Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 858: Apparition is a moment of refreshment

Speaking of ordinary people, it is a disadvantage. This group of evolvers started to sing a good show, and the crew has eaten almost, holding their stomachs and yelling.

They are very consciously busy. They just took over the management of the grill by the side with nothing to do, listening to the big guys talking about them-by the way, they output 666 on a large scale in various forms and in the right tone.

Ignorance, do you think the crew on the sea hunting ship is so easy to do? In addition to their job, there are many skills that need to be mastered or even proficient.

At this moment, especially the uncle Warlock, the interest is quite high.

——He likes this kind of rushing to have friends wherever he goes. If possible, he really wants to give them all the light of luck!

Xiao Hong felt that she had to say something.

"Boss Lin is really sorry, the previous space..."

The information she gave, there were no brackens, no toads jumping around on the floor, but the Evil Shark was saved. Lin Chou caught the few yellow-lipped fish by himself. It made her feel guilty of deceiving others, and it was uncomfortable.

Lin Chou's expression is bitter, which can't be blamed on others, occasionally he also suspects that he has an unlucky aura of destiny.

"I can guess a little bit about what is in this ancestral land, and I was mentally prepared before going."

Xiao Hong didn't say anything any more, this favor owed too much.

He secretly remembered what Lin Chou was looking for, and if he had a chance, he had to inquire about it.

The warlock had almost eaten it and said,

"Would you like to go back?"

Lin Chou nodded,

"Wonderful! You didn't leave the relationship directly because of this meal, right?"

"Don't let people return the blue bar yet? I consume a lot of money, do you..."

"Can you pack up my fish?"

"Yes, I don't know how many kilograms are left after the Apparition is removed, the heavier and the bigger the more troublesome."


Lin Sorrow waved goodbye to the warlock and the people on the sea hunting ship, and with a bang, it turned into a gray mist and disappeared.

Zheng Ou who was hammered to death:

"Uncle Warlock's Phantom Shift also dared to take a ride. Boss Lin really didn't have an AC number in his heart. Phantom Shift was refreshing for a while, and his head was separated from the crematorium!"

Meng Xiang, who was tired of beating and sweating profusely:

"A true warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood!"

Xiao Hong squeezed his chin, meditating:

"Didn't you pay attention, Master Warlock's bad luck halo, it seems that it hasn't worked-at least in this boat, Lao Sha doesn't count."


Mingguang, Outer City, West Gate.

A group of people was talking about the "sign" somewhere at the root of the city wall,

"Tsk... I ran off again..."

"It would be great if the strength of this man was only five. The beautiful scenery of Yan Huishan reminded me of a routine called captive breeding."


"How many days is this?"

"It's been almost half a month, alas, my old man will ask me once every two hours, and once every two hours, I almost don't know how to return."

"So urgent?"

"Isn't it? My little nephew just got into a martial arts school classmate, every three to five fights, every time he comes back, his nose is blue and swollen. I have to arrange for me to stand up for my nephew. Damn, I can't afford to lose that person."

On the wall is a small blackboard with a familiar shape, the kind that a certain Lin Chengda bought in wholesale.

It was originally placed at the entrance of the store, but I don’t know which wicked goods stolen one and hang it here.

——3.13, there is also an inexplicable red X on the back.

Anyone familiar with it knows that this means that Boss Lin's shop has not opened yet.

One person said,

"Hey, this X was drawn yesterday. No one has updated it today. According to my calculation, Boss Lin is likely to be back today or tomorrow."

"Huh? Why."

Just listen to the first-order guy saying loudly,

"I have news. Boss Lin's shovel flew away yesterday, and Master Warlock followed. When Boss Lin uses the spice box on the shovel, he will usually come back immediately. Basically it is not bad, so accurate."

"Oh, okay brother, with your auspicious words, I will try my luck now."

"Go and go together!"

The small circle dispersed, leaving only the first-order evolutionary and his friends who had just made the prediction.

The man's friend worried,

"Second Lord, you... If Boss Lin doesn't come back, what should they do if they trouble you?"

Well, our "Second Master" Bao Er said with a grin.

"Hey, no, I'm sure... I have to go and see too, are you with me?"

"I have thought about it. Our business in the base city is still too busy. I can't go away. Erye, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Bao Er looked miserable.

