others were arranged neatly to go to the ship's cold storage as companions.

Lin Chou didn't think there was anything wrong, but everyone on the boat was shocked.

"I'm fascinated, if I have the ability to float on the water, what kind of sea beast, even if Godzilla comes, I won't be afraid!"


"Envy +1"

"Envy +10010"

Xiao Hong suddenly shouted,

"Lin Chou be careful!!"

Lin Chou was taken aback, everything was done, why be careful?


A tearing sound like thunder rang out at the root of Lin Chou's ears, and then the whole person flew out. After the body was lifted off the ground, he felt a sharp pain on his cheeks.

Lin Chou was beaten up,

"Fuck, what is it, haunted?"

Xiao Hong and others shouted from afar,

"Crayfish, it must be a crayfish!"

Lin Chou was wondering what they were shouting there, and there was another pain under his feet.


The most poisonous is not a woman's heart, and the most painful is the sole of the foot.

Lin Chou almost didn't pull it directly, holding her feet crookedly on the sea.

Xiao Hong couldn't help covering his face and was kind to Wu Zhong.

"Yes, fortunately Boss Lin is physically strong, otherwise he will be just like you..."

Wu Zhonghou was so embarrassed,

"I... I am not an agile evolver, and I am also desperate!"

After Lin Chou touched the soles of his feet, he finally saw the thing attacking him. It was a crayfish about the length of his middle finger.

——Shen special crayfish!

In this regard, Lin Chou once remembered the fear of being dominated by Pippi Shrimp. When he was still crouching, he managed to get the birdtail mantis shrimp hidden in the belly of the toad, a batch of fierce ones!

This crayfish is dark red in color and has blue star points on the carapace of its head.

After slamming the soles of Lin Chou's feet, he hid in the sea more than one meter away beside him, like a seaweed, swaying with the waves.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from a few people on the boat, he would have never noticed this little thing.

As soon as the crayfish saw Lin Chou's gaze swept over, the six thin legs and tail flicked quickly, and disappeared under the sea with a swish, leaving only a string of tiny blisters in the corridor.


Lin Chou really couldn't catch this, so fast!

I don't know if it was an illusion, Lin Chou always felt that something was wrong with that crayfish.

All the dangerous alien beasts had been dealt with, and the sea hunting boat motor started to move closer to Lin Chou.

Xiao Hong said loudly,

"Boss Lin...Although it's not the first time I have seen you, your skill in floating on the water is really enviable for those of us who live at sea all year round."

Lin Chou was about to get on the boat to get the remaining cables and hooks, suddenly startled.

On the cable around his waist that has not come out of the sea, there is quietly hanging a thin transparent silk thread like a spider silk. When he turned around, the silk thread rubbed against the cable and issued a "hey". With a sound, it cut to the center of the cable instantly, and almost cut the cable directly.

Lin Chou subconsciously grasped the thread,


The silk thread with both ends in the water suddenly stretched straight, and suddenly a huge force came from the silk thread, pulling the unsuspecting Lin Chou staggered.


"Give me the empty spool of the cable!"

Everyone also looked at the crystal-like silk thread curiously, and threw it over the spool.

"what is this?"

Lin Chou said,

"I don't know, just pull it up and you will know."

As Lin Chou continued to use the spool to gather the silk thread, the things underneath continued to struggle and scurry everywhere.

Lin Chou blinked,

"What are you kidding me? Come on up~"


Two objects, one black and one red, came out of water at the same time, and the red one was the crayfish that had just beaten Lin Chou's tongs.

As for the black one...

Lin Chou asked weirdly,

"Does this thing look like a wallet?"

Zheng Ou swallowed his saliva and nodded.

"Ellis produced a two hundred and sixty-sixty-spotted deer leather wallet. Decades ago, the base city seemed to be very popular. My dad had one... and said it was very commemorative."

After being pulled out of the water, the crayfish came down and did not move. When Lin Chou wanted to take the thread off, he suddenly discovered that the thread actually extended from the carapace in the middle of the crayfish tail—this thing is straightforward. Grown from crayfish!

The other end of the silk thread extends to a small obsidian-like stone on the purse-there is still no trace of adhesion, even a few millimeters of transparent stone surface can see the inside like a cocoon A corner of the wire harness.

The people on the boat put down the floating platform and got off the boat in a hurry. Seeing this situation, they looked at each other.

This horse...

Zheng Ou swallowed,

"I think... Boss Lin, you probably found something incredible."

Lin Chou opened his wallet silently,


A mound of silt and a few small conch fell out.


Lin Chou put the wallet in the water and washed it. There was a vaguely faint handwriting on the inner lining. He opened his eyes and looked over——Warlock's exclusive wallet, No. 1093. If found, please return it to the original owner, this Warlock Thank you very much...

There must be a few lines across the four words of thank you, and the words continue to be written-never come close to you in the future, I hope you will always be favored by the power of luck.


Lin Chou believed that his expression must be very hideous, because his eyeballs might have fallen out and ran away.

Looking back, there was no one on the floating platform long ago. Those guys were crawling on the boat with their **** pouting.

"Hurry up, turn around, run!"

"I take jujube pills so much, our boat actually picked up the relic of the uncle Warlock..."

"Yaoshou, go home, Ma Ma, I want to go home to see you for the last time~ My son is not filial, you may want your old white-haired person to give away the black-haired person~"

Lin Chou: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

He took a sleeve in the middle of the wallet, and found out a mess of dirty paper... Maybe it should be the Yuanjing ticket...

Looking at the size of this small rotten piece of almost weirdly colored paper, if it has a 100 face value, it should be about two sheets.

Then he drew out a shiny metal card with several surging lines like "fog".

When Lin Chou fixed his eyes, the lines quickly distorted, forming a few lines of text.

"126 years, Yun.

For the 12395th time, the track deviated and searched.

It failed and was useless to find a burning stone core in the sea.


 ̄へ ̄





Fuck: One of the spicy crayfish I bought with the last three hundred circulation points on my body is alive, alive!

Hum: I'm going to kill Xue Guangyuan, this little bastard.

Another: I'm thinner again, and my hands are more and more like skeletons, with only bones and blood vessels under the skin.

Another thing: always forget some things, *** the key mark, want to buy a cloak that covers the whole body, but it is super expensive. "

At the end of the whole article, no word is bad.

I don't know why, when Lin Chou looked at the full three lines of "emmmmm", he seemed to think of the chewing sound of the sorcerer deliberately using a spell to simulate it.

——The fog grass is poisonous!

Then Lin Chou finally remembered what was wrong. He picked up the crayfish and took a look. Sure enough, there was a line of inconspicuous black writing on the crayfish's head—ha, Xue Guangyuan, die!


Lin Chou's eyes widened suddenly-

126 years?

Xue Guangyuan bastard?

How old is the warlock?

Also, what the **** is losing weight again, what the **** is there only bones and blood vessels under the skin?

He, there was a physical one before?

The sack of balls...

So the crater is not a submarine volcano at all, is it likely that the warlock uncle rubbed the meteorite directly? !

Lin Chou raised his head and shouted to the boat,

"Can the wireless reach the base city?"

He wanted to talk to the warlock at the moment, he seemed to lie about his age.

The answer is of course no-unless all the haze on the sea dissipates.

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