"Old Hu, don't you know, those big and scary gangsters are too tight."

Old Hu trembling almost kneeled.

"Two, two, two masters, you... this is the guard who stole it. Those guys can only open one eye and close one eye to let them out of the back house when they see your business is safe. You can easily get into trouble, my God. Where is there an impermeable wall underneath?!"


"Your kid wants to step on horses a lot!"

Bao Er threw a violent shudder on Lao Hu's head.

"They heard that Boss Lin had set up a hot spring, and they were eager to try it. Where would I dare to offend them? Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I hope Boss Lin will come back quickly and never come back. We can’t just eat them alive. The rich are all uncles. They don’t really make money with this money."

Old Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are clarifying, you scared me to death..."

Bao Er waved his hand.

"Yes, keep your eyes on the business in the base city, I have to take a trip to take a look."


Bao Er rode on his beloved motorcycle all the way to Yanhui Mountain-the small blackboard at the gate under the mountain was still there.

Bao Er took out a golden card from his pocket in distress.

"It's hard to make money, yes, I have to be rubbed on the ground again when I go back."

A buddy next to him is worse than Bao Er. He is an acquaintance. He turned around and said,

"Pressing on the ground to rub? I would rather be rubbed on the ground... Tomorrow the old man will kick me to the martial arts school to rub other children on the ground for my little nephew, my baby feels bitter!"

Bao Er glanced sympathetically at the old man.

"It's quite bitter."

People who are hanged are not necessarily sad, nor are they happy to be beaten.

Well, this thing mainly depends on temperament.

The man took a glance, his face changed, and his vigor came out.

"Eh? The boss Lin that you just said might be back today, right? Do you know that it is cruel to give people hope in despair and extinguish this hope?"


It's not good, it's irritating.

Bao Er thinks that he must have not read the almanac when he went out today, or is the Flag too strong?

So the question is, what kind of posture do I have to escape so I won't be overtaken by the Tier 4 Intermediate Evolutionist who is going to hang the children tomorrow?

Bao Erqi sank Dantian,

"My dear friend, let's do it slowly. The market purchases and delivers them to your door. Various news channels have guaranteed the live broadcast of the derailment of Xiaosan catching the **** on the official monkey street. Below is the errand prince Bao Er! Have you ever heard of it?"

"Please be sure to hand it over to businesses like this kind of embarrassing and extremely high degree of difficulty. We are professional. We have the whole team on standby at all times and a 20% discount on cash on delivery. The reputation is guaranteed!"

Bao Er's thirst for survival is getting stronger.

The man's eyes flickered, and he looked up and down.

"Oh? Don't fool me. I heard that Bao Er is an ordinary person, and you are clearly an evolutionary."

Bao Er slapped the ID card out, proudly said.

"Hey, a little bit of luck recently, thanks to Boss Tolin and Brother Black Dog, I'm also an evolutionary."

The man twisted his neck and crackled,

"That's not okay. Children can't be slapped by any cat or dog. You are only first-order low-level, and other children are first-order high-level. How can you sling?"

Bao Er: o(╥﹏╥)o

Sure enough, in this era of indifferent, cool and paper-thin human feelings, even the last warmth of my second master Bao will be deprived of it.

Bao Er decisively gave up resistance.

Yes, accept your fate, nine out of ten times when life is unsatisfactory.

Just listened to a strange sound of "poof" above the head, followed by a series of screams.

"Ahhhh, warlock, you scam!"

Another voice,

"Emmmm, it's a bit crooked, in fact, looking down at Yanhui Mountain from a high altitude, do you feel that the scenery is still beautiful?!"

"Beautiful ass... Damn it's about to hit..."

"Bang, click."

Then there was a figure on the other side of Bao Er.

The huge and thick iron box was directly leaked, and Lin Chou pulled himself out of it blankly.

"Well, good noon."

It's a pity that this followed Lin Chou's box for a long time and was finally reimbursed.


The guy next to Bao Er turned his head and drove away, faster than the rabbit.

Bao Er also said quickly,

"Good boss Lin at noon, I will send you a big business home tomorrow, let's go first~"

The faster you run, the better. Hurry back and shake the group to help Boss Lin. Take advantage of this next time you run away from home before you are on the agenda!

Lin Chou said quietly,

"My guests are all scared away by you."

The warlock hugged the three yellows and fell to the side lightly,

"Is the mental capacity so bad?"

As soon as Lin Chou came back, the mountain immediately became lively.

The hairy cow, who was struggling to gnaw on Nepenthes Nepenthes, arrived at the battlefield first and rushed towards Lin Chou.


One kick, the curve ball, and the fur ball flew away with a moo.

Si Gouzi's tail wagged like a big windmill, and rushed towards him.


Another kick, the drum fly away.

Lin Chou is very satisfied with his actions, style, compulsive style, not too chic with complete dual styles.


His face changed instantly.

Lord Gungun pointed far away.

Boss Lin stood up from the ground and flew away with a swish.

"Fuck... don't..."

Secret Skill*Thomas whirls and pulls to fly to accelerate *cute and hug your face to kill!

After licking wildly, the wet boss Lin had no love.

Su Yourong and Big Breast Sister trembling,

"Um... Boss (Wet Tiger)!"

The two employees wondered if they couldn't escape, and they would be criticized. There was only a chicken in the boss's beloved seasoning box.

Emmmmm turned out that the chicken hadn't been eaten and was brought back by the warlock, pills.

Lin Chou was still hugged between his palms.

"Help me."


"I can't get up..."


Huang Dashan and Wu Ke came up from behind,

"Oh, who is this? Isn't this our Lin*run away from home*big boss*worry, he finally has enough outside waves, and is willing to go home?"

Huang Dashan and Wu Ke were full of notes, and the wind blew into one piece.

Lin Chou wiped his face vigorously,

"What did you two do?"

Huang Dashan smiled,

"It's boring, we were playing fishing just now, this kid is losing so badly, it's not Shan Ye my opponent at all!"

Wu Ke was the first to refuse.

"Obviously, the note on your face is better than mine, isn't it?"

"Well, I have won a lot of times so I have a lot of papers. This is normal."


There is such a brazen person!

Huang Dashan said,

"It just happened to be back. The projects in the base city have been completed these few days. I saw a lot of people coming and leaving. That's all money-but before the four walls are announced, they should be able to make a lot of money. Everyone I have a large pen in my pocket waiting to splurge."

Big breasted sister also followed,

"Someone sent some strange animals that are not very common but are said to taste good. Huang Dashan said that they could be accepted, so I accepted..."

Lin Sorrow said,

"Where did you get the circulation point?"

Huang Dashan smiled,

"I think things are good. For example, there are some colorful hazel chickens. Anyway, you should use them for cheap and terribly cheap. Just let the big breasted sister take it. The money... Your boss Lin has such a big face, just don’t They can't ask for money to be personal. They are happy."


Why does it sound like a handsome guy, why don't I know?

"Wait, the four walls are really going to be built?!"

Huang Dashan said,

"Yes, just after it was settled, the agricultural and pastoral areas in the Xiacheng District will move to the new district. After this time, the land and food should be almost enough-the base city is a lot closer to you."

Talking and scratching his head,

"Damn it, it is estimated that this construction will take at least a year and a half, and you should still go to volunteer work for the money. You can do it~"

Lin Chou smacked his lips.

"I went... changed the policy again? Didn't you use evolution before?"

Huang Dashan laughed,

"That was all ten years ago, and now there are a lot more evolving players. According to the rank calculation, it is estimated that idlers below the third rank will have to be pulled over."

"Yeah, right, the tax rate was announced a few days ago. This year, we will temporarily increase the tax rate by 35%. The quota below the third level will definitely not be fulfilled. I can only work hard. No, it's just waiting for us. ."


God, don’t even want to take a penny out of this handsome, don’t even think about it!

"Work is the most glorious, and I am the most proclaimed who is the **** of labor~"

Huang Dashan smiled weirdly.

"At least 60,000 circulation points are available, hey, I will radio Lao Bai and the others in a while, as expected!"

"Hey hey hey, what do you mean?"

"We made a bet a few days ago that even Master Wen Zhao Erye participated, and bet whether you are paying taxes or paying for your voluntary work. Hehehehe."

Lin Chou turned and walked towards the back mountain, his back desolate.

— "I want to be quiet."

This is really an age when personal feelings are as thin as paper.

Suddenly I really want to play a complete set of shovel against them, shouldn't they kill people?

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